State W-4s

Built-in filters

State W-4 records help you withhold the correct amount of state income tax from an employee's earnings. ActivityHD has a state W-4 record type for storing employees' state withholding allowance details. You can also attach a copy of the actual state W-4 to the state W-4 record.


"State W-4" refers to the state withholding certificate that is the state analog of the federal Form W-4. The form name and number vary from state to state; however, references to "state W-4" should be understood to refer to the particular withholding certificate for the state under discussion.

The StateW4.Withholding payroll check calculation function is used to calculate state income tax withholding based on the state W-4 in effect for the employee as of the check date. If no state W-4 has been submitted or if the state W-4 has expired as of a particular check date, ActivityHD applies the specific rules of the employee's state to determine how much to withhold. For instance, some states require that maximum withholding be figured based on single filing status with no dependents when no valid state W-4 is in effect. Several states fall back to the elections on the employee's current federal W-4 and apply those to state withholding.


ActivityHD supports the calculation of local income tax for a few locations where the state W-4 provides for entry of a local taxing authority. In these cases, a state W-4 must exist for an employee in order to calculate the local income tax; otherwise, the local tax amount will be shown as 0.00.

The StateW4.ExtraWithholding payroll check calculation function uses the Extra Withholding (or Additional Amount, Additional Withholding) field on the state W-4 to determine the extra withholding amount.

Extras\Payroll\Import Employee State W-4 Records.xls; Create State W-4 from param values map.xlsx

State W-4s security

Common accesses available on state W-4s

Access A user with this access can...
Change Use the mass change action on state W-4s.
Custom Fields Create and edit custom fields for state W-4s.
Data Have read-only access to state W-4s from anywhere in the software (e.g., field validations, filters, date expressions).
Delete Delete state W-4s.
Edit Edit state W-4 records.
Export Export state W-4 records from ActivityHD.
Import Import state W-4 records into ActivityHD.
New Create new state W-4 records.
Read Have read-only access to state W-4 records.
Report Run reports with state W-4 information.
Report Designs Create and edit report designs with state W-4 information. This access enables the Report Designs button on the Output tab of report dialogs.
Shared Answers Create and edit action profiles and report profiles related to state W-4s.
Shared Filters Create and edit shared filters on state W-4s.
Visible View the State W-4s folder in the Navigation pane.



State W-4s filters

The following built-in filters are available for state W-4s:

Filter Name Effect
? Current Records Prompts for a date and lists the state W-4s in effect as of the specified date. Leave the date blank to default to today's date.
? Employee Code Prompts for an employee code and lists the state W-4s with an employee code that contains the specified search string.
? Employee Name Prompts for an employee name and lists the state W-4s with an employee name that contains the specified search string.
? State Prompts for a state and lists the state W-4s for the specified state. Enter the two-character postal abbreviation, a partial state name with wildcards, or the full state name.
? Tax Entity Prompts for a tax entity and lists the state W-4 records for the same state as the specified tax entity. The filter accepts both state and local tax entities. You can search by entity ID or entity name.
Current Employees Lists state W-4s for employees who are employed as of today.



What happens if an employee's state W-4 record is missing?

The following table summarizes by state how ActivityHD calculates state income tax for an employee with no state W-4 on record.

State Rule
Alabama 0 personal exemptions
Arizona Flat 2.0%
Arkansas Single with 0 exemptions
California Single with 0 allowances
Colorado Uses USA W-4 selections.
Connecticut Flat 6.99%
Delaware If a pre-2020 USA W-4 is found, uses the filing status and allowances from the USA W-4; otherwise, single with 0 allowances.
District of Columbia Single with 0 allowances
Georgia Single with 0 allowances
Hawaii Single with 0 allowances
Idaho If a pre-2020 USA W-4 is found, uses the filing status and allowances from the USA W-4; otherwise, single with 0 allowances.
Illinois 0 exemptions (basic and additional)
Indiana 0 exemptions and 0 dependents
Iowa If IA W-4 is missing or is dated before 1/1/2024, uses the "Other" filing status with $40 total allowance amount and no additional withholding.
Kansas Single with 0 allowances
Kentucky K-4 not required. Flat 5% with standard deduction allowance.
Louisiana L-4 not required. Uses filing status of "No exemptions or dependents claimed"; i.e., 0 exemptions and 0 dependents.
Maine Single with 0 allowances
Maryland Single with 1 exemption
Massachusetts 0 exemptions
Michigan 0 exemptions
Minnesota If a pre-2020 USA W-4 is found, uses the allowances from the USA W-4; otherwise, single with 0 allowances.
Mississippi Single with 0 exemptions
Missouri Single with 0 allowances
Montana If a federal W-4 is found, uses the filing status from the USA W-4; otherwise, uses single filing status.
Nebraska If a pre-2020 USA W-4 is found, uses the filing status and allowances from the USA W-4; otherwise, single with 0 allowances.
New Jersey Wage letter "A" with 0 allowances
New Mexico Uses New Mexico-designated USA W-4; if none, uses the USA W-4; if neither, single filing status.
New York If a pre-2020 USA W-4 is found, uses the filing status and allowances from the USA W-4; otherwise, single with 0 allowances.
North Carolina Single with 0 allowances
North Dakota Uses USA W-4; if missing, not exempt.
Ohio 0 exemptions
Oklahoma Single with 0 allowances
Oregon If a pre-2020 USA W-4 is found, uses filing status and allowances from the USA W-4; otherwise, single with 0 allowances.
Pennsylvania Flat 3.07%
Rhode Island 0 allowances
South Carolina If a pre-2020 USA W-4 is found, uses filing status and allowances from the USA W-4; otherwise, single with 0 allowances.
Utah No state W-4. Uses USA W-4 only to determine wages subject to federal withholding.
Vermont Uses filing status and allowances (pre-2020) from the USA W-4; otherwise, single with 0 allowances.
Virginia 0 personal exemptions and 0 age and blindness exemptions
West Virginia 0 allowances and does not withhold at optional lower rate
Wisconsin If a pre-2020 USA W-4 is found, uses filing status and allowances from the USA W-4; otherwise, single with 0 allowances.