Employee statuses

Built-in filters

Employee statuses determine whether an employee is hired or terminated, whether the employee is paid when a payroll run is processed, and whether the employee accrues leave. Statuses are date-driven, so when you assign a status to an employee you provide both a date and a status. Because they are date-driven, you can enter statuses in advance but only the employee's current status is used in processing.

Effective in version 8.25, statuses have an effective date rule. Statuses which represent a termination in employment should have an "End of Day" rule to ensure the employee can be paid on the last day of employment. All statuses which represent current, on-going, or future employment should have a "Begin of Day" rule. In addition to ensuring that a terminated employee can be paid on their last day of work, this feature makes it easier to process employees who start and terminate employment on the same day.

Employee statuses are maintained on the employee record in the Statuses table on the Employee tab.

To view all employee statuses, highlight the Payroll/Human Resources > Employees > Statuses folder and view them in the HD view. Drilling down on a status in the HD view opens the employee record to the Employee tab with focus on the status you clicked on.

Extras\Payroll\Import Employee Statuses.xls

Employee statuses security

Common accesses available on employee statuses

Access A user with this access can...
Change Use the mass change action on employee statuses.
Data Have read-only access to employee statuses from anywhere in the software (e.g., field validations, filters, date expressions).
Delete Delete employee statuses.
Edit Edit employee statuses.
Read Have read-only access to employee statuses.
Report Run reports with employee status information.
Report Designs Create and edit report designs with employee status information. This access enables the Report Designs button on the Output tab of report dialogs.
Shared Answers Create and edit action profiles and report profiles related to employee statuses.
Shared Filters Create and edit shared filters on employee statuses.
Visible View the Employees > Statuses folder in the Navigation pane.



Employee statuses filters

The following built-in filters are available for employee statuses:

Filter Name Effect
? Current Values Prompts for a date and lists employee statuses for employees as of that date.
? Employee Code Prompts for an employee code and lists employee statuses for employees with an employee code that contains the specified search string.
? Employee Name Prompts for an employee name and lists employee statuses for employees with a name that contains the specified search string.
? Status Code Prompts for a status code and lists employee statuses with a status code that contains the specified search string.
? Status Description Prompts for a status description and lists employee statuses that have a status code with a description that contains the specified search string.
Current Employees Lists employee statuses for current employees.
First Status Lists the earliest status recorded for each selected employee.
Same employee and date Lists the employees who have two employee statuses with the same effective date rule on the same day. At most, an employee can have one begin-of-day and one end-of-day status on any given day.
Terminated Employees Lists employee statuses for terminated employees.