AR invoices

Built-in filters

An AR invoice is the electronic document that records a sale to a customer.

Extras\Accounts Receivable\Import AR Invoices.xls

AR invoice email keywords

The following keywords are available for use in the subject and body of email produced in the Print/Reprint Invoices process for attaching invoices:




Invoices security

Common accesses available on invoices

Access A user with this access can...
Change Use the mass change action on invoices.
Custom Fields Create and edit custom fields for invoices.
Data Have read-only access to invoices from anywhere in the software (e.g., field validations, filters, date expressions).
Delete Delete invoices.
Edit Edit invoice records.
Export Export invoice records from ActivityHD.
Import Import invoice records into ActivityHD.
New Create new invoice records.
Read Have read-only access to invoice records.
Report Run reports with invoice information.
Report Designs Create and edit report designs with invoice information. This access enables the Report Designs button on the Output tab of report dialogs.
Shared Answers Create and edit action profiles and report profiles related to invoices.
Shared Filters Create and edit shared filters on invoices.
Visible View the AR Invoices folder in the Navigation pane.

Special accesses available on invoices

Access A user with this access can...
Accounts Access GL accounts in the AR Invoice window.
GL Date Access the GL Date field in the AR Invoice window.
Merge Merge invoices.
Pay Any Access the group pay process (does not limit by customer)
PostToAP Post invoices to Accounts Payable.
Print Print statements.
Proof Run proof process to determine if invoices are valid for merging.
Reprint Reprint statements.
Summarize Run the Summarize process.
Tessitura Import Run the Tessitura Import process. Only available if the Tessitura AR interface is installed.
Void Void an invoice.



Invoice filters

The following built-in filters are available for AR invoices:

Filter Name Effect
? Aging Category Prompts for an aging category and lists the invoices in an aging category that contains the specified search string.
? Batch Prompts for a batch name and lists the invoices in batches with a name that contains the specified search string.
? Customer Class Prompts for a customer class and lists the invoices for customers with a class code that contains the specified search string.
? Customer Code Prompts for a customer code and lists the invoices for customers with a customer code that contains the specified search string.
? Customer Name Prompts for a customer name and lists the invoices for customers with a name that contains the specified search string.
? Has ARCode Prompts for an ARCode and lists the invoices with a detail line assigned to that ARCode.
? Invoice Amount Prompts for a range of amounts and lists the invoices with an amount in that range.
? Invoice Created Date Prompts for a range of dates and lists the invoices created in that date range.
? Invoice Date Prompts for a range of dates and lists the invoices with an invoice date in that date range.
? Invoice GL Date Prompts for a range of dates and lists the invoices with a GL date in that date range.
? Invoice Number Prompts for a range of invoice numbers and lists the invoices with a number in that range.
? Salesperson Prompts for a salesperson code and lists the invoices assigned to that salesperson.
? Tax Category (Customer) Prompts for a customer tax category and lists the invoices with a customer tax category that contains the specified search string.
? Tax Entity Prompts for a tax entity and lists the invoices with a tax entity that contains the specified search string.
Has Invalid GL Lists invoices with general ledger problems.
Has Sales Tax Lists invoices with a non-zero sales tax amount.
Invoices for This Week Lists the invoices with invoice dates in the current week.
Invoices for Today Lists the invoices created today.
Invoices on Hold Lists the invoices flagged as "on hold".
New Invoices Lists unmerged invoices only.
Outstanding Lists invoices with a non-zero balance.
Outstanding Charges Lists invoices with a balance greater than zero.
Outstanding Credits Lists invoices with a balance less than zero.
Ready to Email Lists invoices with a print status of "Ready" and an invoice delivery type of "Email".
Ready to Post to AP Lists merged, unvoided invoices which are flagged to post to AP and have a non-zero invoice amount and no sales tax and that do not already have an AP invoice . This filter is only available if you have the AP/AR interface.
Ready to Print Lists invoices with a print status of "Ready" and an invoice delivery type of "Print".
Ready to Print/Email Lists invoices with a print status of "Ready".
Ready to Summarize Lists previously unsummarized, unprinted invoices with a summary type assigned and set up for summary invoicing that have a non-zero balance and have not been voided.
Voided Invoices Lists invoices flagged as "Voided" or "Reversal".



