
Built-in filters

Receipts are used in Accounts Receivable to record the receipt of funds from customers and to apply the funds to invoices as payments. Receipts can be grouped into deposits to automate the bank deposit process, to document the deposit's sources, and to create bank transactions in Bank Reconciliation that can be easily reconciled later.

ActivityHD's receipting can handle regular payments, miscellaneous payments, and unapplied payments. A miscellaneous receipt automatically creates an invoice for an amount that matches the payment amount. The invoice is merged and fully paid when the receipt is merged. As a result, it never contributes to outstanding accounts receivable. Creating an invoice to record sales information allows revenue and inventory to be consistently tracked, whether a miscellaneous receipt was used to record a cash sale or if the sale was accrued and paid out over time.

An unapplied payment also creates an invoice that is automatically merged when the receipt is merged. The original amount of an unapplied invoice is zero; its initial outstanding balance is the negative of the payment amount. This credit balance allows it to be applied as a payment on other invoices in a future receipt.

Extras\Accounts Receivable\Import AR Receipts.xls

Receipts security

Common accesses available on receipts

Access A user with this access can...
Change Use the mass change action on receipts.
Custom Fields Create and edit custom fields for receipts.
Data Have read-only access to receipts from anywhere in the software (e.g., field validations, filters, date expressions).
Delete Delete receipts.
Edit Edit receipt records.
Export Export receipt records from ActivityHD.
Import Import receipt records into ActivityHD.
New Create new receipt records.
Read Have read-only access to receipt records.
Report Run reports with receipt information.
Report Designs Create and edit report designs with receipt information. This access enables the Report Designs button on the Output tab of report dialogs.
Shared Answers Create and edit action profiles and report profiles related to receipts.
Shared Filters Create and edit shared filters on receipts.
Visible View the Receipts folder in the Navigation pane.

Special accesses available on receipts

Access A user with this access can...
Accounts Access GL accounts in the Receipt window.
Entry Number Override the entry number on a receipt.
GL Date Access the GL Date field in the Receipt window.
Merge Merge receipts.
Pay Any Access the group pay process (does not limit by customer)
Proof Run proof process to determine if receipts are valid for merging.
Void Void a receipt.



Receipt filters

The following built-in filters are available for AR receipts:

Filter Name Effect
? Batch Prompts for a batch name and lists the receipts with a batch name that contains the specified search string.
? Customer Code Prompts for a customer code and lists receipts for customers with a customer code that contains the specified search string.
? Customer Name Prompts for a customer name and lists receipts for customers with a name that contains the specified search string.
? Deposit Prompts for a deposit name and lists the receipts in the deposit.
? Receipt Amount Prompts for a range of amounts and lists receipts with an amount in that range.
? Receipt Created Date Prompts for a range of dates and lists receipts created in that date range.
? Receipt Date Prompts for a range of dates and lists receipts with a receipt date in that date range.
? Receipt GL Date Prompts for a range of dates and lists receipts with a GL date in that date range.
? Receipt Reference Prompts for a reference and lists receipts with a reference that contains the specified search string.
? Receipt Type Prompts for a receipt type and lists receipts with a receipt type that contains the specified search string.
Has Invalid GL Lists receipts with general ledger problems.
New Receipts Lists unmerged receipts only.
Receipts for This Week Lists receipts with a receipt date in the current week.
Receipts for Today Lists receipts created today.
Voided Receipts Lists receipts with a status of "Voided" or "Reversal".



Report Email dialog

The email account from which to send the email. Valid options are:
  • Windows user default account. Sends email using the user's Windows default email account. For most users, this is the account configured in Outlook or another email client application.
  • Server personal. Sends email using the email configuration for the system or company server and the email address on the current user's authorized user record. The authorized user record must have a confirmed email address.
  • Server generic. Sends email using the email configuration and "from" address for the system or company server. This option requires "Send generic" access to the Server Email resource.
The email address(es) to which to send the email. Separate email addresses with semi-colons.
The email addresses to copy on the email. Separate email addresses with semi-colons.
The email addresses to blind copy on the email. Separate email addresses with semi-colons.
The subject line.
Text box
The body of the email.



AR invoice expression keywords for receipts

The following keywords are available in expressions for AR invoice descriptions derived for invoices created during receipt entry.

