Action profiles

An action profile, commonly known as a saved answer, stores settings for one of the wizards in ActivityHD such as Change, Show List, Combine, Proof, or Merge. Action profiles make it easy to reuse the same settings time after time without repeating the setup.

ClosedCreate an action profile

  1. Start the wizard for the action you need to create an action profile for.
  2. Specify the filtering criteria and process options you want.
  3. Click to the right of the Answers drop-down list. The Save Answers dialog box opens.

  4. In the Name field, type a name for the action profile.
  5. If you want other users to have access to your action profile, mark the Shared checkbox.
  6. If you want the action profile to load automatically the next time you run the wizard, mark the Auto Restore checkbox.
  7. Click OK. Saved action profiles can be accessed from the Answers menu or the Answers drop-down list.

ClosedUse an action profile

  1. Start the appropriate wizard.

  2. From the Answers drop-down list, select the profile to load. ActivityHD loads the values from the selected profile in the wizard.

  3. Continue with the wizard as usual.

ClosedModify an action profile

  1. Start the wizard for the action you need to modify an action profile for.
  2. Ensure the action profile you want to modify is selected in the Answers drop-down list.
  3. Make the changes you need to the wizard setup.
  4. When you finish, go to the menu and select Answers > Save. The Save Answers dialog box opens.
  5. To save the modified profile with a new name, select "Save As" and type a new name in the Name field. Otherwise, ensure that "Save" is selected.
  6. If you want other users to have access to the action profile, ensure that the Shared checkbox is marked.
  7. If you want the action profile to load automatically the next time you run the wizard, ensure the Auto Restore checkbox is marked.
  8. Click OK.

ClosedExport an action profile

Export to an XML file

  1. Start the set-up wizard for the action you want to export a profile for.
  2. Select > Answers > Export and then select either Current Values or a named action profile and then select To File. The Export Answers dialog box opens.
  3. Navigate to the folder where you want to save the action profile and select it.
  4. In the File name field, enter a name for the action profile.
  5. Click Save. The file is saved to the location you specified.

Export to the clipboard

  1. Start the set-up wizard for the action you want to export a profile for.
  2. Select > Answers > Export and then select either Current Values or a named action profile and then select To Clipboard. The action profile is saved to your clipboard and is available for pasting into another document (e.g., a dashboard article).

ClosedImport an action profile

  1. Start the set-up wizard for the action you want to import a profile for.
  2. Select > Answers > Import. The Import Answers dialog box opens.
  3. Navigate to the folder where the action file you want to import is located and select the XML file.
  4. Click Open. The settings are loaded into the wizard.
  5. To save the imported settings for future use, go to the menu and select Answers > Save. The Save Answers dialog box opens.
  6. Select "Save As".
  7. Enter a Name for the action profile and set other options as desired.
  8. Click OK.

ClosedDelete an action profile

  1. Start the wizard for the action profile you want to delete.
  2. Select > Answers > Delete and then select the profile name. ActivityHD prompts you to confirm that you want to delete the profile.

  3. Click Yes.