Email Invoices to Customers

The email account from which the invoice email will be sent. This field defaults from the From field of the Email Defaults tab.
This field is disabled.
The email address(es) to which the invoice email will be copied. This field defaults from the CC field of the Email Defaults tab.
The email address(es) to which the invoice email will be blind copied. This field defaults from the BCC field of the Email Defaults tab.
The subject of the email. This field defaults from the Subject field of the Email Defaults tab. You can use keywords to customize the content of the subject line of the email. Keywords are replaced in the resulting email with the corresponding information from the invoices. Click here to see the keywords available for use when you customize an email for invoices.
Include Invoice Attachments
Mark this checkbox to copy all attachments on an invoice to its email message. The state of the checkbox defaults from the Include Invoice Attachments checkbox of the Email Defaults tab.
[Email body]
The body content of the email. This field defaults from the body field of the Email Defaults tab. You can use keywords to customize the content of the body of the email. Keywords are replaced in the resulting email with the corresponding information from the invoices. Click here to see the keywords available for use when you customize an email for invoices.



AR invoice email keywords

The following keywords are available for use in the subject and body of email produced in the Print/Reprint Invoices process for attaching invoices:




Email Invoices to Customers

The email account from which the invoice email will be sent. This field defaults from the From field of the Email Defaults tab.
This field is disabled.
The email address(es) to which the invoice email will be copied. This field defaults from the CC field of the Email Defaults tab.
The email address(es) to which the invoice email will be blind copied. This field defaults from the BCC field of the Email Defaults tab.
The subject of the email. This field defaults from the Subject field of the Email Defaults tab. You can use keywords to customize the content of the subject line of the email. Keywords are replaced in the resulting email with the corresponding information from the invoices. Click here to see the keywords available for use when you customize an email for invoices.
Include Invoice Attachments
Mark this checkbox to copy all attachments on an invoice to its email message. The state of the checkbox defaults from the Include Invoice Attachments checkbox of the Email Defaults tab.
[Email body]
The body content of the email. This field defaults from the body field of the Email Defaults tab. You can use keywords to customize the content of the body of the email. Keywords are replaced in the resulting email with the corresponding information from the invoices. Click here to see the keywords available for use when you customize an email for invoices.



AR invoice email keywords

The following keywords are available for use in the subject and body of email produced in the Print/Reprint Invoices process for attaching invoices:




Sales Tax Rates

The table shows details for the tax entities on the invoice.


If the sales tax amount has been overridden, the values in this table will not match the actual tax amounts. However, the values do reflect the proportions in which the manual sales tax amount will be allocated among taxable jurisdictions.

Tax Entity

The tax entity code.

Press F3 to look up the value.

If a value is already selected, you can press F4 to open the record in its native editor.

The tax rate for the corresponding tax entity.
Taxable Basis
The total taxable amount from the invoice detail lines to which the corresponding tax rate applies.
Calculated Tax
The calculated tax amount due to the corresponding tax entity.
The aggregate tax rate and the total calculated tax for all tax entities on the invoice.



Entry Totals

Balancing for AR Invoice

Displays segment codes for the segments which require balancing. Displays question marks for segments that do not require balancing. If none of the segments requires balancing, the account number shows all question marks.
Displays the unit associated with the account mask on this row.
Displays the date of the extra GL entry.
Displays the amount debited to the account mask for the extra GL entry. Debits in red indicate an out-of-balance condition.
Displays the amount credited to the account mask for the extra GL entry. Credits in red indicate an out-of-balance condition.
Unit Description
Displays the description of the unit associated with the account mask.



