Export controls

Built-in filters

Export controls define how electronic files produced from payroll data are laid out. Electronic files can be submitted to government entities, insurance and pension administrators, or anyone who requires a file of employee totals. Files can be fixed-width or comma- or tab-delimited.

For your convenience, the ActivityHD distribution includes a few export control files which can be imported to your system. These include layouts for USA EFW2, state EFW2s, Canadian T4, California Quarterly Wage (DE 6), and New Employee Registry (DE 34). You can find these files in the Extras folder: ...\Extras\Payroll\Export Controls\.

Export controls are used to generate the Create Totals File (see below) and to print the Employee Totals File Report.


Export controls security

Common accesses available on export controls

Access A user with this access can...
Change Use the mass change action on export controls.
Custom Fields Create and edit custom fields for export controls.
Data Have read-only access to export controls from anywhere in the software (e.g., field validations, filters, date expressions).
Delete Delete export controls.
Edit Edit export control records.
Export Export export control records from ActivityHD.
Import Import export control records into ActivityHD.
New Create new export control records.
Read Have read-only access to export control records.
Report Run reports with export control information.
Report Designs Create and edit report designs with export control information. This access enables the Report Designs button on the Output tab of report dialogs.
Shared Answers Create and edit action profiles and report profiles related to export controls.
Shared Filters Create and edit shared filters on export controls.
Visible View the Export Controls folder in the Navigation pane.



Export controls filters

The following built-in filters are available for export controls:

Filter Name Effect
? Attribute Prompts for an attribute and lists the export controls which reference the attribute.
? Group Prompts for a check line group and lists the export controls which reference the group.
? Segment Item Parameter Prompts for a segment item parameter and lists the export controls which reference the segment item parameter.
? Source Prompts for a source name and lists the export controls which include sources which contain the specified search string. Sources in this context refer to the possible values in the Source dropdown in the Fields table such as "Literal - String" and "Field Compare".



Employee Totals File Report


The Employee Totals File Report shows employee totals for the export file and the export control you designate.


For each record represented on the report, the report shows:

  • record number
  • defined fields.

For each field represented on the report, the report shows:

  • field number
  • beginning position of field
  • ending position of field
  • length of field
  • field name
  • field value
  • formatted number (when the field value is a number).

The following totals appear on the report:

  • total records reported
  • total fields reported.

Print the report

  1. In the Navigation pane, highlight the Payroll/Human Resources > Employees folder.
  2. Right-click the Employees folder and select Report Totals File from the shortcut menu.

  3. On the Options tab in the Filename field, enter the path and file name of the export totals file or browse to it and select it.
  4. Select the Export Control to use for the report. The export control specifies the record and field definitions used for the totals file.
  5. The fields in the Optional Record Limits section let you filter by one or more of the following fields:
    • Beginning. Enter the smallest record number to include on the report.
    • Ending. Enter the largest record number to include on the report.
    • Note

      In the past, the Name and Employee fields often required wildcarding to produce the desired result. As of version 9.4-0, wildcarding is built into these fields.

    • Name. To filter by record name, enter the value or partial value to match.
    • Employee. To filter by employee name, enter the value or partial value to match.

  6. The fields in the Optional Field Limits section let you filter by one or more of the following fields:
    • Beginning. Enter the smallest field number to include on the report.
    • Ending. Enter the largest field number to include on the report.
    • Note

      In the past, the Name and Employee fields often required wildcarding to produce the desired result. As of version 9.4-0, wildcarding is built into these fields.

    • Name. To filter by field name, enter the value or partial value to match.

    • Value. To filter by field value, enter the value or partial value to match.

  7. To include a section at the end of the report with the report settings used to produce the report, leave the Include Report Options checkbox marked. To produce the report without this information, clear the checkbox.
  8. Select the Output tab.
  9. In the Design field, look up and select the report design to use.
  10. In the toolbar, click the icon for the type of output you want:
    • - Provides access to two preview options.
      • Preview - Click the icon or click the drop-down arrow and select Preview from the drop-down menu to view the report in the Crystal Reports viewer.
      • Preview to PDF - Click the drop-down arrow next to the icon and select Preview to PDF to view the report in the PDF reader.
    • - Opens the Print dialog so that you can select and configure a printer and then print a paper copy of the report.
    • - Opens the Report Email dialog so that you can address and compose an email that the report will be attached to. For best results, ensure your email client is running before you attempt to send a report via email.
    • - Opens the Export Report dialog so that you can save the report to a file. File types include Crystal Reports (.rpt), PDF (.pdf), Microsoft Excel (.xls), Microsoft Word (.doc), rich text (.rtf), and XML (.xml).



Export controls: Format system defaults

The table below shows system default formatting settings by data type.

