Recurring AR invoices

Built-in filters

Recurring invoices are used to automate invoice creation for invoices which you issue on a regular basis. Each recurring invoice is associated with a GL calendar and a range of effective dates which control how often invoices are created and over what period of time. The Process AR Recurring Invoices wizard generates invoices based on the information in the recurring invoices. The wizard skips any recurring invoices that have already been processed for a given period. Once generated, these invoices behave like regular invoices.

Extras\Accounts Receivable\Import AR Recurring.xls

Recurring invoices security

Common accesses available on recurring invoices

Access A user with this access can...
Change Use the mass change action on recurring invoices.
Custom Fields Create and edit custom fields for recurring invoices.
Data Have read-only access to recurring invoices from anywhere in the software (e.g., field validations, filters, date expressions).
Delete Delete recurring invoices.
Edit Edit recurring invoice records.
Export Export recurring invoice records from ActivityHD.
Import Import recurring invoice records into ActivityHD.
New Create new recurring invoice records.
Read Have read-only access to recurring invoice records.
Report Run reports with recurring invoice information.
Report Designs Create and edit report designs with recurring invoice information. This access enables the Report Designs button on the Output tab of report dialogs.
Shared Answers Create and edit action profiles and report profiles related to recurring invoices.
Shared Filters Create and edit shared filters on recurring invoices.
Visible View the Recurring folder in the Navigation pane.

Special accesses available on recurring invoices

Access A user with this access can...
Process Process recurring invoices to produce regular invoices.



Recurring invoice filters

The following built-in filters are available for recurring invoices:

Filter Name Effect
? Customer Code Prompts for a customer code and lists the recurring invoices for that customer.
? Ready to Process Prompts for a processing date and lists the recurring invoices eligible for processing on that date.



Sales Tax Rates

The table shows details for the tax entities on the invoice.

Tax Entity

The tax entity code.

Press F3 to look up the value.

If a value is already selected, you can press F4 to open the record in its native editor.

The tax rate for the corresponding tax entity.
Taxable Basis
The total taxable amount from the invoice detail lines to which the corresponding tax rate applies.
Calculated Tax
The calculated tax amount due to the corresponding tax entity.
The aggregate tax rate and the total calculated tax for all tax entities on the invoice.



Report Email dialog

The email account from which to send the email. Valid options are:
  • Windows user default account. Sends email using the user's Windows default email account. For most users, this is the account configured in Outlook or another email client application.
  • Server personal. Sends email using the email configuration for the system or company server and the email address on the current user's authorized user record. The authorized user record must have a confirmed email address.
  • Server generic. Sends email using the email configuration and "from" address for the system or company server. This option requires "Send generic" access to the Server Email resource.
The email address(es) to which to send the email. Separate email addresses with semi-colons.
The email addresses to copy on the email. Separate email addresses with semi-colons.
The email addresses to blind copy on the email. Separate email addresses with semi-colons.
The subject line.
Text box
The body of the email.



Apply account masks for sales, cost, and inventory accounts

Account masks for sales, cost, and inventory accounts in Accounts Receivable are applied in the following order:

  1. ARCode
  2. Attribute items (last to first)
  3. Customer
  4. Customer class

To apply account masks, begin with the ARCode account mask, replacing wildcards with the corresponding values from the next mask. Continue in this manner until all masks are applied.


The table below shows ways the sales account might be constructed. In the example, "Department" and "Project" are invoice attributes linked directly to the corresponding GL account segments.

ARCode Department Project Customer Class Result
1000-00-000-A ????-12-???-? ????-??-318-? ????-??-???-? ????-??-???-? 1000-00-000-A
1000-??-000-A ????-12-???-? ????-??-318-? ????-??-???-? ????-??-???-? 1000-12-000-A
1000-??-???-A ????-12-???-? ???-??-318-? ????-??-???-? ????-??-???-? 1000-12-318-A



AR recurring invoice expression keywords

The following keywords are available in expressions for AR recurring invoice descriptions:

Keyword Value
<Period Number> The GL calendar period number
<Period Description> The GL calendar period description
<Period Year Code> The GL calendar year code
<Period Year Description> The GL calendar year description
<Period Begin Month> The numeric month (1-12) of the GL calendar period begin date
<Period Begin Month Name> The name of the month of the GL calendar period begin date
<Period Begin Day> The numeric day (1-31) of the GL calendar period begin date
<Period Begin Year> The numeric year of the GL calendar period begin date
<Period End Month> The numeric month (1-12) of the GL calendar period end date
<Period End Month Name> The name of the month of the GL calendar period end date
<Period End Day> The numeric day (1-31) of the GL calendar period end date
<Period End Year> The numeric year of the GL calendar period end date

The Current, Previous, and Next qualifiers can be used in front of a keyword to generate values from related periods.


  • Suppose you want to generate an AR invoice once a quarter with a description like "Qtr 1 (January - March)". To do so, you would use the "Quarter" GL calendar on the recurring invoice and the following invoice description:

    Qtr <Period Number> (<Period Begin Month Name> - <Period End Month Name>)

  • Suppose you want to generate invoices at the end of the month to collect payments for services to be provided the following month. You want a description like "Services - July, 2015". Use the "Monthly" GL calendar and the following invoice description:

    Services - <Next Period Begin Month>, <Next Period Begin Year>



Validation messages for the Process AR Recurring Invoices wizard

The following messages may be returned in the recurring invoices process for any invoices which were not generated:

  • Recurring Invoice is obsolete. The selected recurring invoice has been flagged as obsolete.
  • Resulting invoice date (xx/xx/xxxx) precedes Recurring begin date (xx/xx/xxxx). When ActivityHD compared the processing date entered in the wizard to the calculated invoice date, it found that the invoice date falls before the range of processing dates for the recurring invoice. As a result, no invoice was generated.
  • Resulting invoice date (xx/xx/xxxx) exceeds Recurring end date (xx/xx/xxxx). When ActivityHD compared the processing date entered in the wizard to the calculated invoice date, it found that the invoice date falls after the range of processing dates for the recurring invoice. As a result, no invoice was generated.
  • Recurring Invoice already processed for this period. An invoice was already generated from the recurring invoice for the period in which the processing date falls and the recurring invoice does not allow duplicates.
  • Calendar (xxxxx) period not defined for processing date (xx/xx/xxxx). The period information has not been defined on the recurring invoice's GL calendar for the specified processing date. Before you can process the recurring invoice, define the period information on the GL calendar.
  • Receivables Account is required to determine the GL Date. The following conditions exist:

    • The recurring invoice's GL date is based on the period end date.
    • One of the active account segments is set to require a GL calendar.
    • There is no default calendar set for the ActivityHD company.

    When these conditions exist, ActivityHD retrieves the calendar from the receivables account to determine the invoice's GL date. If a valid receivables account is not derived from the recurring invoice, ActivityHD cannot determine the calendar to use.

  • Default control calendar is required to determine the GL Date. The following conditions exist:

    • The recurring invoice's GL date is based on the period end date.
    • None of the active account segments is set to require a GL calendar.
    • There is no default calendar set for the ActivityHD company.

    When these conditions exist, ActivityHD cannot determine the GL date for the invoice because no control calendar is defined.