ActivityHD Purchasing allows users to record standard purchase orders and miscellaneous purchases, process them, and produce AP invoices for them.

ClosedKey features

ActivityHD Purchasing supports entry of standard purchase orders and miscellaneous purchases and the generation of AP invoices. Miscellaneous purchases are typically purchases that are entered after the fact, such as purchases made on a company credit card or charge account or employee purchases which require reimbursement.

Standard Purchase Orders

The following diagram shows the general flow of a standard purchase order in ActivityHD Purchasing.

Available statuses for a standard purchase order:

  • New. A purchase order that has not been approved for release to the vendor. Depending on your setup, a purchase order may require formal approval steps before it is released.
  • Hold. This status prevents processing of a purchase order. A hold purchase order is not ready for approval or release to the vendor. If a purchase order is placed on hold after being released to the vendor, hold status prevents it from being invoiced or received.
  • Ready. A purchase order that is ready for approval. If the purchase order does not require approval, you can skip this status. If approval is required, the purchase order must be in "Ready" status in order to be eligible for the approval process.
  • Master. A purchase order that is approved and can be released to the vendor. After a purchase order is moved to "Master" status, receipts and invoices can be recorded against it.
  • Closed. A purchase order for which all lines have been invoiced and received, or a purchase order that is canceled.
  • Canceled. A purchase order for which no further processing (invoicing and receiving) is permitted. If commitments have been posted for the purchase order, they are reversed.

Formal approval process

While optional, ActivityHD's standard purchase order process allows you to institute a formal approval process which must be completed before a purchase order can be released to the vendor. Approvals are configured at the department level. The following approval settings are available on the department record:

  • Number of approval levels. You can define 0 to 4 approval levels. Approval levels are associated with operators (authorized ActivityHD system users). If a department does not require approvals, set the number of approval levels to 0.
  • Dollar limits by approval level.
  • Approval buffer. The buffer controls how much a purchase order can increase after approval before it must be reapproved.

Commitment posting

The standard purchase order process also offers the option to post commitments for purchases. Commitments let you reserve funds from an appropriated budget to honor a purchase order for goods or services. GL entries for commitments are made when a purchase order is moved to "Master" status. Commitments are processed as special AP commitment invoices which are not eligible for payment. When a purchase is invoiced or canceled, the commitment is reversed.

Commitments are typically recorded in a separate commitment ledger. By including the commitment ledger along with the budgets and actuals when you do budgetary reporting and analysis, you get a better picture of the allocation of budgetary resources.


Standard purchase order processing requires that you record receipts against a purchase order before the purchase order can be closed. A product-level setting, Receipt Required, requires a receipt before any invoice created from a purchase of the product can be merged in Accounts Payable.

Miscellaneous Purchases

The following diagram shows the general flow of a miscellaneous purchase in ActivityHD Purchasing.

Miscellaneous purchases are purchases that have already occurred when they are entered in ActivityHD Purchasing. Typically, these are purchases by an employee using their own funds which need to be reimbursed, or purchases using a company credit card or vendor charge account. You must assign a purchasing agent to each miscellaneous purchase. The purchasing agent must have an AP vendor assigned to it so that payment can be made through Accounts Payable. The AP vendor may be an employee, a credit card company, or the supplier of goods and services purchased on account.

In addition to an AP vendor, each miscellaneous purchase is assigned a business vendor. The business vendor represents the company from whom the purchase was actually made. If it's not important that you capture specific vendor information on a purchase or if it's an expense where no vendor was involved (such as mileage reimbursement or per diem expenses), you can use a generic miscellaneous vendor to record the purchase.


Example Purchasing Agent AP Vendor Business Vendor
An employee purchases office supplies with a company credit card. You want to track purchases from the specific office supply vendor. Employee Credit card company Office supply vendor
An employee purchases a plane ticket for company travel using their own credit card. It is not necessary to track the particular airline the employee purchased the ticket from. Employee Employee Miscellaneous vendor
An employee conducts a business meeting where food was catered for lunch. The food was ordered from a local restaurant where the company maintains an open charge account. Employee Restaurant vendor Restaurant vendor


A purchasing agent is defined by the combination of purchasing agent and AP vendor. For the examples above where a single employee made all three purchases, you would need to define three distinct purchasing agents:

  • One purchasing agent for the employee/credit card company combination.
  • One purchasing agent for the employee/employee combination.
  • One purchasing agent for the employee/restaurant vendor combination.

Standard Purchase Orders and Miscellaneous Purchases Compared

The table below presents the fundamental differences between standard purchase orders and miscellaneous purchases in ActivityHD Purchasing.