Date Justify: Left Pad: " " Format: "YYYYMMDD"
Number Justify: Right Pad: "0" Decimal: No Commas    Scale: 2    No Minus: Error
String Justify: Left Pad: " " Case: Upper



Export controls: Date format code

The following list shows the possible components of a date format code. In the list, "d" stands for day, "m" for month, and "y" for year. All other characters are recognized as formatting characters. If the format code returns a formatted date longer than 10 characters, the date will be truncated.

d Displays the day as a number without a leading zero (1-31).
dd Displays the day as a two-digit number with a leading zero (01-31).
ddd Displays the day as an abbreviation (Sun-Sat).
dddd Displays the day as a full name (Sunday-Saturday).
m Displays the month as a number without a leading zero (1-12).
mm Displays the month as a two-digit number with a leading zero (01-12).
mmm Displays the month as an abbreviation (Jan-Dec).
mmmm Displays the month as a full name (January-December).
yy Displays the year as a two-digit number (00-99).
yyyy Displays the year as a four-digit number (0000-9999).


The following examples show how the date March 6, 2014 is displayed when the corresponding date format code is applied.

mm/dd/yy 03/06/14
m/d/yy 3/6/14
mm/dd/yyyy 03/06/2014
dd/mm/yy 06/03/14
yyyy/mm/dd 2014/03/06
yyyy 2014
mmmm March



Report Email dialog

The email account from which to send the email. Valid options are:
  • Windows user default account. Sends email using the user's Windows default email account. For most users, this is the account configured in Outlook or another email client application.
  • Server personal. Sends email using the email configuration for the system or company server and the email address on the current user's authorized user record. The authorized user record must have a confirmed email address.
  • Server generic. Sends email using the email configuration and "from" address for the system or company server. This option requires "Send generic" access to the Server Email resource.
The email address(es) to which to send the email. Separate email addresses with semi-colons.
The email addresses to copy on the email. Separate email addresses with semi-colons.
The email addresses to blind copy on the email. Separate email addresses with semi-colons.
The subject line.
Text box
The body of the email.



XPath directives

An XPath directive is used in an import process to locate the portions of an XML document which should be considered for the import operation. The default value for the XPath directive is /XML/data. Since version 9.3-0, ActivityHD supports XPath directives that allow more specific limits.

Sample XPath Behavior
/XML/data[2] Consider only the second XML element in the /XML/data path.
/XML/data[@Code="A"] Consider only the XML elements in the /XML/data path which have a Code attribute with the value "A".



Field sources by origin

In the table below, the first column represents the values in the Origin drop-down list in the Fields table. The second column shows the options available in the Source drop-down list when you select a particular option from the Origin drop-down list. The third column shows the data type of the source. The fourth column shows any parameters that can be specified for the corresponding source.


When a date prompt parameter is available on a source, the source value is delivered as of the date entered for the parameter on the Additional Options tab, or as of the end date from the Standard Options tab if no prompt is provided on the Additional Options tab.

