
Built-in filters

Employees are the central entity of the Payroll system and creating them is the first step in setting up the Payroll package.

Extras\Payroll\Import Employees.xls; Change Employees. xls; Import Employee Positions.xls; Import Employee Statuses.xls; Change Employee Disbursement Set Run Type.xls; DeleteOrExpire Employee Disbursement Sets.xls; DeleteOrExpire Employee Leave Plans.xls; Copy Employee Disbursement Sets.xls

Box 14 notes by tax year


For 2020, employers must report the amount of qualified sick leave wages and qualified family leave wages paid to employees on Form W-2, Box 14, or on a separate statement.

The built-in groups "COVIDQualifiedFamily" and "COVIDQualifiedSick" provide the amounts required for Form 941 reporting; however, Form W-2 requires the wages in "COVIDQualifiedSick" be split in order to provide employees who are also self-employed with the amounts needed to figure their qualified sick equivalent or qualified family leave equivalent credits. Therefore, you must use your own groups for these two amounts:

  • Qualified sick wages paid at regular pay rate, subject to $511 per day limit, self-care (we suggest naming the group "COVID1").
  • Qualified sick wages paid at two-thirds the regular pay rate, subject to $200 per day limit, care for others (we suggest naming the group "COVID2").

When you generate W-2s, use the Maintain Other Amounts button to enter groups for COVID-19 wages. Note that if you are using the "Copy A 5201 (built-in)" design, abbreviated labels will be needed. For example:

Label Group Amount
FamLeave COVIDQualifiedFamily Amount
COVIDEmp or COVID511 COVID1 Result
COVIDFam or COVID200 COVID2 Result



Disbursement account setup for Canadian EFT

  1. In the Disbursement Accounts table, perform the following steps for each of the accounts to disburse some of the employee's pay to:
    1. From the Type drop-down list, select "EFT Canadian".
    2. In the Branch Number column, enter the 5-digit code that identifies the bank branch.
    3. In the Bank Number column, enter the 3-digit code that identifies the financial institution.
    4. In the Bank Account column, enter the employee's account number with the bank.
    5. Enter a Nickname for the account.



Validation messages for the Generate W-2s wizard

The following messages may be returned in the W-2 generation process for employee records which do not pass validation:

  • Error: No merged checks in date range.
  • Error: No Wages or Withholding for xxxxx. No wages or withholding for the indicated state or local tax entity.
  • Error: Medicare wages and tips are less than the sum of social security wages and tips.
  • Error: Social security tax is greater than zero; social security wages and tips are equal to zero.
  • Error: Medicare tax is greater than zero; Medicare wages and tips are equal to zero.
  • Warning: Missing Social Security Number.
  • Warning: Incomplete address.



Employees security

Common accesses available on employees

Access A user with this access can...
Change Use the mass change action on employees.
Custom Fields Create and edit custom fields for employees.
Data Have read-only access to employees from anywhere in the software (e.g., field validations, filters, date expressions).
Delete Delete employees.
Edit Edit employee records.
Export Export employee records from ActivityHD.
Import Import employee records into ActivityHD.
New Create new employee records.
Read Have read-only access to employee records.
Report Run reports with employee information.
Report Designs Create and edit report designs with employee information. This access enables the Report Designs button on the Output tab of report dialogs.
Shared Answers Create and edit action profiles and report profiles related to employees.
Shared Filters Create and edit shared filters on employees.
Visible View the Employees folder in the Navigation pane.

Special accesses available on employees

Access A user with this access can...
Attributes Access employee attribute assignments.
Calculations Access employee automatics, parameters, and parameter values.
Create File Create an export totals file.
Disbursements Access employee bank accounts, disbursement sets, and disbursement rules.
Positions Access employee position assignments.
Prenote Process prenotes.
Seniority & Leave Access employee leave ledger assignments.
Social Insurance Show social insurance numbers and view them unobscured.
Social Security Show social security numbers and view them unobscured.
Statuses Access employee status assignments.



Employee filters

The following built-in filters are available for employees:

Filter Name Effect
? Birth Month Prompts for a month number and lists the employees born in that month.
? Employee Code Prompts for an employee code and lists the employees with an employee code that contains the specified search string.
? Employee Goes By Prompts for an employee "goes by" name and lists the employees with a "goes by" name that contains the specified search string.
? Employee Name Prompts for an employee name and lists the employees with a name that contains the specified search string.
? Employee Pronouns Prompts for employee pronouns and lists the employees who use the specified pronouns.
? Has Automatic Prompts for a PRCode and lists the employees who have a PRCode assigned to their list of automatics that contains the specified search string.
? Has Check Line Group Prompts for a check line group and a range of dates and lists the employees whose checks have included the check line group during the specified date range.
? Has Check Line PRCode Prompts for a PRCode and a range of dates and lists the employees with check lines during the date range that reference a PRCode that contains the specified search string.
? Has Checks Prompts for a range of dates and lists the employees with checks during that date range.
? Has Compensation Prompts for a range of dates and lists the employees who received compensation during that date range.
? Has Note Type Prompts for a note type and a range of dates and lists the employees that have a note during the date range with a note type that contains the specified search string.
? Has Parameter Prompts for a parameter and lists the employees with that parameter assigned to them regardless of the parameter value.
? Has Position Prompts for a position and a date and lists the employees in a position as of that date with a position code that contains the specified search string.
? Has Run Type Prompts for a run type and lists the employees with a run type assigned that contains the specified search string.
? Has Status Prompts for a status and a range of dates and lists the employees with a status during that date range that contains the specified search string.
? Has Tax Entity Prompts for a tax entity and a range of check dates and lists the employees with checks in the date range that reference the specified tax entity.
? Hired Date Range Prompts for a range of dates and lists the employees hired during that date range.
? Missing Automatic Prompts for a PRCode and lists the employees who the PRCode is not assigned to (including garnishment PRCodes).
? Missing Note Type Prompts for a note type and a range of dates and lists the employees without a note during that date range that has a note type that contains the specified search string.
? Missing Run Type Prompts for a run type and lists the employees without a run type that contains the specified search string.
? Missing Time Sheet Prompts for a run type and a check date and lists the employees with no timesheet for the check date for a run type that contains the specified search string.
? Missing W-4 Record Prompts for a range of dates and lists the employees with no W-4 in the date range.
? No Checks Since Prompts for a check date and lists the employees with no checks after that date.
? Social Insurance Prompts for a social insurance number and lists the employee with that number.
? Social Security Prompts for a social security number and lists the employee with that number.
? Terminated Between Prompts for a range of dates and lists the employees who were terminated in that date range.
Current Employees Lists employees who are employed as of today.
Has Missing Location Lists employees with at least one missing location (primary, government, disbursement).
Missing I-9 Record Lists employees with no I-9 record.
Ready to Prenote Lists employees whose bank account has not been previously prenoted.
Terminated Lists employees who are terminated as of today.



