For certain entity types in General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and Fixed Assets, ActivityHD provides a Combine feature that allows you to combine one or more records into a single target record. To combine records, you select the entity records to combine, specify the target record, and then perform an update. The entire process is accomplished using the Combine wizard.
Depending on the entity type, ActivityHD enforces certain rules when combining records in order to ensure data integrity.
The Combine feature is available for the following entity types. Click the links to view the rules that apply when combining records of a particular type.
GL accounts
GL segment items
AP vendors
AP vendor classes
AP vendor contacts
AP vendor locations
AR customers
AR customer contacts
AR customer locations
AR salespersons
FA asset classes
Combine entity records
In the Navigation pane, highlight the entity folder that contains the records you want to combine.
Start the Combine wizard by one of the following methods:
To use filters to select the source record(s) to combine:
Right-click the entity folder and select Select and Combine from the shortcut menu.
On the Selection tab, define any filters to apply to the data.
To hand-select the source record(s) to combine:
In the HD view, select the record(s) to combine. You can use Ctrl and/or Shift selection to select multiple records.
Click .
On the Combine tab in the Combine Into field, select the target record.
Click Next >>. ActivityHD prompts you to confirm that you want to combine the selected records.
Click OK.
When the process completes, click Finish.
Combine GL accounts
The target account must be a valid account in the chart of accounts.
All activity (i.e., postings) and references from the source account(s) are moved to the target account. The attributes of the target account are retained and the source account(s) are deleted.
Combine GL segment items
Segment items cannot be combined if the segment is part of an active rollup.
If combining segment items results in an account that matches an account with the source segment item but a similar account with the target segment item does not exist, only the account number is changed.
If combining segment items results in an account that matches an account with the source segment item and a similar account with the target segment item exists, then the source segment item is combined into the target segment item.
Combine AP vendors
Default APCodes from the source vendor are NOT copied to the target vendor.
Locations from the source vendor are copied to the target vendor; however, the default location flags are cleared before copying so that there are no conflicts with the target vendor's default location flags.
Combine AP vendor contacts
The target vendor contact and the source vendor contact(s) must be associated with the same vendor.
Combine AP vendor locations
The target vendor location and the source vendor location(s) must be associated with the same vendor.
Combine AR customers
The following table describes how the Combine feature handles customer data.
Data Element
Contacts from the source customer(s) are moved to the target customer. If the target customer already has a contact with the same name, the duplicate contact is not moved.
Locations from the source customer(s) are moved to the target customer. If the target customer has a location with the same code, the original customer code is appended to the location being moved.
If customer ACME_OFFICE is combined with target customer OFFICE_MART and both have a location of "Main", the "Main" address from ACME_OFFICE is moved to customer OFFICE_MART and assigned a location code of "Main [ACME_OFFICE]".
All invoices from the source customer(s) are moved to the target customer.
All receipts from the source customer(s) are moved to the target customer.
All statements from the source customer(s) are moved to the target customer.
Recurring Invoices
All recurring invoices from the source customer(s) are moved to the target customer.
Notes associated with the source customer(s) are merged with the notes for the target customer.
Attachments associated with the source customer(s) are merged with the attachments for the target customer.
Data Links
Data links from the source customer(s) are NOT moved to the target customer.
Obsolete flag
If active source customer(s) are combined into an obsolete target customer, the resulting combined customer record retains the obsolete setting.
Extras\Accounts Receivable\Combine Customers.xls
Combine AR customer contacts
The target customer contact and the source customer contact(s) must be associated with the same customer.
Any notes and attachments associated with the source contact(s) are merged into the notes and attachments for the target contact.
Combine AR customer locations
The target customer location and the source customer location(s) must be associated with the same customer.
Any notes and attachments associated with the source location(s) are merged into the notes and attachments for the target location.
Combine ARCodes
The following table describes how the Combine feature handles ARCode data.
Data Element
Attachments associated with the source ARCode(s) are merged into the attachments for the target ARCode.
Invoice Detail Descriptions
No changes are made to existing invoice detail descriptions where the source ARCode(s) were used.
GL Account masks
To apply GL account masks from the target ARCode to unmerged invoice detail lines, select the invoices with those lines and use the Validate GL option. When you use this option, invoice detail accounts are only updated if the account was not previously overridden in any way. Invoice detail accounts that were previously overridden are displayed in purple in the Invoice and Invoice Detail windows.
Extras\Accounts Receivable\Combine ARCodes.xls
Combine AR salespersons
Attachments for source salesperson(s) are merged into the attachments for the target salesperson.