Origin Source Data Type Parameters
Employee Age Number Date Prompt
Attribute Item String Attribute, Date Prompt
Attribute Item Date Date Attribute, Date Prompt
Attribute Item Description String Attribute, Date Prompt
Birth Date Date None
Business Phone String None
Code String None
Custom Field String Custom Field
Disbursement Address City String None
Disbursement Address City/State/Zip String None
Disbursement Address Country String None
Disbursement Address Line 1 String None
Disbursement Address Line 2 String None
Disbursement Address Name 1 String None
Disbursement Address Name 2 String None
Disbursement Address State String None
Disbursement Address Zip Code String None
Disbursement Address Zip Extension String None
EEO-1 Job Category Code String None
EEO-1 Pay Band Code String None
EEO-1 Race/Ethnicity/Gender Code String None
Emergency Contact String None
Emergency Contact Home Phone String None
Emergency Contact Mobile Phone String None
Emergency Contact Work Phone String None
Ethnic Origin String None
Ethnic Origin Description String None
Fax Phone String None
First Hired Date None
First Name String None
First Name First String None
Gender String None
Government Address City String None
Government Address City/State/Zip String None
Government Address County String None
Government Address Line 1 String None
Government Address Line 2 String None
Government Address Name 1 String None
Government Address Name 2 String None
Government Address State String None
Government Address Zip String None
Government Address Zip Extension String None
Group Coverage (Month/Day) True/False Group, Tax Entity, Month, Day
Group Total Number Group, Amount, Tax Entity, Iterated Tax Entity (True/False), Employe(EE/ER), Iterated PRCode (True/False), Begin Prompt, End Prompt
Home Email String None
Home Phone String None
Job Category String None
Job Category Description String None
Last Hired Date None
Last Name String None
Last Name First String None
Last Termination Date None
Leave Ledger Number Leave Ledger, Date Prompt
Marital Status String None
Middle Name String None
Mobile Phone String None
Name Prefix String None
Name Suffix String None
Other Phone String None
Parameter - Date Date Parameter, Date Prompt
Parameter - Number Number Parameter, Date Prompt
Parameter - String String Parameter, Date Prompt
Parameter - Yes/No True/False Parameter, Date Prompt
Pay Grade Code String None
Pay Grade Description String None
Pay Grade Maximum Number None
Pay Grade Minimum Number None
Position Code String None
Position Description String None
Position Level Number None
Primary Address City String None
Primary Address City/State/Zip String None
Primary Address Country String None
Primary Address Line 1 String None
Primary Address Line 2 String None
Primary Address Name 1 String None
Primary Address Name 2 String None
Primary Address State String None
Primary Address Zip Code String None
Primary Address Zip Extension String None
Retirement Plan True/False None
Social Insurance Number String None
Social Security Number String None
Status Code String None
Status Description String None
Statutory Employee True/False None
Supervisor Code String None
Supervisor Position Description String None
SUTA Wages Over Cutoff Number None
SUTA Wages Over Cutoff (Total Comp) Number None
SUTA Wages Under Cutoff Number None
Termination Date (blank if employee is currently active) Date None
Third Party Sick Pay True/False None
Unit of Pay Amount Number None
Unit of Pay Code String None
Unit of Pay Description String None
W-4 Allowances Number None
W-4 Date Date None
W-4 Deductions Number None
W-4 Dependents Total Number None
W-4 Exempt True/False None
W-4 Extra Withholding Number None
W-4 Filing Status String None
W-4 Other Income Number None
W-4 Two Jobs True/False None
Work Email String None
Employer City String None
City/State/Zip String None
Code String None
Contact Email String None
Contact Fax String None
Contact Job Title String None
Contact Name String None
Contact Phone Extension String None
Contact Phone Number String None
Custom Field String Custom Field
Delivery Address String None
Description String None
Employer Name String None
Employment Code String None
Establishment Number String None
Foreign Country String None
Foreign Postal Code String None
Foreign State/Province String None
Kind of Employer String None
Location Address String None
Other EIN String None
State String None
Tax Jurisdiction Code String None
Third Party Sick Pay True/False None
Zip Code String None
Zip Extension String None
General Batch Record Count Number Record
Batch Total Number Record, Field
Blank String None
Dialog - Date Date Prompt
Dialog - Number Number Prompt
Dialog - String String Prompt
Dialog - Yes/No True/False Prompt
Employee Sequence Number Number None
Field Append String Field1, Field2
Field Coalesce String Field1, Field2
Field Compare True/False Field1, Operator, Field2
Field Difference Number Field1, Field2
Field Maximum Number Field1, Field2
Field Minimum Number Field1, Field2
Field Product Number Field1, Field2
Field Quotient Number Field1, Field2
Field Sum Number Field1, Field2
File Record Count Number Record
File Total Number Record, Field
Identifier String Value
IF - Date Date Condition, If True, If False
IF - Number Number Condition, If True, If False
IF - String String Condition, If True, If False
IF - Yes/No True/False Condition, If True, If False
Literal - Date Date Value
Literal - Number Number Value
Literal - String String Value
Literal - Yes/No True/False Value
Main Begin Date Date None
Main End Date Date None
Now Date (Time) None
Parameter - Date Date PRCode, Parameter, Date Prompt
Parameter - Number Number PRCode, Parameter, Date Prompt
Parameter - String String PRCode, Parameter, Date Prompt
Parameter - Yes/No True/False PRCode, Parameter, Date Prompt
Quarter Number Number None
Sequence Number Number None
Today Date None
Work Days Number Calendar, Date Prompt
PRCode Code String PRCode, Iterated PRCode (True/False)
Custom Field String Custom Field, PRCode, Iterated PRCode (True/False)
Description String PRCode, Iterated PRCode (True/False)
Submitter Code String None
Company City String None
Company City/State/Zip String None
Company Delivery Address String None
Company Foreign Country String None
Company Foreign Postal Code String None
Company Foreign State/Province String None
Company Location Address String None
Company Name String None
Company State String None
Company Zip Code String None
Company Zip Extension String None
Contact Email String None
Contact Fax String None
Contact Name String None
Contact Phone Extension String None
Contact Phone Number String None
Custom Field String Custom Field
Description String None
EIN (Employer Identification Number) String None
Submitter City String None
Submitter City/State/Zip String None
Submitter Delivery Address String None
Submitter Foreign Country String None
Submitter Foreign Postal Code String None
Submitter Foreign State/Province String None
Submitter Location Address String None
Submitter Name String None
Submitter State String None
Submitter Zip Code String None
Submitter Zip Extension String None
Use Email for Problems True/False None
Tax Entity Custom Field String Custom Field, Tax Entity, Iterated Tax Entity (True/False)
Employer ID String Tax Entity, Iterated Tax Entity (True/False)
Federal Code String Tax Entity, Iterated Tax Entity (True/False)
Local Code String Tax Entity, Iterated Tax Entity (True/False)
Maximum SUTA Wages Number Tax Entity, Iterated Tax Entity (True/False), Date Prompt
State Code String Tax Entity, Iterated Tax Entity (True/False)
Unemployment ID String Tax Entity, Iterated Tax Entity (True/False)



Parameters by source and origiin

Export controls: Parameters by source and origin

In the table below, the Prompts column indicates the additional information you need to provide to define a field with the corresponding origin and source. Click the entries in the Prompts column for instructions on how to respond to the prompts.