Employee Balances Report security

Common accesses available on the Employee Balances Report

Access A user with this access can...
Report Designs Create and edit report designs for the Employee Balances Report. This access enables the Report Designs button on the Output tab of the report dialog.
Run Report Run the Employee Balances Report.



Report Email dialog

The email account from which to send the email. Valid options are:
  • Windows user default account. Sends email using the user's Windows default email account. For most users, this is the account configured in Outlook or another email client application.
  • Server personal. Sends email using the email configuration for the system or company server and the email address on the current user's authorized user record. The authorized user record must have a confirmed email address.
  • Server generic. Sends email using the email configuration and "from" address for the system or company server. This option requires "Send generic" access to the Server Email resource.
The email address(es) to which to send the email. Separate email addresses with semi-colons.
The email addresses to copy on the email. Separate email addresses with semi-colons.
The email addresses to blind copy on the email. Separate email addresses with semi-colons.
The subject line.
Text box
The body of the email.



Third party sick pay


Excerpt from sample check:

PRCode Source Result AP Control Groups Debit Account Credit Account
Pay.3rdSick 685.71 685.71   Compensation 9999-00-00-A  
Tax.3rdMedEE 685.71 9.94   3rdPartySickPayMed, Medicare   9999-00-00-A
Tax.3rdSocSecEE 685.71 42.51   3rdPartySickPaySS, SocialSecurity   9999-00-00-A
Tax.3rdUSA 685.71 0.00   3rdPartySickPayTax, IncomeTax   9999-00-00-A
Tax.MedER 685.71 9.94 941 Medicare 5401-00-00-A 2401-00-00-A
Tax.SocSecER 685.71 42.51 941 SocialSecurity 5402-00-00-A 2402-00-00-A
Ded.3rdSick 633.26 633.26       9999-00-00-A

Source and Result expressions for Ded.3rdSick


SumCheck.Result('Type=Pay AND Pay=3rdSick')

- SumCheck('3rdPartySickPayTax Amount')

- SumCheck('3rdPartySickPaySS Amount')

- SumCheck('3rdPartySickPayMed Amount')




  • Pay.3rdSick, Tax.3rdMedEE, and Tax.3rdSocSecEE, and perhaps Tax.3rdUSA, are input after-the-fact from the third-party claim.
  • 3rdMedEE and 3rdSocSecEE have normal source expressions for wages, but a null result expression for entering the claim amount.
  • Tax.3rdUSA has a normal source for taxable wages, but the result is blank or zero. This line is needed for taxable wages, even if the third-party payer did not deduct it (this is also true for state taxes).
  • Employee-paid taxes in both the normal groups and the third-party groups.
    • W-2 forms. Since they are in normal taxable groups, third-party totals are included in wage and withholding amounts on W-2 forms. Moreover, the third-party checkbox is marked on the W-2 if either the Third Party Sick Pay checkbox is marked on the employee record or the third-party Social Security or Medicare withholding amount is greater than zero.
    • USA Tax Liability Report. Mark the Subtract Third-party Sick Pay checkbox to report your company's tax liability only. Clear the checkbox to include taxes paid by third parties.
    • Form 941. Third-party sick amounts are reported on Form 941.
  • There is no AP control for employee-withheld social security, Medicare, and income tax since these are paid by the third-party payer.
  • Normal MedER and SocSecER are used for amounts the employer owes. These are assigned to an AP control.
  • Ded.3rdSick reduces net pay to zero.

Sample Check GL Detail Report

Note the suspense account is used for 3rdMedEE, 3rdSocSecEE, 3rdUSA, and Ded.3rdSick.

9999-00-00-A Suspense 08/19/2023 685.71  
5401-00-00-A Medicare Tax 08/19/2023 9.94  
5402-00-00-A Social Security Tax 08/19/2023 42.51  
9999-00-00-A Suspense 08/19/2023   738.16
  738.16 738.16
9999-00-00-A Suspense 08/19/2023 738.16  
9999-00-00-A Suspense 08/19/2023   685.71
2401-00-00-A Medicare Payable 08/19/2023   9.94
2402-00-00-A Social Security Payable 08/19/2023   42.51
  738.16 738.16
9999-00-00-A Suspense 08/19/2023 0.00  
9999-00-00-A Suspense 08/19/2023   0.00
  0.00 0.00