Keyword Value
<Receipt Description> Description field from the receipt
<Invoice Date> Formatted invoice date
<Invoice Date Month> Numeric value (1-12) of the month of the invoice date
<Invoice Date Month Name> Month name of the invoice date
<Invoice Date Day> Numeric value (1-31) for the day of the invoice date
<Invoice Date Year> Four-digit numeric value (2014, 2015, ...) for the year of the invoice date


Suppose that you want the default invoice descriptions for unapplied payments to be similar to "Prepayment - August 2015". The following expression will generate descriptions of this sort:

Prepayment - <Invoice Date Month Name> <Invoice Date Year>



Validation messages for the Proof/Merge AR Receipts wizard

The following errors and warnings may be returned in the proofing process or merge process for receipts which do not pass validation:

Receipt Validations

  • Error: Customer is obsolete. The receipt customer has been flagged as obsolete. You must either specify a different customer on the receipt or remove the current customer's obsolete flag.
  • Error: Receipt is already merged.
  • Error: Receipt is on hold. The receipt has been flagged as "On Hold". To merge the receipt, clear the flag.
  • Error: GL Date is undefined.
  • Error: GL Batch is undefined.
  • Error: Bank Account is undefined.
  • Error: Receipt is duplicate (xxxxx). Based on the duplicate conditions defined for the receipt type, the receipt is considered a duplicate.
  • Error: GL Date doesn't match Deposit Date. The GL date on the receipt doesn't match the deposit date on the deposit assigned to the receipt. You can correct this on the receipt or using the Validate GL Information on AR Receipts wizard. Either way, the GL date on the receipt is automatically updated to match the deposit date.
  • Error: GL Batch doesn't match Deposit GL Batch. The GL batch on the receipt doesn't match the GL batch on the deposit assigned to the receipt. You can correct this on the receipt or using the Validate GL Information on AR Receipts wizard. Either way, the GL batch on the receipt is automatically updated to match the deposit GL batch.
  • Error: Bank Account doesn't match Deposit Bank Account. The bank account on the receipt doesn't match the bank account on the deposit assigned to the receipt. You can correct this on the receipt or using the Validate GL Information on AR Receipts wizard. Either way, the bank account on the receipt is automatically updated to match the bank account on the deposit.
  • Error: Payment Total (x,xxx.xx) doesn't equal Receipt Amount (x,xxx.xx).
  • Error: Receipt Type (xxxxx) requires a Deposit. The receipt is not assigned to a deposit but the receipt type requires a deposit.
  • Error: Receipt Type (xxxxx) doesn't allow Deposit Type (xxxxx). The receipt type on the receipt is not valid for the deposit type specified on the receipt.
  • Error: Cannot merge Receipt created by an Invoice. The receipt is the result of an initial payment on an invoice; therefore, it cannot be merged separately from the invoice. The receipt will be merged when the invoice is merged.
  • Warning: No invoices are selected for payment. There is no receipt detail on the receipt.
  • Warning: Discount Account is needed and undefined. The receipt has a discount amount but no discount account is specified on the receipt. While you can still merge the receipt, you will not be able to merge its GL entry until the situation is corrected.
  • Warning: Adjustment Account is needed and undefined. The receipt has an adjustment amount but no adjustment account is specified on the receipt. While you can still merge the receipt, you will not be able to merge its GL entry until the situation is corrected.