Origin Source Data Type Prompts
Employee Age Number Date Prompt
Attribute Item String Attribute

Date Prompt

Attribute Item Date Date Attribute

Date Prompt

Attribute Item Description String Attribute

Date Prompt

Birth Date Date  
Business Phone String  
Code String  
Custom Field String Custom Field
Disbursement Address City String  
Disbursement City/State/Zip String  
Disbursement Address Country String  
Disbursement Address Line 1 String  
Disbursement Address Line 2 String  
Disbursement Address Name 1 String  
Disbursement Address Name 2 String  
Disbursement Address State String  
Disbursement Address Zip Code String  
Disbursement Address Zip Extension String  
EEO-1 Job Category Code String  
EEO-1 Pay Band Code String  
EEO-1 Race/Ethnicity/Gender Code String  
Emergency Contact

(Returns the name of the first contact that is flagged as an emergency contact.)

Emergency Contact Home Phone

(Returns the home phone number of the first contact that is flagged as an emergency contact.)

Emergency Contact Mobile Phone

(Returns the mobile phone number of the first contact that is flagged as an emergency contact.)

Emergency Contact Work Phone

(Returns the work phone number of the first contact that is flagged as an emergency contact.)

Ethnic Origin String  
Ethnic Origin Description String  
Fax Phone String  
First Hired Date  
First Name String  
First Name First String  
Gender String  
Government Address City String  
Government Address City/State/Zip String  
Government Address Country String  
Government Address Line 1 String  
Government Address Line 2 String  
Government Address Name 1 String  
Government Address Name 2 String  
Government Address State String  
Government Address Zip Code String  
Government Address Zip Extension String  
Group Coverage (Month/Day) True/False Group

Tax Entity



Group Total Number Group


Tax Entity


Iterated Tax Entity


Iterated PRCode

Begin Prompt

End Prompt

Home Email String  
Home Phone String  
Job Category String  
Job Category Description String  
Last Hired Date  
Last Name String  
Last Name First String  
Last Termination Date  
Leave Ledger Number Leave Ledger

Date Prompt

Marital Status String  
Middle Name String  
Mobile Phone String  
Name Prefix String  
Name Suffix String  
Other Phone String  
Parameter - Date Date Parameter

Date Prompt

Parameter - Number Number Parameter

Date Prompt

Parameter - String String Parameter

Date Prompt

Parameter - Yes/No True/False Parameter

Date Prompt

Pay Grade Code String Position

Date Prompt

Pay Grade Description String Position

Date Prompt

Pay Grade Maximum Number Position

Date Prompt

Pay Grade Minimum Number Position

Date Prompt

Position Code String Position

Date Prompt

Position Description String Position

Date Prompt

Position Level Number Position

Date Prompt

Primary Address City String  
Primary Address City/State/Zip String  
Primary Address Country String  
Primary Address Line 1 String  
Primary Address Line 2 String  
Primary Address Name 1 String  
Primary Address Name 2 String  
Primary Address State String  
Primary Address Zip Code String  
Primary Address Zip Extension String  
Retirement Plan True/False  
Social Insurance Number String  
Social Security Number String  
Status Code String Date Prompt
Status Description String Date Prompt
Statutory Employee True/False  
Supervisor Code

(Returns the position code for the supervisor of the employee's position.)

String Position

Date Prompt

Supervisor Position Description String Position

Date Prompt

SUTA Wages Over Cutoff Number Tax Entity


Iterated Tax Entity

Qtr End Prompt

SUTA Wages Under Cutoff Number Tax Entity


Iterated Tax Entity

Qtr End Prompt

Termination Date Date  
Third Party Sick Pay True/False  
Unit of Pay Amount Number Position

Unit of Pay

Date Prompt

Unit of Pay Code

(Returns the unit of pay code for the employee's position. The employee-specific unit of pay fields are reported if they exist; otherwise, position-specific fields are reported.)