Report Email dialog

The email account from which to send the email. Valid options are:
  • Windows user default account. Sends email using the user's Windows default email account. For most users, this is the account configured in Outlook or another email client application.
  • Server personal. Sends email using the email configuration for the system or company server and the email address on the current user's authorized user record. The authorized user record must have a confirmed email address.
  • Server generic. Sends email using the email configuration and "from" address for the system or company server. This option requires "Send generic" access to the Server Email resource.
The email address(es) to which to send the email. Separate email addresses with semi-colons.
The email addresses to copy on the email. Separate email addresses with semi-colons.
The email addresses to blind copy on the email. Separate email addresses with semi-colons.
The subject line.
Text box
The body of the email.



Apply account masks for sales, cost, and inventory accounts

Account masks for sales, cost, and inventory accounts in Accounts Receivable are applied in the following order:

  1. ARCode
  2. Attribute items (last to first)
  3. Customer
  4. Customer class

To apply account masks, begin with the ARCode account mask, replacing wildcards with the corresponding values from the next mask. Continue in this manner until all masks are applied.


The table below shows ways the sales account might be constructed. In the example, "Department" and "Project" are invoice attributes linked directly to the corresponding GL account segments.

ARCode Department Project Customer Class Result
1000-00-000-A ????-12-???-? ????-??-318-? ????-??-???-? ????-??-???-? 1000-00-000-A
1000-??-000-A ????-12-???-? ????-??-318-? ????-??-???-? ????-??-???-? 1000-12-000-A
1000-??-???-A ????-12-???-? ???-??-318-? ????-??-???-? ????-??-???-? 1000-12-318-A



Validation messages for the Proof/Merge AR Invoices wizards

The following errors and warnings may be returned in the proofing process or merge process for invoices which do not pass validation:

Invoice Validations

  • Error: Invoice is already merged.
  • Error: Invoice is on hold. To merge the invoice, the "On Hold" flag must be cleared.
  • Error: GL Batch is undefined.
  • Error: Receivables Account is undefined.
  • Error: Invoice is duplicate (xxxxx). Based on the duplicate conditions defined on the invoice type that is assigned to the invoice, the invoice duplicates another invoice.
  • Error: Cannot merge invoice created by a receipt. The invoice is the result of a miscellaneous or unapplied payment applied on a receipt. The invoice cannot be merged apart from the receipt. The invoice will be merged when the receipt is merged.
  • Error: Invoice type (xxxxx) requires zero balance. Based on the zero balance setting on the invoice type that is assigned to the invoice, the invoice must have a zero balance in order to be merged. An initial payment for the entire invoice balance must be entered.
  • Error: Customer (xxxxx) is obsolete. The customer on the invoice is flagged as obsolete. To merge the invoice, specify a different customer or remove the obsolete flag from the currently assigned customer.
  • Error: Salesperson (xxxxx) is obsolete. The salesperson on the invoice is flagged as obsolete. To merge the invoice, specify a different salesperson or remove the obsolete flag from the currently assigned salesperson.
  • Error: Invoice Tax doesn't equal Total Detail Tax.
  • Warning: Discount basis exceeds invoice amount.
  • Warning: Due date precedes invoice date.

Invoice Tax Detail Validations

  • Warning: Sales Tax Account is undefined.