Standard Purchase Orders Miscellaneous Purchases
Data entry Entered in the Orders folder. Entered in the Purchases folder.
Record identifier Purchase orders are assigned a sequential order number. Detail lines, which represent individual purchases, are assigned a line number. Detail lines on a purchase order are uniquely identified by concatenating the purchase order number and the line number.


00123-1 would represent detail line 1 on purchase order number 00123.

Miscellaneous purchases are identified by concatenating the agent name with a sequential number. The sequential number is unique with respect to the assigned agent.


MMINIVER-1 would represent the first purchase assigned to purchasing agent MMINIVER.

Commitment posting Commitment posting is enabled per department. Each purchase order for a commitment-enabled department will be flagged to post commitments by default, but the commitment flag can be turned off on a purchase order by purchase order basis.

Commitment posting can also be enabled by purchasing agent. Each purchase on a purchase order that is assigned to a purchasing agent who is flagged to post commitments automatically triggers creation of commitment invoices when the purchase order is changed to "Master" status. Agent purchases are separated by department for commitment posting. On the other hand, if a purchase on a purchase order is assigned to an agent who is not flagged for commitment posting, the purchase will be excluded from commitment posting.

Commitment posting can be enabled by purchasing agent. Each purchase (miscellaneous or on a standard purchase order) for a purchasing agent flagged to post commitments automatically triggers creation of commitment invoices when the purchase is changed to "Master" status. Agent purchases are separated by department for commitment posting.
Approval process An approval process with multiple approval levels and multiple approval limits can be set up by department. If an approval process is enabled, purchase orders must be approved before they can be moved to "Master" status and released to the vendor. Not applicable.
Inventory Inventory purchases are enabled by department. If inventory is enabled, each purchase order detail line can be designated either "Expense" or "Inventory". All miscellaneous purchases are considered expenses.
Processing Invoicing and receiving are processed by purchase order. Invoicing is processed by purchasing agent.
Receiving Receiving is required to close a purchase order. Not applicable.

ClosedInitial setup of Purchasing

First Things First

Efficient operation of Purchasing requires that several types of records be set up before you commence regular data entry. These include records in General Ledger, Accounts Payable, and Purchasing. The following discussion indicates the records you need to set up in the order you need to set them up. For your convenience, each section contains a link to a topic that describes how to set up the corresponding records.

General Ledger Setup

Ensure that you have the appropriate GL accounts set up in your chart of accounts to accurately record liabilities, expenses, and inventory related to purchasing activities.

Liability accounts

Among the categories of liability accounts you may need are:

  • Accounts Payable liability
  • Use tax payable
  • Payment withholding payable

Expense accounts

Among the categories of expense accounts you may need are:

  • Supplies
  • Maintenance
  • Consulting/contractor fees
  • Use/sales tax
  • Freight

Inventory accounts

If you enable inventory for one or more of your purchasing departments, you need to define the inventory accounts needed to accurately record inventory purchases.

Commitment accounts

You can use commitments to reserve funds from an appropriated budget to honor purchase orders for goods and/or services. The GL entries for commitments are made when the purchase order is moved to "Master" status. Commitments are processed as special AP commitment invoices that are not eligible for payment. Commitments are reversed when purchase orders are invoiced or canceled.

Commitments are typically recorded in a separate commitment ledger within the general ledger. You can include the commitment ledger, along with budgets and actuals, in budgetary reporting and analysis to give a more complete picture of how your budgetary resources are allocated.

If you enable commitments for one or more of your purchasing departments, you need to define commitment accounts to accurately categorize and record purchase commitments. Among the categories of commitment accounts you may need are:

  • Commitment liabilities
  • Expense commitments
  • Inventory commitments

Accounts Payable Setup

In Accounts Payable you need to set up the elements that define your relationships with your vendors.

Payment Terms

Payment terms describe the credit arrangements you have with your vendors. Payment terms can differ by vendor or the terms can differ depending on the merchandise/service type purchased from a vendor. If a vendor agrees to consistently extend you the same payment terms on most of your invoices, you can set default payment terms on the vendor record. You can also assign payment terms directly on a purchase order or on an invoice from a miscellaneous purchase if the vendor's default terms are not applicable.


APCodes determine how Accounts Payable processes invoices and payments. In particular, APCodes provide information for calculating use tax on purchases, for payment reporting on 1099s, or for payment withholding.

Vendor classes

Vendor classes are used to group vendors for reporting and payment. Typically, vendor classes categorize vendors by their function or by the merchandise/service purchased from them.