String Position

Unit of Pay

Date Prompt

Unit of Pay Description String Position

Unit of Pay

Date Prompt

W-4 Allowances Number Date Prompt
W-4 Date Date Date Prompt
W-4 Deductions Number Date Prompt
W-4 Dependent Totals Number Date Prompt
W-4 Exempt True/False Date Prompt
W-4 Extra Withholding Number Date Prompt
W-4 Filing Status String Date Prompt
W-4 Other Income Number Date Prompt
W-4 Two Jobs True/False Date Prompt
Work Email String  
Employer City String  
City/State/Zip String  
Code String  
Contact Email String  
Contact Fax String  
Contact Job Title String  
Contact Name String  
Contact Phone Extension String  
Contact Phone Number String  
Custom Field String Custom Field
Delivery Address String  
Description String  
Employer Name String  
Employment Code String  
Establishment Number String  
Foreign Country String  
Foreign Postal Code String  
Foreign State/Province String  
Kind of Employer String  
Location Address String  
Other EIN String  
State String  
Tax Jurisdiction Code String  
Third Party Sick Pay True/False  
Zip Code String  
Zip Extension String  
General Batch Record Count Number Record
Batch Total Number Record


Blank String  
Dialog - Date Date Prompt
Dialog - Number Number Prompt
Dialog - String String Prompt
Dialog - Yes/No True/False Prompt
Field Append String Field 1

Field 2

Field Coalesce String Field 1

Field 2

Field Compare True/False Field 1

Field 2

Field Difference Number Field 1

Field 2

Field Maximum Number Field 1

Field 2

Field Minimum Number Field 1

Field 2

Field Product Number Field 1

Field 2

Field Quotient Number Field 1

Field 2

Field Sum Number Field 1

Field 2

File Record Count Number Record
File Total Number Record


Identifier String Value
IF - Date Date Condition

If True

If False

IF - Number Number Condition

If True

If False

IF - String String Condition

If True

If False

IF - Yes/No True/False Condition

If True

If False

Literal - Date Date Value (can be blank)
Literal - Number Number Value
Literal - String String Value
Literal - Yes/No True/False Value
Main Begin Date Date  
Main End Date Date  

(Returns the current system time in HHMMSS format. To separate by colons, specify a format of XX:XX:XX.)

Date (Time)  
Parameter - Date Date PRCode


Date Prompt

Parameter - Number Number PRCode


Date Prompt

Parameter - String String PRCode


Date Prompt

Parameter - Yes/No True/False PRCode


Date Prompt

Quarter Number Number Date Prompt

(Returns the current system date.)

Work Days Number Calendar

Date Prompt

PRCode Code String PRCode

Iterated PRCode

Custom Field String Custom Field


Iterated PRCode

Description String PRCode

Iterated PRCode

Submitter Code String  
Company City String  
Company City/State/Zip String  
Company Delivery Address String  
Company Foreign Country String  
Company Foreign Postal Code String  
Company Foreign State/Province String  
Company Location Address String  
Company Name String  
Company State String  
Company Zip Code String  
Company Zip Extension String  
Contact Email String  
Contact Fax String  
Contact Name String  
Contact Phone Extension String  
Contact Phone Number String  
Custom Field String Custom Field
Description String  
EIN (Employer Identification Number) String  
Submitter City String  
Submitter City/State/Zip String  
Submitter Delivery Address String  
Submitter Foreign Country String  
Submitter Foreign Postal Code String  
Submitter Foreign State/Province String  
Submitter Location Address String  
Submitter Name String  
Submitter State String  
Submitter Zip Code String  
Submitter Zip Extension String  
Use Email for Problems True/False  
Tax Entity Custom Field String Custom Field

Tax Entity

Iterated Tax Entity

Employer ID String Tax Entity

Iterated Tax Entity

Federal Code String Tax Entity

Iterated Tax Entity

Local Code String Tax Entity

Iterated Tax Entity

Maximum SUTA Wages Number Tax Entity

Iterated Tax Entity

Date Prompt

State Code String Tax Entity

Iterated Tax Entity



Export controls: Age

The Age parameter returns an employee's age as of a specified date.

  1. If you want to prompt for a date on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created to determine an employee's age as of that date, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine the employee's age.



Export controls: Attribute Item

The Attribute Item parameter returns the attribute item that was in effect for the designated attribute as of a specified date.

  1. In the Attribute field, select the employee-type attribute that will provide the field value.
  2. If you want to prompt for a date on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created to determine which attribute item was in effect as of that date, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine which attribute item to use.



Export controls: Attribute Item Date

The Attribute Item Date parameter returns the effective date of the attribute item for the designated attribute as of a specified date.

  1. In the Attribute field, select the employee-type attribute that will provide the field value.
  2. If you want to prompt for a date on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created to determine which attribute item was in effect as of that date, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine which attribute item date to use.



Export controls: Attribute Item Description

The Attribute Item Description parameter returns the description of the attribute item that was in effect for the designated attribute as of a specified date.

  1. In the Attribute field, select the employee-type attribute that will provide the field value.
  2. If you want to prompt for a date on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created to determine which attribute item was in effect as of that date, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine which attribute item description to use.



Export controls: Employee Custom Field

  1. In the Custom Field field, select the custom field that will provide the field value.



Export controls: Group Coverage

An employee is considered covered by a group if the employee has at least one check where (1) the coverage date falls between the pay period begin date and end date, and (2) the check contains at least one check line in the coverage group (and tax entity, if one is specified). If the employee is covered, the value for true is written to the totals file; otherwise, the value for false is written to the file.