Initial Payment Validations

  • Error: Receipt (xxxxx) - Customer doesn't match Invoice Payment Customer. A user without "Pay Any" access to invoices attempted to merge an invoice created by another user on which the receipt customer on the initial payment was changed.
  • Error: Receipt (xxxxx) - Customer is obsolete. The customer on the initial payment is flagged as obsolete. To merge the invoice, specify a different customer or remove the obsolete flag from the currently assigned customer.
  • Error: Receipt (xxxxx) - GL Date is undefined.
  • Error: Receipt (xxxxx) - GL Batch is undefined.
  • Error: Receipt (xxxxx) - GL Date doesn't match Deposit Date.
  • Error: Receipt (xxxxx) - GL Batch doesn't match Deposit GL Batch.
  • Error: Receipt (xxxxx) - Bank Account doesn't match Deposit Bank Account.
  • Error: Receipt (xxxxx) - Receipt Type (xxxxx) requires a Deposit.
  • Error: Receipt (xxxxx) - Receipt Type (xxxxx) doesn't allow Deposit Type (xxxxx).
  • Error: Receipt (xxxxx) - Bank Account is undefined.
  • Error: Receipt (xxxxx) - Receipt is duplicate (xxxxx). Based on the duplicate conditions defined on the receipt type that is assigned to the initial payment, the receipt duplicates another receipt.
  • Warning: Receipt (xxxxx) - Discount Account is needed and undefined.
  • Warning: Receipt (xxxxx) - Adjustment Account is needed and undefined.
  • Warning: Receipt (xxxxx) - Payment amount (xxxxx) exceeds Invoice amount (xxxxx).

Payment Discount Validations

  • Warning: Discount date (xx/xx/xxxx) precedes invoice date.
  • Warning: Discount date (xx/xx/xxxx) exceeds due date.
  • Warning: Discount amount (xxxxx) exceeds invoice amount.

Invoice Detail Validations

  • Error: ARCode (xxxxx) is obsolete. The ARCode on the invoice detail line is flagged as obsolete. To merge the invoice, assign a different ARCode to the detail line or remove the obsolete flag from the ARCode.
  • Warning: Line (xxx) - Amount is positive, but Cost is negative.
  • Warning: Line (xxx) - Amount is negative, but Cost is positive.

GL Validations

  • Error: Line xxx debit x,xxx.xx has digits in unused part. The journal entry contains significant digits outside the scale specified on the GL unit on the account.
  • Error: Line xxx credit x,xxx.xx has digits in unused part. The journal entry contains significant digits outside the scale specified on the GL unit on the account.
  • Error: Line xxx has no control calendar for account xxxx-xx-x. The account on the journal entry does not have a control calendar defined. A GL account's control calendar is determined by the calendar specified on a segment item or by the company's default calendar.
  • Error: Line xxx has no period for date xx/xx/xxxx in calendar xxxxx. The date on the journal entry is not within a defined period for the account's control calendar. This error also occurs if there is no control calendar defined for the account.
  • Error: There is no period for today (xx/xx/xxxx) in calendar xxxxx. Today's date is not in a defined period for the account's control calendar. This error also occurs if there is no control calendar defined for the account.
  • Error: Entry is unbalanced - Accounts: xxxx-xx-x, Unit: xxxxx, Date: xx/xx/xxxx - xx/xx/xxxx, Amount: x,xxx.xx. Based on the balancing segments defined on the account, the journal entry is out of balance.
  • Error/Warning: Line xxx date xx/xx/xxxx is outside account xxxx-xx-x effective date range. The date on the journal entry is outside the defined posting date range for the account. Whether the validation is a warning or error depends on the posting date message defined on the account.
  • Error/Warning: Line xxx date xx/xx/xxxx is posting to a closed period in calendar xxxxx. The journal entry is trying to post to a period that is considered closed by the account's control calendar. The number of periods to consider open before or after today's date is controlled by the Open Before and Open After settings on the calendar. Whether the validation is a warning or error depends on the Post Control setting on the calendar. AR-specific posting controls can also be specified on the calendar by period. Package specific posting controls override the general posting controls on a calendar.



