Export data/import data


Only authorized users with appropriate company permissions and accesses can use the export and import features.

ActivityHD provides wizards to help you with exporting and importing data. Files are exported in XML format, a format which preserves the important details of your records as you move them. You can use export and import to move data from one ActivityHD company to another. You can import data from an outside source into ActivityHD. You can use export and import to move data between ActivityHD and third party programs.

The export and import features are available nearly everywhere you find data in ActivityHD - which is everywhere! You can export all records in a folder, selected records in the HD view, or a single record open in its native editor.

ClosedExport data from ActivityHD

  1. In the Navigation pane, highlight the entity folder with the data you want to export.
  2. Start the export wizard.
    • To export all or a filtered subset of records:
      1. Right-click the entity folder and select Select and Export from the shortcut menu.

      2. On the Selection tab, define any filters to apply to the data.
      3. Click Next >>.
    • To export specifically selected records:
      1. In the HD view, select the records to include in the export. You can use Ctrl and/or Shift selection to select multiple records.
      2. Right-click and select Export from the shortcut menu.
    • To export a single record:
      1. In the HD view, double-click the record you want to export to open it in its native editor.
      2. Select > Tools > Export.

  3. In the File field, enter or browse to the path and file name for the export file.

  4. The Content section prompts you for the entity information to export. Select the option that applies to you. Your options are:
    • Complete. Exports the data for the selected records.
    • List Only. Exports only a list of the selected records.
  5. If attachments are enabled for your system, the Attachments checkbox is enabled. Mark the checkbox if you want to include attachments in the export, then select the attachment information to export. Your options are:
    • Complete. Exports the actual attachments on the selected records.
    • List Only. Exports only a list of the attachments on the selected records.
  6. Click Next >>. ActivityHD prompts you to confirm that you want to perform the export.

  7. Click Yes. The data is exported to the destination file.

  8. Click Finish.

ClosedImport data to ActivityHD...


For data consistency reasons, AP payment data can be exported from, but not imported to ActivityHD.

Closed...from a folder

Closed...from an edit window

Default import behavior

When importing an XML file that contains one or more entities, the default behavior is to create a new entity for each XML data element. You can override this behavior by adding the "Command" attribute with values of "New", "Edit", and "Delete" to the data element.


Copy snippet
<XML ID='{BC66CBF8-10E1-4EA0-BFB9-C5B95B8AEF92}' Type='Positions'>
    <data Command='Edit' Code='President' ID='{B94ED681-827A-4B0E-8FED-01253DDB65C4}'>
        <Code Value='President'/>
        <Description Value='New Description Here'/>