  1. In the Group field, select the check line group for the coverage test.
  2. In the Tax Entity field, select the tax entity to apply to the coverage test.
  3. In the Month field, enter the number of the month for the coverage test. The month number is relative to the date range you select when you create the totals file.
  4. Example

    If you specify a date range of October 1 to December 31 when you create the totals file, then Month 1 is October, Month 2 is November, and Month 3 is December. If you want to test November, enter 2.

  5. In the Day field, enter the day of the month (1-31) for the coverage test.



Export controls: Group Total

The Group Total parameter returns the group total that results when the conditions you specify are applied.

  1. In the Group field, select the check line group to calculate a total for.
  2. From the Amount drop-down list, select the amount to report. Your options are:
    • Source (or the name assigned to the source on the group record)
    • Result (or the name assigned to the result on the group record)
  3. If the selected group is qualified by tax entity, the Tax Entity field is enabled. Select the tax entity to apply to the group total calculation and then from the adjacent drop-down list, select whether to "Include" or "Exclude" the tax entity. The default selection is "Include". Use "Exclude" to get a group total for all tax entities except the specified tax entity. If you need to to iterate over multiple tax entities, leave this field blank, mark the Iterated Tax Entity checkbox, and specify a tax entity mask in the Tax Entity Mask field on the Options tab. This causes ActivityHD to iterate over the tax entities that match the mask. Iterating allows you to report the group total for the current tax entity for this row.
  4. If the selected group is qualified by employee/employer, the Employ(EE/ER) field is enabled. From the drop-down list, select the contributor to limit tax and deduction totals to. Your options are:
    • <blank>
    • Employee
    • Employer
  5. If you want to iterate over PRCodes, mark the Iterated PRCode checkbox and enter a PRCode mask in the PRCode Mask field on the Options tab. This causes ActivityHD to iterate over the PRCodes that match the mask.
  6. If you want to limit the group total to a different check date or work date range than the one specified on the Standard Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard, enter labels for the begin and end dates of the alternate date range in the Begin Prompt and End Prompt fields. The date range prompts will appear on the Additional Options tab.


The state of Michigan asks employers to report the total compensation from other states besides Michigan. The "Include/Exclude" options help you accomplish this. Create a row in the export control with the following settings:

  • Name: UI taxable wages for other states
  • Origin: Employee
  • Source: Group Total
  • Parameters: Group = Unemployment Wages, Tax Entity = USA.MI, "Exclude"



Export controls: Leave Ledger

The Leave Ledger parameter returns the leave ledger balance as of a specific date.

  1. In the Leave Ledger field, select the name of the leave ledger that will provide the field values.
  2. If you want to prompt for the leave ledger balance calculation date on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to calculate the leave ledger balance.



Export controls: Parameter - Date

The Parameter - Date parameter returns the date value of a particular parameter as of a specific date.

  1. In the Parameter field, select the name of the parameter for which to report a value for a specific date.
  2. If you want to prompt for the date to report the parameter value as of on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine the parameter value.
  3. Note

    ActivityHD evaluates the parameter segment by segment from left to right and returns the value from the rightmost segment that has a value on it.

    If the parameter value is null, the field returns "12/30/1899".



Export controls: Parameter - Number

The Parameter - Number parameter returns the numeric value of a particular parameter as of a specific date.

  1. In the Parameter field, select the name of the parameter for which to report a value for a specific date.
  2. If you want to prompt for the date to report the parameter value as of on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine the parameter value.
  3. Note

    ActivityHD evaluates the parameter segment by segment from left to right and returns the value from the rightmost segment that has a value on it.

    If the parameter value is null, the field returns "000".



Export controls: Parameter - String

The Parameter - String parameter returns the string value of a particular parameter as of a specific date.

  1. In the Parameter field, select the name of the parameter for which to report a value for a specific date.
  2. If you want to prompt for the date to report the parameter value as of on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine the parameter value.
  3. Note

    ActivityHD evaluates the parameter segment by segment from left to right and returns the value from the rightmost segment that has a value on it.

    If the parameter value is null, the field returns "".



Export controls: Parameter - Yes/No

The Parameter - Yes/No parameter returns the "1" (true) or "0" (false) value of a particular parameter as of a specific date.

  1. In the Parameter field, select the name of the parameter for which to report a value for a specific date.
  2. If you want to prompt for the date to report the parameter value as of on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine the parameter value.
  3. Note

    ActivityHD evaluates the parameter segment by segment from left to right and returns the value from the rightmost segment that has a value on it.

    If the parameter value is null, the field returns "0".



Export controls: Pay Grade Code

The Pay Grade Code parameter returns the pay grade code for an employee's specified position (or primary position if not specified) as of a specific position effective date.

  1. In the Position field, select the position for which to return the pay grade code.
  2. If you want to prompt for the effective date of an employee position on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine which position to use.



Export controls: Pay Grade Description

The Pay Grade Description parameter returns the pay grade description for an employee's specified position (or primary position if not specified) as of a specific position effective date.