Validation messages for the Void AR Invoices wizard

The following messages may be returned in the void invoices process for invoices which do not pass validation:

  • Invoice is not merged. Only merged invoices can be voided. Unmerged invoices can be corrected or deleted in the Invoice window instead.
  • Invoice is a reversal invoice. The invoice is a reversal invoice that voided another invoice. Reversal invoices cannot be voided.
  • Invoice is a receipt invoice (Miscellaneous/Unapplied). The invoice is the result of a miscellaneous or unapplied payment. These invoices cannot be voided. Instead you should void the receipt using the Void Receipts wizard.
  • Invoice is already voided. Since the invoice has already been voided, it cannot be voided again.
  • Invoice is linked to summary invoice (xxxxx).
  • Invoice has an unvoided receipt. The invoice has a receipt applied to it. The receipt must be voided using the Void Receipts wizard before the invoice itself can be voided.
  • Invoice has an unvoided AP invoice. The associated AP invoice must be voided before you can void the AR invoice.
  • Invoice has invalid GL information. The GL information on the invoice must be corrected before the invoice can be voided. You may be able to correct the invalid information by running the Validate GL wizard for the invoice.
  • Customer (xxxxx) is obsolete. The customer on the invoice is flagged as obsolete. A reversal invoice cannot be created and merged for an obsolete customer. To void the invoice, first remove the obsolete flag from the customer record.
  • ARCode (xxxxx) is obsolete. An ARCode on the invoice is flagged as obsolete. A reversal invoice cannot be created and merged with an obsolete ARCode. To void the invoice, first remove the obsolete flag from the ARCode.
  • Line xxx debit x,xxx.xx has digits in unused part. The journal entry that would be created on the reversal invoice contains significant digits outside the scale specified for the GL unit on the account.
  • Line xxx credit x,xxx.xx has digits in unused part. The journal entry that would be created on the reversal invoice contains significant digits outside the scale specified for the GL unit on the account.
  • Line xxx has no control calendar for account xxxx-xx-x. The account on the journal entry that would be created on the reversal invoice does not have a defined control calendar. A GL account's control calendar is determined by the calendar specified on a segment item or by the company's default calendar.
  • Line xxx has no period for date xx/xx/xxxx in calendar xxxxx. The date on the journal entry that would be created on the reversal invoice is not within a defined period for the account's control calendar. This error also occurs if there is no control calendar defined for the account.
  • There is no period for today (xx/xx/xxxx) in calendar xxxxx. Today's date is not in a defined period for the account's control calendar. This error also occurs if there is no control calendar defined for the account.
  • Entry is unbalanced - Accounts: xxxx-xx-x, Unit: xxxxx, Date: xx/xx/xxxx - xx/xx/xxxx, Amount: x,xxx.xx. Based on the balancing segments defined on the account, the journal entry that would be created on the reversal invoice is out of balance.
  • Line xxx date xx/xx/xxxx is outside account xxxx-xx-x effective date range. The date on the journal entry that would be created on the reversal invoice is outside the defined posting date range for the account.
  • Line xxx date xx/xx/xxxx is posting to a closed period in calendar xxxxx. The journal entry that would be created on the reversal invoice is trying to post to a period that is considered closed by the account's control calendar. The number of periods to consider open before or after today's date is controlled by the Open Before and Open After settings on the calendar. Whether the validation is a warning or error depends on the Post Control setting on the calendar. AR-specific posting controls can also be specified on the calendar by period. Package specific posting controls override the general posting controls on a calendar.



Validation messages for the Print AR Invoices wizard

The following messages may be returned in the print invoices process for invoices which do not pass validation:

  • The "Print Invoice" field is FALSE. The Print Invoice flag on the invoice is unmarked. If you need to print the invoice, open the invoice record and mark the Print Invoice checkbox.
  • The invoice is not merged. Invoices are not eligible for printing until they are merged.
  • The invoice is a reversal invoice. Reversal invoices are created as a result of the void process and are not eligible for printing.
  • The invoice is voided. Voided invoices are not eligible for printing.
  • The Invoice Location is missing. The invoice is eligible for printing but does not have an invoice location assigned to it. The invoice location determines the delivery format (print or email). To print the invoice, first assign an invoice location on the invoice.
  • The Invoice has already been Printed. Once an invoice is flagged as printed, if you need to print another copy of the invoice you must use the Reprint AR Invoices wizard.
  • Invoice does not have a location email address. (Email invoices only) The invoice is eligible for emailing but does not have an email address on the location record.

