Copy to Excel

The Copy to Excel feature lets you select data in an HD view and copy that data, formatted, to an Excel worksheet. This is useful for moving data to Excel for deeper analysis.

To copy to Excel, select the data you want to copy in the HD view, then right-click and select Copy to Excel from the shortcut menu, or press Shift + Ctrl + C.


There is a limit on the number of rows that can be copied at one time. This number varies depending on whether you are running 32-bit or 64-bit ActivityHD Explorer. If you attempt to copy too many records, ActivityHD notifies you of the number of rows selected and the maximum number of rows that can be copied. If you continue with the copy function, only the maximum number that can be copied will be copied.

The worksheet that is created is named after the folder the data was copied from. The column headings are copied to the first row of the worksheet and formatted in bold text. The cells in the worksheet are assigned to appropriate Excel data types (e.g., Number, Date, etc.). All columns in the worksheet are resized using Excel's auto-fit feature.