When some types of entity records are flagged as obsolete, related entity records are also affected.
Accounts Payable
The following AP entities can be flagged as obsolete: vendors, contacts, locations, recurring invoices, APCodes, vendor classes, distribution templates, note types, payment terms.
When a vendor record is flagged as obsolete, its contacts and locations are automatically flagged as obsolete as well.
If an obsolete record is referenced on an invoice, recurring invoice, or payment, ActivityHD issues a warning and indicates the obsolete item with a warning icon. You can enter and save transactions which reference an obsolete record; however, you will encounter an error if you attempt to merge such transactions.
Accounts Receivable
The following AR entities can be flagged as obsolete: customers, contacts, locations, recurring invoices, ARCodes, customer classes, deposit types, finance methods, invoice schemes, invoice types, note types, receipt types, salespersons, statement types, summary types, customer tax categories, item tax categories, tax entities, terms.
When a customer record is flagged as obsolete, its contacts and locations are automatically flagged as obsolete as well. Statements, both open item and balance forward, can be generated for customers which have been flagged as obsolete.
When a customer class is flagged as obsolete, all customers in that class indicate that the class is obsolete.
Non-required attributes can always be flagged as obsolete, but attribute items can only be flagged as obsolete if a GL segment is not assigned to the attribute.
If an obsolete record is referenced on an invoice, recurring invoice, or receipt, ActivityHD issues a warning and indicates the obsolete item with a warning icon. You can enter and save transactions which reference an obsolete record; however, in most cases you will not be able to merge such transactions.
General Ledger
The following General Ledger entities can be flagged as obsolete: accounts, allocation entries, recurring entries, financial designs, financial views, account indexes, account rules, calendars, rollups, rollup items, segments, segment items, segment item classes, units.
When a segment item is flagged as obsolete, every account that includes that segment item is automatically flagged as obsolete.
A required attribute cannot be flagged as obsolete. If you must flag such an attribute as obsolete, first change it to not required.
The following Payroll entities can be flagged as obsolete: employees, 1095-C records, ACA records, garnishment records, W-2 records, W-4 records, contacts, ACA calendars, ACA categories, AP controls, check stub items, ethnic origins, export controls, export employers, export submitters, check line groups, job categories, note types, pay grades, units of pay, positions, PRCodes, run types, segment items, payroll statuses, tax deposit types, tax entities, time codes.
Flagging an attribute item for a sourced attribute does not affect the source item. For example, if a "Locations" attribute with Payroll usage has the segment items of the "Locations" segment in General Ledger as its source, flagging a location in Payroll as obsolete has no effect on the corresponding segment item in General Ledger.
Flagging a segment item as obsolete renders a PRCode which uses the segment item obsolete as well.
Data Links
Most entity records that can be flagged as obsolete include "Obsolete" as a linkable field. If it is used as a data link, then flagging one entity record as obsolete simultaneously flags all associated entity records as obsolete as well. For example, if you have an employee who is also a salesperson or a customer who is also a vendor, you can flag both records as obsolete at the same time.