Run types


Run types determine the characteristics of payroll runs including the number of annual pay periods and the liability account and bank account used. For example, if you pay hourly workers weekly and salaried workers semi-monthly, you could define a weekly run type and a semi-monthly run type. Or, if everyone is paid semi-monthly but you have some deductions which are only taken once a month, you may want to define a semi-monthly and a monthly run type.

Run types are assigned to PRCodes and to payroll runs which, in turn, control which PRCodes are retrieved from employee automatics and which check lines are created during Process Payroll Run.

Extras\Payroll\Import Run Types.xls

Run types security

Common accesses available on run types

Access A user with this access can...
Change Use the mass change action on run types.
Custom Fields Create and edit custom fields for run types.
Data Have read-only access to run types from anywhere in the software (e.g., field validations, filters, date expressions).
Delete Delete run types.
Edit Edit run type records.
Export Export run type records from ActivityHD.
Import Import run type records into ActivityHD.
New Create new run type records.
Read Have read-only access to run type records.
Report Run reports with run type information.
Report Designs Create and edit report designs with run type information. This access enables the Report Designs button on the Output tab of report dialogs.
Shared Answers Create and edit action profiles and report profiles related to run types.
Shared Filters Create and edit shared filters on run types.
Visible View the Run Types folder in the Navigation pane.



Report Email dialog

The email account from which to send the email. Valid options are:
  • Windows user default account. Sends email using the user's Windows default email account. For most users, this is the account configured in Outlook or another email client application.
  • Server personal. Sends email using the email configuration for the system or company server and the email address on the current user's authorized user record. The authorized user record must have a confirmed email address.
  • Server generic. Sends email using the email configuration and "from" address for the system or company server. This option requires "Send generic" access to the Server Email resource.
The email address(es) to which to send the email. Separate email addresses with semi-colons.
The email addresses to copy on the email. Separate email addresses with semi-colons.
The email addresses to blind copy on the email. Separate email addresses with semi-colons.
The subject line.
Text box
The body of the email.