Receipt Detail Validations

  • Error: Line xx - Invoice (xxxxx) has different payment customer (xxxxx). The invoice selected for payment on this receipt detail line has a different payment customer than the receipt customer specified on the receipt. Although this situation is allowed when the "Pay Any" feature is used, the current user does not have "Pay Any" security authorization.
  • Error: Line xx - Invoice (xxxxx) receivables account is invalid (xxxx-xx-x).
  • Error: Line xx - Invoice (xxxxx) source is invalid (xxxxx).
  • Error: Line xx - Invoice (xxxxx) is already merged.
  • Error: Line xx - Invoice (xxxxx) is not merged.
  • Error: Line xx - Invoice (xxxxx) is duplicate (xxxxx). Based on the duplicate conditions defined for the invoice type assigned on this receipt detail line, the resulting miscellaneous or unapplied payment is considered a duplicate.
  • Error: Line xx - Invoice (xxxxx) GL Batch is undefined.
  • Error: Line xx - Invoice (xxxxx) Salesperson is obsolete (xxxxx). The invoice salesperson specified on this receipt detail line has been flagged as obsolete. Either assign another salesperson to this receipt detail line or remove the obsolete flag from the current salesperson.
  • Error: Line xx - Invoice (xxxxx) ARCode is obsolete. The ARCode specified on this receipt detail line has been flagged as obsolete. Either assign a different ARCode to this receipt detail line or remove the obsolete flag from the current ARCode.
  • Error: Invoice (xxxxx) Sales Tax (x,xxx.xx) doesn't equal Total Detail Tax (x,xxx.xx)
  • Error: Line xx - Unapplied payment invoice amount not zero (x,xxx.xx).
  • Warning: Line xx - Miscellaneous sales tax account is invalid (xxxx-xx-x). This receipt detail line is for a miscellaneous receipt that contains a sales tax amount; however, a valid sales tax account has not been specified on this detail line. While you can still merge the miscellaneous invoice and the receipt, you will not be able to merge the GL entry until this situation is corrected.
  • Warning: Line xx - Miscellaneous sales account is invalid (xxxx-xx-x). This receipt detail line is for a miscellaneous receipt; however, a valid sales account has not been specified on this detail line. While you can still merge the miscellaneous invoice and the receipt, you will not be able to merge the GL entry until this situation is corrected.
  • Warning: Line xx - Miscellaneous cost account is invalid (xxxx-xx-x). This receipt detail line is for a miscellaneous receipt with a non-zero cost amount; however, a valid cost account has not been specified on this detail line. While you can still merge the miscellaneous invoice and the receipt, you will not be able to merge the GL entry until this situation is corrected.
  • Warning: Line xx - Miscellaneous inventory account is invalid (xxxx-xx-x). This receipt detail line is for a miscellaneous receipt with a non-zero cost amount; however, a valid inventory account has not been specified on this detail line. While you can still merge the miscellaneous invoice and the receipt, you will not be able to merge the GL entry until this situation is corrected.
  • Warning: Line xx - Invoice (xxxxx) has (xx) invalid Sales Tax detail xxxxx.
  • Warning: Line xx - Total payment (x,xxx.xx) exceeds invoice balance (x,xxx.xx).

GL Validations

  • Error: Line xxx debit x,xxx.xx has digits in unused part. The journal entry has significant digits outside the scale specified for the GL unit.
  • Error: Line xxx credit x,xxx.xx has digits in unused part. The journal entry has significant digits outside the scale specified for the GL unit.
  • Error: Line xxx has no control calendar for account xxxx-xx-x. There is no control calendar defined for the account on the journal entry. A GL account's control calendar is determined by the calendar specified on a GL segment item or by the company's default calendar.
  • Error: Line xxx has no period for date xx/xx/xxxx in calendar xxxxx. The date on the journal entry does not fall within a defined period for the account's control calendar. This error is also returned if there is no control calendar defined for the account.
  • Error: There is no period for today (xx/xx/xxxx) in calendar xxxxx. Today's date does not fall within a defined period for the account's control calendar. This error is also returned if there is no control calendar defined for the account.
  • Error: Entry is unbalanced - Accounts: xxxx-xx-x, Unit: xxxxx, Date: xx/xx/xxxx - xx/xx/xxxx, Amount: x,xxx.xx. Based on the balancing segments defined for the account, the journal entry is out of balance.
  • Error/Warning: Line xxx date xx/xx/xxxx is outside account xxxx-xx-x effective date range. The date on the journal entry is outside the defined posting date range for the account. Whether this message is an error or warning depends on the posting date message defined on the account.
  • Error/Warning: Line xxx date xx/xx/xxxx is posting to a closed period in calendar xxxxx.The journal entry is trying to post to a closed period of the account's control calendar. The Open Before and Open After fields on the GL calendar determine how many periods to consider an account open before and after the current date. Whether this message is an error or warning depends on the post control setting on the GL calendar. AR-specific post controls can be set on the GL calendar by period. Package-specific controls trump general posting controls.



Validation messages for the Void AR Invoices wizard

The following messages may be returned in the void receipts process for receipts which do not pass validation:

  • Error: Receipt is not merged. Only merged receipts can be voided. Unmerged receipts can be corrected or deleted in the Receipt window instead.
  • Error: Receipt is a reversal receipt. The receipt is a reversal receipt that voided another receipt. Reversal receipts cannot be voided.
  • Error: Receipt is already voided. Since the receipt has already been voided, it cannot be voided again.
  • Error: Receipt has invalid GL information. The GL information on the receipt must be corrected before the receipt can be voided. You may be able to correct the invalid information by running the Validate GL wizard for the receipt.