
ActivityHD provides five ways for you to output report data. You can preview it in the Crystal Reports viewer, preview it to PDF, print it, email it, or export it to another format for further analysis.

ClosedPreview a report in the Crystal Reports viewer

All ActivityHD report wizards provide an option to preview a report in the Crystal Reports viewer before printing, emailing, or exporting it. Preview mode gives you the opportunity to tweak report settings and to check your results before you finalize the report. The advantage of the Crystal Reports viewer over previewing to PDF is that it provides the ability to group data based on sorting options.

  1. Open the report wizard.

  2. Configure report options as desired.
  3. When you finish setting up the report, click . The report opens in the Preview window.

ClosedAccess report options within the Crystal Reports viewer

You can easily access the options in the report wizard from the Crystal Reports viewer. This allows you to investigate the options the report is based on and even change those options. To access the options from the Crystal Reports viewer:

  1. Open the report wizard.

  2. Configure report options as desired.
  3. When you finish setting up the report, click the drop-down arrow next to the Preview button and select Preview from the drop-down menu.
  4. From the viewer menu, select File > Options. The report wizard opens with the Options tab selected.

  5. Change options as needed. The report updates to reflect your changes.

ClosedPreview window features

The toolbar in the Preview window provides access to report viewing and output options.


To export a report to a location in your file system:

  1. In the Preview window, click . The Export Report dialog box opens.
  2. Navigate to the folder where you want to export the report.
  3. In the File name field, enter a name for the report file or accept the default name.
  4. From the Save as type drop-down list, select the file format to export to.

  5. Click Save.


  1. Click . The Print dialog box opens.

  2. Specify your printing preferences.
  3. Click Print. Voilà!


To ensure your report has the most up-to-date data, click . When you refresh the report data, the report timestamp updates as well.


To copy content from the report to the clipboard:

  1. Highlight the report content to copy.
  2. Click . The text is now available on your clipboard for pasting (Ctrl+V) elsewhere.

ClosedToggle Group Tree

Some reports let you group data based on sorting options. The preview window includes a group tree that can be exposed to help you navigate the report by group. Even when no grouping is specified, the group tree lets you scroll the list of records on the report so that you can move quickly to a particular record.

To show the group tree, click .

To hide the group tree, click again.


Use the navigation controls to browse the pages of a report or to go to a specific page of the report.

To go to a specific page of the report, type a page number in the current page field and press Enter.

ClosedFind Text

To find a particular text string in a report:

  1. Click . The Find Text dialog box opens.

  2. In the Find what field, enter the text to search for.
  3. Click Find Next. If the text string is found, the first instance is outlined in red.

  4. To find the next instance of the string, click Find Next again. When you reach the last instance of the text string, the next time you click Find Next the viewer returns the following message:

  5. Click OK.


To zoom in or out on a report:

  1. Click .
  2. From the drop-down list, select the zoom factor you want.

    The preview is reduced or enlarged by the factor you select.

ClosedPreview to PDF

Among the advantages of previewing to PDF is that the format provides continuous scrolling through the document preview.

  1. Open the report wizard.

  2. Configure report options as desired.
  3. When you finish setting up the report, click the drop-down arrow next to the Preview button and select Preview to PDF from the drop-down menu. The report opens in your PDF reader window.

ClosedPrint a report

  1. In the Navigation pane, expand the folder of the package you need to print a report for and highlight the Reports subfolder.
  2. In the HD view, double-click the report you need to print to start the report wizard.

  3. On the Selection tab, define any filters to apply to the data.
  4. On the Options tab, specify optional settings for the report. The most common options are preset for you.

  5. If there are other tabs in the wizard, respond to the prompts as needed.
  6. On the Output tab in the Design field, look up and select the report design to use.


    AccountingWare recommends that you preview reports before committing them to paper.

  7. Click . The Print dialog box opens.

  8. Select a printer and configure print options as desired.
  9. Click Print and scurry to the printer.

ClosedEmail a report

The email feature lets you send reports as PDF attachments.

A configured MAPI mail profile is required to use the email feature.

Email from ActivityHD Explorer is managed through each user's email profile. For many users, email is configured through Microsoft Outlook. The profile is called the Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) profile. You may need to make changes to the MAPI setup to allow ActivityHD to send email successfully.

  1. In the Navigation pane, expand the folder of the package you need to email a report for and highlight the Reports subfolder.
  2. In the HD view, double-click the report you need to email to start the report wizard.

  3. On the Selection tab, define any filters to apply to the data.
  4. On the Options tab, specify optional settings for the report. The most common options are preset for you.

  5. If there are other tabs in the wizard, respond to the prompts as needed.
  6. On the Output tab in the Design field, look up and select the report design to use.

  7. Click . The Report Email popup opens.

  8. From the From drop-down list, select the configuration to use to send email. Your options are:
    • Windows user default account. Sends email using the user's Windows default email account. For most users, this is the account configured in Outlook or another email client application.
    • Server personal. Sends email using the email configuration for the system or company server and the email address on the current user's authorized user record. The authorized user record must have a confirmed email address.
    • Server generic. Sends email using the email configuration and "from" address for the system or company server. This option requires "Send generic" access to the Server Email resource.
  9. Specify the email destination and subject (To, CC, BCC, and Subject) using one of the following methods:
    • For one-time email, select To and enter the destination addresses and subject in the appropriate fields.

    • For a report that has the destination addresses you need embedded in the Crystal Reports design, select Use Activity Email Tags.


      The Use Activity Email Tags option is selected by default if the report design contains the special formula @ActivityEmailTag.

  10. In the text box, enter the message to accompany the report.
  11. Click OK. ActivityHD reports the number of messages sent and the number of errors encountered.
  12. Click OK.