Vendors are the companies or people from whom you purchase goods or services. In addition to traditional vendors, if you use miscellaneous purchases to record purchases made by company credit card or made by an employee who needs to be reimbursed, you need to set up vendor records for the credit card companies and/or the affected employees.

Vendor locations

Vendor locations need to be defined for each vendor's order location, payment location, and reporting location. A vendor can have an unlimited number of locations and you can specify one of those locations as the default location for the vendor. Each of your vendor contacts can only be assigned to one vendor location.

Vendor contacts

Vendor contacts are people with your vendor who have specialized contact relationships with your company. A vendor can have an unlimited number of contacts, but only one contact can be designated as the vendor's primary contact. Each contact must be associated with exactly one vendor location.

Vendor defaults

Vendor defaults are useful for improving data entry on purchase orders, purchases, invoices, and payments. You can specify default values for any of the following: AP account, GL batch, payment terms, distribution template, distribution account mask, and APCodes (if applicable). In addition to vendor defaults, you can specify PO defaults for: shipping address, freight terms, shipping method, and purchasing departments.

AP note types

AP notes can be used to record information for vendors, vendor contacts, vendor locations, AP invoices, or AP payments. AP note types are used to organize AP notes. AP note types may include billing problems, customer service, payments, messages, etc.

Purchasing Setup

Setting up ActivityHD Purchasing involves setting up the operators in the purchasing process, the products and services being purchased, and how the products and services are delivered.

Shipping methods

Shipping methods are the means by which product moves from the vendor to one of your company's shipping addresses. Typically, a shipping method represents a shipping company such as FedEx or UPS.

Freight terms

Freight terms determine whether shipping is paid by the buyer or by the seller and also determines where ownership of the goods shipped transfers from the vendor to the buyer. Freight terms print on the purchase order.

Shipping addresses

Shipping addresses are the physical locations within your company where goods can be shipped or where services need to be performed. A single purchase order may have one or more shipping addresses. A default shipping address can be designated on any of the following:

  • Attributes with PO usage
  • Department
  • AP vendor's PO defaults


Operators are the users of the Purchasing package, including users who enter purchase information and those who approve purchase orders. ActivityHD allows you to restrict the operators who can enter and approve purchase orders. Each operator is data-linked to a company authorized user.

Purchasing departments

The use of departments in Purchasing allows you to enable certain features by department, including:

  • Inventory posting. You can enable inventory purchases by purchasing department.
  • PO approvals. Approval settings are controlled by purchasing department, including whether a department's purchase orders require approval, how many approval levels are required, and the dollar limits on approvals by approval level.
  • Commitments. Commitment posting is controlled by purchasing department.

Restrictions on who can enter miscellaneous purchases or purchases orders for a particular department can also be defined on the department record. You can also restrict which vendors can be used by department.

Units of measure

Each product in Purchasing must have a unit of measure (UOM) assigned to it when the product is associated with a purchase. The unit of measure is typically the base unit by which the vendor prices the product (each, case, etc.).


Products are the items and services that your company purchases from your vendors. Products can also represent various expenses for which you need to reimburse an employee, such as mileage or daily subsistence.

Purchasing agents

Purchasing agents are people who make purchases of goods and services on behalf of your company. An agent could be an employee who makes purchases from his/her own funds and then seeks reimbursement or an employee who uses a company credit card or charge account to make purchases.

An agent record can also represent a factor, a company that purchases the receivables of one or more of your vendors. In this case, payment for any purchases from the vendor would need to go to the factor.


Attributes with PO usage provide additional ways to categorize purchases for reporting. In addition, attributes can contribute account masks for the GL accounts used during invoice posting. An attribute which has both PO order usage and AP invoice usage populates at the invoice level when posting from PO to AP.

Purchasing Security Setup

In addition to the typical security accesses available in security for any resource, such as edit, delete, import, export, report, etc., some resources in Purchasing require special access. Access to these resources needs to be evaluated on a user by user basis. The following table describes some of the special Purchasing accesses.

Purchasing Resource Access Comment
Agents Invoice Controls access to the invoicing function for agent-based purchases.
Attributes Activate Controls access to the activate/deactivate function for attributes with PO usage.
Orders Invoice Controls access to the invoicing function for purchase orders.
Master Controls access to moving the purchase order status to "Master".
Print Controls access to the purchase order printing function.
Receive Controls access to the receiving function for purchase orders.
Reprint Controls access to the purchase order reprinting function.
Purchases Master Controls access to moving the purchase status to "Master".

ClosedHow Purchasing interfaces with General Ledger

The conduit for recording purchasing activity as financial transactions in General Ledger is an AP invoice. AP invoices are created from several locations in the Purchasing package.

