Tessitura import

The Tessitura import is the part of the AR/Tessitura interface that does the actual processing of GL postings in the Tessitura software into AR invoices in ActivityHD.

ClosedRun the import process

  1. In the Navigation pane, highlight the Accounts Receivable > Invoices folder.
  2. Click . The Import AR Invoices from Tessitura window opens.

  3. In the User field, enter the three-part user authentication code for Tessitura (in UserName:UserGroup:Location format).
  4. In the Password field, enter the authenication password.

    The password can safely be stored in user-specific action profiles (aka "saved answers").

  5. In the Control field, select the Tessitura control which contains the set-up information needed for this import.
  6. In the Beginning Post # field, enter the number for the first posting in the range of postings to import. This field defaults to one more than the Post # currently stored on the selected Tessitura control.
  7. In the Ending Post # field, enter the number for the last posting in the range of postings to import.
  8. In the Beginning Date field, enter the earliest date from which to select Tessitura posting detail.
  9. In the Ending Date field, enter the latest date from which to select Tessitura posting detail.
  10. In the Deposit Date field, select the deposit date to apply on imported payments.
  11. To suppress "Invoice is Duplicate" error messages, mark the Silently Skip Duplicates? checkbox.
  12. If you want to validate and merge (when allowed) imported invoices during the import process, mark the Merge Immediately? checkbox.
  13. Click Next >>. You are prompted to confirm that you want to import invoices from Tessitura.

  14. Click Yes.The GL transactions are imported and AR invoices and process notes (if a note type is specified on the Tessitura control) are created. Any errors encountered in processing are displayed.


    • Before an invoice is created in this process, duplicate invoice testing is performed using the duplicate conditions settings designated on the invoice type associated with the Tessitura control. If a duplicate invoice is found, a duplicate invoice is not created in ActivityHD and an error message is logged to the message window.

      When determining the duplicate conditions for an invoice type, bear in mind that the Tessitura posting number is used as the new invoice number. In order to ensure the integrity of duplicate checking, the customer code and the invoice number on Tessitura invoices must not be changed.

    • When an error occurs during import, it is logged to the message window, and processing continues on the next invoice. Because the value of Last Imported Post # is updated on an invoice-by-invoice basis, there can be a gap in import sequencing. As a result, it is possible to have an unimported Tessitura posting number which is less than the Last Imported Post #. To alleviate this situation, monitor the import messages and repost over a prior posting number range after correcting the problem.

  15. Click Next >> to view the invoices which were created. From this view page you can proof and merge the invoices if desired.

  16. When you finish working with the created invoices, click Finish.

ClosedRun the import process unattended

The Accounts Receivable automation interface provides an ImportTessituraInvoices method for importing invoices from a Tessitura web server. This method can be used in VB macros, ActivityHD bots, and other COM-enabled languages to import invoices in scheduled unattended processes.


IARPackage.ImportTessituraInvoices(Parameters As String, [MacroProcess As MacroProcess]) As Long

The method returns the number of invoices imported.

Best practice

AccountingWare recommends that you create a bot macro to call the ImportTessituraInvoices method via a personal action profile (aka "saved answer"). The following image shows how that bot might be set up:

With a personal saved action profile, you can safely store and access user-specific credentials for logging on to the Tessitura web server.

Next, create a simple VB script to execute the bot you created. The script should be similar to the following:

Dim Activity as Activity

Dim Company as Company

Set Activity = New Activity

Activity.Prompt = False

Activity.ServerAddress = "<activity_server_name>"


Set Company = Activity.Companies("<activity_company_name>")

Company.RunAction "Accounts Receivable", "Invoices", "Bot - Import Tessitura Invoices"

Next, use the Windows Task Scheduler to run the VB script file periodically.

Finally, remember that if a note type is associated with the Tessitura control you use when running the import from a bot, notes are automatically generated by the process. Review these notes to determine which, if any, import errors occurred. Common errors include missing GL accounts and undefined payment methods. If errors do occur, correct them, then run the Tessitura import manually for a range of posting numbers that includes the missing invoices. Duplicate invoices are automatically skipped.