Pay statements do not require embedded tags in the report design nor do you need to enter each employee's address in the To field each time you send them. To send pay statements to employees, do the following:

  1. On their employee records, enter Home and/or Work email addresses for employees.
  2. Set the Distrib field on each employee to indicate which email address should receive pay statements.
  3. In the HD view on the Checks folder, use a filter to select the checks for employees who have a value in the Distrib field.

    ClosedClick here to learn how to create this filter.

    To set up the filter:

    1. Right-click the Checks folder and select Maintain Filters. The Checks Filters dialog box opens.
    2. Enter a Name for the filter.
    3. In the Fields list box in the Check branch, highlight "Employee".

    4. In the criteria pane, click More. The Employees Selection Conditions dialog box opens.
    5. In the Fields list box in the Employee branch, highlight "Distribution Email".

    6. In the criteria pane in the Distribution Email section, mark the Home and Work checkboxes.
    7. Select "In".
    8. Click OK.
    9. Save the filter.
  4. Right-click and select Reports > Pay Statements from the shortcut menu.
  5. Click the drop-down arrow to the right of the Email button and select Email to Employees.
  6. Enter the CC, BCC, Subject, and body of the email. (Notice that the To field is protected.)
  7. Click OK to send the pay statements.

ClosedExport a report

ActivityHD's report export feature makes it easy to save report data to a file on removable media, or on your local system or network. You can save report data in a variety of file formats including Crystal Reports (.rpt), PDF (.pdf), Microsoft Excel (.xls), Microsoft Word (.doc), rich text format (.rtf), and XML (.xml).


You can also export a report from the Preview window.

  1. In the Navigation pane, expand the folder of the package you need to export a report for and highlight the Reports subfolder.
  2. In the HD view, double-click the report you need to export to start the report wizard.

  3. Configure report options as needed.
  4. When you finish, click . The Export Report dialog box opens.

  5. Navigate to the location where you want to save the file.
  6. In the File name field, enter a file name for the export file.
  7. From the Save as type drop-down list, select the file format to save the report data in.

  8. Click Save. ActivityHD notifies you when the export completes.

  9. Click OK.

ClosedRun a report from a Reports folder

You can run any report from its package's Reports folder. To do so:

  1. Expand the folder of the package you want to print a report for, then highlight the Reports folder.
  2. Right-click the Reports folder and select Run. A shortcut menu opens which shows every report available for the selected package.

  3. From the menu, select the report to print.

Email tags


The Pay Statements report, which reports printed payroll checks and direct deposit advice to employees, does not require you to embed tags in the report design.

Use Crystal Reports to add an ActivityHD email tag to a report design.

ActivityHD email tags use XML syntax and follow the form:

Copy snippet
<ActivityEmail ToAddress="..." CCAddress="..." BCCAddress="..." Subject="..." SQLConditions="...">
    <Filter Name="...">
        <Parameter Name="...." Value="...." Expression="...."/>(n)

Rules for valid tags:

  1. At least one address is required.
  2. Filters and SQLConditions allow portions of the report to be sent separately.


    Filters are preferable to SQLConditions. Filters are less technical, don't require special security access, and can be tested from ActivityHD Explorer.

  3. SQLConditions require users who run the report to have edit access to the SelectionSQL resource.
  4. The tag should be located in the body of the report - not in the page header or footer.

Example of ActivityEmailTag report formula

Copy snippet
'<ActivityEmail' +
    ' ToAddress="' + {GroupAnalysis.Employee_WorkEmail} + '"' +
    ' Subject="' +
        {GroupAnalysis.Employee_FirstNameFirst} +
        ' USA Tax Withheld ' +
        ToText ({GroupAnalysis.Check_CheckDate}, 'MM-dd-yyyy') +
        '">' +
    '<Filter Name="? Employee ID">' +
    ' <Parameter Name="Employee ID" Value="' + {GroupAnalysis.Employee_PREmployee} + '" />' +
    '<Filter> ' +


Ensure that the filter/parameter in the tag returns the desired result. While the email tag may appear in the footer for a particular employee, that doesn't mean the report for that employee will be emailed. If the filter is "LIKE Employee Code" with a trailing wildcard, a report for every employee code which matches the filter will be emailed to the addresses in the tag. To avoid this, use a filter which does not accept wildcards (e.g., equals instead of LIKE). If the internal identifier is available in the report design, pass it to the "equals" filter using the Value keyword:

' ' +

' Value="' + {GroupAnalysis.Employee_PREmployee} + '" />' +

' ' +

If only the code is available, pass it using the Code keyword:

' ' +

' Code="' + {GroupAnalysis.Employee_Code} + '" />' +

' ' +

Special formulas which affect the email dialog:

  1. @ActivityEmailTag - When this formula is present, the "Use Activity Email Tags" option in the Report Email Options popup is selected by default.
  2. @ActivityEmailBodyText - The text of the formula is used as the default email text.
  3. @OutputDestination - This value is set at runtime as follows:
    • Preview. The Preview button initiated the report.
    • Print. The Print button initiated the report.
    • Export. The Export button initiated the report.
    • Email. The Email button initiated the report.
    • Email Tags. This option causes a special pass to look for ActivityEmail tags before the report is emailed. The special pass collects all the tags in the report. After the special pass, the report is run once per tag, applying the filter in each tag.


    Put the ActivityEmail tag in its own section in the body of the report. Show the tag section only when OutputDestination is "Email Tags" (and perhaps, for troubleshooting purposes, when it is "Preview"). Suppress all the non-tag sections when OutputDestination is "Email Tags" to improve the performance of the tags pass.