  1. In the Position field, select the position for which to return the pay grade description.
  2. If you want to prompt for the effective date of an employee position on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine which position to use.



Export controls: Pay Grade Maximum

The Pay Grade Maximum parameter returns the maximum pay grade amount for an employee's specified position (or primary position if not specified) as of a specific position effective date.

  1. In the Position field, select the position for which to return the pay grade maximum.
  2. If you want to prompt for the effective date of an employee position on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine which position to use.



Export controls: Pay Grade Minimum

The Pay Grade Minimum parameter returns the minimum pay grade amount for an employee's primary position as of a specific position effective date.

  1. In the Position field, select the position for which to return the pay grade minimum.
  2. If you want to prompt for the effective date of an employee position on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine which position to use.



Export controls: Position Code

The Position Code parameter returns the position code for an employee's specified position (or primary position if not specified) as of a specific position effective date.

  1. In the Position field, select the position for which to return the position code.
  2. If you want to prompt for the effective date of an employee position on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine which position to use.



Export controls: Position Description

The Position Description parameter returns the position description for an employee's specified position (or primary position if not specified) as of a specific position effective date.

  1. In the Position field, select the position for which to return the position description.
  2. If you want to prompt for the effective date of an employee position on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine which position to use.



Export controls: Position Level

The Position Level parameter returns the position level for an employee's specified position (or primary position if not specified) as of a specific position effective date.

  1. In the Position field, select the position for which to return the position level.
  2. If you want to prompt for the effective date of an employee position on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine which position to use.



Export controls: Status Code

The Status Code parameter returns the status code for an employee's status as of a specific status effective date.

  1. If you want to prompt for the effective date of an employee status on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine which status to use.



Export controls: Status Description

The Status Description parameter returns the status description for an employee's status as of a specific status effective date.

  1. If you want to prompt for the effective date of an employee status on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine which status to use.



Export controls: Supervisor Code

The Supervisor Code parameter returns the position code for the supervisor of an employee's specified position (or primary position if not specified) as of a specific position effective date.

  1. In the Position field, select the employee's position for which to return the supervisor's position code.
  2. If you want to prompt for the effective date of an employee position on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine which position to use.



Export controls: Supervisor Position Description

The Supervisor Position Description parameter returns the position description for the supervisor of an employee's specified position (or primary position if not specified) as of a specific position effective date.

  1. In the Position field, select the employee's position for which to return the supervisor's position description.
  2. If you want to prompt for the effective date of an employee position on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine which position to use.



Export controls: SUTA Wages Over Cutoff

The SUTA Wages Over Cutoff parameter returns the amount of SUTA wages over the maximum cutoff that results when the conditions you specify are applied. More specifically:

SUTA Wages Over Cutoff returns the total, by employee and by quarter, of the following per-check amount:

State Compensation - (PreUnemployment * State Compensation/Total Compensation) - Unemployment Wages


Total Compensation = Total result amount of check lines in the Compensation group

State Compensation = Total result amount of check lines in the Compensation group and the state tax entity.

PreUnemployment = Total result amount of check lines in the PreUnemployment group

Unemployment Wages = Total source amount of check lines in the Unemployment group and the state tax entity

To enter parameter values for SUTA Wages Over Cutoff:

  1. In the Tax Entity field, select the tax entity for which to consider SUTA wages and then from the adjacent drop-down list, select whether to "Include" or "Exclude" the tax entity. The default selection is "Include". Use "Exclude" to get SUTA wages over cutoff for all tax entities except the specified tax entity. If you need to to iterate over multiple tax entities, leave this field blank, mark the Iterated Tax Entity checkbox, and specify a tax entity mask in the Tax Entity Mask field on the Options tab. This causes ActivityHD to iterate over the tax entities that match the mask. Iterating allows you to report the SUTA wages over cutoff for the current tax entity for this row.
  2. If you want to prompt for the quarter end date of the quarter for which to report SUTA wages over cutoff on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard, enter a label for the prompt in the Qtr End Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine the quarter to provide SUTA wages over cutoff for.


The state of Michigan asks employers to report the total excess wages for compensation from other states besides Michigan. The "Include/Exclude" options help you accomplish this. Create a row in the export control with the following settings:

  • Name: UI excess wages for other states
  • Origin: Employee
  • Source: SUTA Wages Over Cutoff
  • Parameters: Tax Entity = USA.MI, "Exclude"



Export controls: SUTA Wages Under Cutoff

The SUTA Wages Under Cutoff parameter returns the amount of SUTA wages under the maximum cutoff that results when the conditions you specify are applied. Since the source amount for Unemployment automatically cuts off at the limit, the total is the total source amount of check lines in the Unemployment group and the state tax entity.