Scenario Commitments Enabled? Invoice Type Resulting GL Entries
Purchase order is moved to "Master" status Yes Commitment DR | Commitment Distribution
CR | Commitment Liability
Entire master purchase order is canceled, or individual purchase on a master purchase order is canceled Yes Commitment Reversal CR | Commitment Distribution
DR | Commitment Liability
Purchase order is invoiced Yes Commitment Reversal CR | Commitment Distribution
DR | Commitment Liability
Regular DR | Expense or Inventory
CR | Liability
Purchase order is invoiced No Regular DR | Expense or Inventory
CR | Liability
Purchase is processed for an agent Yes Commitment Reversal CR | Commitment Distribution
DR | Commitment Liability
Regular DR | Expense
CR | Liability
Purchase is processed for an agent No Regular DR | Expense
CR | Liability


Commitments are enabled by purchasing department and/or by purchasing agent. When commitments are enabled for a department, each purchase order for the department is initially flagged to post commitments. While this is the default setting, you can override the setting on a purchase order by purchase order basis.

As many as five different types of account must be derived from the various account masks in Purchasing. The following table shows the items that can contribute the account masks used to derive each type of account.

Account mask source Liability Expense Inventory Commitment Distribution (Expense or Inventory) Commitment Liability
Attributes with PO usage
Unit of measure N/A N/A
Product N/A N/A
Vendor N/A

Liability account

The liability account is built from masks at the following levels in the order shown.

For a standard purchase order For a miscellaneous purchase or agent-based PO
  1. Expense account mask(s) from attributes with PO usage (from highest display order to lowest)
  2. Expense account mask from the unit of measure
  3. Expense account mask from the product
  4. Distribution account mask from the Defaults tab of the vendor
  5. Expense account mask from the department
  1. Expense account mask(s) from attributes with PO usage (from highest display order to lowest)
  2. Expense account mask from the unit of measure
  3. Expense account mask from the product
  4. Distribution account mask from the Defaults tab of the vendor
  5. Expense account mask from the purchasing agent
  6. Expense account mask from the department

Commitment liability account

When a purchase order or agent purchase is set to post commitments, the commitment liability account is built from masks at the following levels in the order shown.

For purchase order set to post commitments For purchase assigned to an agent who is set to post commitments
  1. Commitment liability account mask from the department
  2. Liability account mask(s) from attributes with PO usage (from highest display order to lowest)
  3. AP account mask from the Defaults tab of the vendor
  4. Liability account mask from the department
  1. Commitment liability account mask from the department
  2. Liability account mask for agent
  3. AP account mask from the Defaults tab of the vendor that is assigned to the purchasing agent

Expense account

Expense accounts are determined on the order detail line of a standard purchase order if the line is set to "Expense". The expense account is built from masks at the following levels in the order shown.

For a standard purchase order For a miscellaneous purchase or agent-based PO
  1. Liability account mask(s) from attributes with PO usage (from highest display order to lowest)
  2. AP account mask from the Defaults tab of the vendor
  3. Liability account mask from the department
  1. Liability account mask(s) from attributes with PO usage (from highest display order to lowest)
  2. AP account mask from the Defaults tab of the vendor that is assigned to the purchasing agent
  3. Liability account mask from the purchasing agent
  4. Liability account mask from the department

Inventory account

Inventory accounts are determined on the order detail line of a standard purchase order if the line is set to "Inventory". The inventory account is built from masks at the following levels in the order shown.

  1. Inventory account mask(s) from attributes with PO usage (from highest display order to lowest)
  2. Inventory account mask from the unit of measure
  3. Inventory account mask from the product
  4. Distribution account mask from the Defaults tab of the vendor
  5. Inventory account mask from the department

Expense commitment account

Commitment expense accounts are determined on the order detail line of a standard purchase order if the line is set to "Expense". The commitment expense account is built from masks at the following levels in the order shown.

  1. Commitment distribution account mask from the department
  2. Expense account mask(s) from attributes with PO usage (from highest display order to lowest)
  3. Expense account mask from the unit of measure
  4. Expense account mask from the product
  5. Distribution account mask from the Defaults tab of the vendor
  6. Expense account mask from the department

Inventory commitment account

Commitment inventory accounts are determined on the order detail line of a standard purchase order if the line is set to "Inventory". The commitment inventory account is built from masks at the following levels in the order shown.

  1. Commitment distribution account mask from the department
  2. Inventory account mask(s) from PO attributes (from highest display order to lowest)
  3. Inventory account mask from the unit of measure
  4. Inventory account mask from the product
  5. Distribution account mask from the Defaults tab of the vendor
  6. Inventory account mask from the department