Insurance coverage


The Affordable Care Act mandates that employers who provide a self-insured health plan must report the covered employee as well as any spouse or dependents also covered by the plan. Insurance coverage records let you record this required information for self-insured plans.

Before you can add a spouse or dependent on an insurance coverage record, the person must first be set up as an employee contact. This makes the person available for selection in the Covered Family Members table. For each family member covered, either a Social Security number or date of birth is required.

Extras\Human Resources\Import HR Insurance Coverage.xls

Insurance coverage security

Common accesses available on insurance coverage records

Access A user with this access can...
Change Use the mass change action on insurance coverage records.
Custom Fields Create and edit custom fields for insurance coverage records.
Data Have read-only access to insurance coverage records from anywhere in the software (e.g., field validations, filters, date expressions).
Delete Delete insurance coverage records.
Edit Edit insurance coverage records.
Export Export insurance coverage records from ActivityHD.
Import Import insurance coverage records into ActivityHD.
New Create new insurance coverage records.
Read Have read-only access to insurance coverage records.
Report Run reports with insurance coverage record information.
Report Designs Create and edit report designs with insurance coverage record information. This access enables the Report Designs button on the Output tab of report dialogs.
Shared Answers Create and edit action profiles and report profiles related to insurance coverage records.
Shared Filters Create and edit shared filters on insurance coverage records.
Visible View the Insurance Coverage folder in the Navigation pane.