    Customer: xxxx

    Location: xxxx



Validation messages for the Reprint AR Invoices wizard

The following messages may be returned in the reprint invoices process for invoices which do not pass validation:

  • The "Print Invoice" field is FALSE. The Print Invoice flag on the invoice is unmarked. This can occur if the Print Invoice checkbox was cleared after the invoice was initially printed.
  • The invoice is not merged. Invoices are not eligible for printing/reprinting until they are merged.
  • The invoice is a reversal invoice. Reversal invoices are created as a result of the void process and are not eligible for printing/reprinting.
  • The invoice is voided. Voided invoices are not eligible for printing/reprinting.
  • The Invoice Location is missing. The invoice is eligible for printing but does not have an invoice location assigned to it. This can occur if the invoice location was removed after the invoice was initially printed. The invoice location determines the delivery format (print or email). To reprint the invoice, assign an invoice location on the invoice.
  • The Invoice has not been Printed. The invoice is eligible for printing but has not been through the initial print process; therefore, it can't be reprinted. Use the Print AR Invoices wizard to print the invoice.
  • Invoice does not have a location email address. (Email invoices only) The invoice is eligible for emailing but does not have an email address on the location record.

    Customer: xxxx

    Location: xxxx



Validation messages for the Summarize AR Invoices wizard

The following messages may be returned in the summarization process for invoices which do not pass validation:

Invoice Validations

  • Invoice is already linked to a Summary Invoice (xxxxx-xx)
  • Invoice is already printed
  • Invoice is already paid
  • Invoice is voided by (xxxxx-xx)
  • Invoice is a reversal for (xxxxx-xx)

Summary Type Validations

  • Summary Type (xxxxx) requires Customer entry in Options dialog
  • Summary Type (xxxxx) requires Date entry in Options dialog
  • Summary Type (xxxxx) requires Invoice Location
  • Summary Type (xxxxx) requires Terms
  • Summary Type (xxxxx) requires Salesperson
  • Summary Type (xxxxx) requires PO Number
  • Summary Type (xxxxx) requires <Attribute xxxxx>
  • Summary Type (xxxxx) requires <Custom Field xxxxx>



Validation messages for the Unsummarize AR Invoices wizard

The following messages may be returned in the unsummarization process for invoices which do not pass validation:

  • Summary Invoice (xxxxx-xx) is on Hold
  • Summary Invoice (xxxxx-xx) is Locked



AR invoice expression keywords for AP invoices

The following keywords are available in expressions for AP invoice numbers and AP invoice descriptions derived from source AR invoices:

  • <Address Name Line 1>
  • <Customer Code>
  • <Customer Name>
  • <Customer PO #>
  • <Due Date>
  • <Due Date Month>
  • <Due Date Month Name>
  • <Due Date Day>
  • <Due Date Year>
  • <Invoice Description>
  • <Invoice #>
  • <Invoice Date>
  • <Invoice Amount>
  • <Invoice Balance>
  • <Invoice Date Month>
  • <Invoice Date Month Name>
  • <Invoice Date Day>
  • <Invoice Date Year>
  • <Merge #>
  • <Terms Code>
  • <Terms Description>



Validation messages for the Post AR Invoices to AP wizard

The following messages may be returned in the Post to AP process for invoices which do not pass validation:

  • Invoice isn't merged.
  • Invoice is a Reversal. Reversal invoices are not eligible to post to AP.
  • Invoice is Voided.
  • Invoice Type (xxxx) isn't marked to "Post to AP".
  • Invoice is already posted to AP (xxxxx - xxxx).
  • Invoice amount is zero.
  • Invoice has Sales Tax.
  • Invoice doesn't have a location.
  • AR Customer (xxxxx) does not have an AP Vendor.
  • AP Vendor (xxxxx) does not have a default Payment Location.
  • Invalid Sales account line xxx.