  1. In the Tax Entity field, select the tax entity for which to consider SUTA wages and then from the adjacent drop-down list, select whether to "Include" or "Exclude" the tax entity. The default selection is "Include". Use "Exclude" to get SUTA wages under cutoff for all tax entities except the specified tax entity. If you need to to iterate over multiple tax entities, leave this field blank, mark the Iterated Tax Entity checkbox, and specify a tax entity mask in the Tax Entity Mask field on the Options tab. This causes ActivityHD to iterate over the tax entities that match the mask. Iterating allows you to report the SUTA wages under cutoff for the current tax entity for this row.
  2. If you want to prompt for the quarter end date of the quarter for which to report SUTA wages under cutoff on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard, enter a label for the prompt in the Qtr End Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine the quarter to provide SUTA wages under cutoff for.



Export controls: Unit Of Pay Amount

The Unit of Pay Amount parameter returns the amount per unit of pay for a specified position (or primary position if not specified) and specified unit of pay code as of a specific position effective date. The employee-specific unit of pay fields are reported if they exist; otherwise, position-specific fields are reported.

  1. In the Position field, select the position for which to return the unit of pay amount.
  2. In the Unit of Pay field, select the unit of pay code for which to return the amount.
  3. If you want to prompt for the effective date of an employee position on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine which position to use.



Export controls: Unit Of Pay Code

The Unit of Pay Code parameter returns the unit of pay code for a specified position (or primary position if not specified) and a specified unit of pay code as of a specific position effective date. The employee-specific unit of pay fields are reported if they exist; otherwise, position-specific fields are reported.

  1. In the Position field, select the position for which to return the unit of pay code.
  2. In the Unit of Pay field, select the unit of pay code for which to return the code.
  3. If you want to prompt for the effective date of an employee position on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine which position to use.



Export controls: Unit Of Pay Description

The Unit of Pay Description parameter returns the unit of pay description for a specified position (or primary position if not specified) and specified unit of pay code as of a specific position effective date. The employee-specific unit of pay fields are reported if they exist; otherwise, position-specific fields are reported.

  1. In the Position field, select the position for which to return the unit of pay description.
  2. In the Unit of Pay field, select the unit of pay code for which to return the unit of pay description.
  3. If you want to prompt for the effective date of an employee position on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine which position to use.



Export controls: W-4 Allowances

The W4 Allowances parameter returns the number of allowances claimed on the employee's W4 which is active as of a specific W-4 effective date.

  1. If you want to prompt for the effective date of a W-4 on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine which W-4 to use.



Export controls: W-4 Date

The W4 Date parameter returns the date of an employee's W-4 record which is active as of a specific W-4 effective date.

  1. If you want to prompt for the effective date of a W-4 on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine which W-4 to use.



Export controls: W-4 Deductions

The W4 Deductions parameter returns the amount of deductions claimed on the employee's W4 which is active as of a specific W-4 effective date.

  1. If you want to prompt for the effective date of a W-4 on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine which W-4 to use.



Export controls: W-4 Dependent Totals

The W4 Dependent Totals parameter returns the total amount claimed for dependents on the employee's W4 which is active as of a specific W-4 effective date.

  1. If you want to prompt for the effective date of a W-4 on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine which W-4 to use.



Export controls: W-4 Exempt

The W4 Exempt parameter returns the exempt status (True/False) claimed on the employee's W4 which is active as of a specific W-4 effective date.

  1. If you want to prompt for the effective date of a W-4 on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine which W-4 to use.



Export controls: W-4 Extra Withholding

The W4 Extra Withholding parameter returns the amount of extra withholding the employee requested to be withheld on the employee's W4 which is active as of a specific W-4 effective date.

  1. If you want to prompt for the effective date of a W-4 on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine which W-4 to use.



Export controls: W-4 Filing Status

The W4 Filing Status parameter returns the employee's filing status reported on the employee's W4 which is active as of a specific W-4 effective date.

  1. If you want to prompt for the effective date of a W-4 on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine which W-4 to use.



Export controls: W-4 Other Income

The W4 Other Income parameter returns the amount of other income declared on the employee's W4 which is active as of a specific W-4 effective date.

  1. If you want to prompt for the effective date of a W-4 on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine which W-4 to use.



Export controls: W-4 Two Jobs

The W4 Two Jobs parameter returns whether the employee reported having two jobs (True/False) on the employee's W4 which is active as of a specific W-4 effective date.

  1. If you want to prompt for the effective date of a W-4 on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine which W-4 to use.



Export controls: Employer Custom Field

  1. In the Custom Field field, select the custom field that will provide the field value.



Export controls: Batch Record Count

The Batch Record Count parameter returns the number of records for a designated export control record.

  1. From the Record drop-down list, select the export control record to count. Your options are all the export control records already defined for the current export control.
  2. Example

    The USA EFW2 file for electronic filing of W-2 information has a batch footer record called RT - Total Record. The Number of RW Records field in RT - Total Record obtains the batch record count by counting the number of employee wage records for RW - Employee Wage Record.

    RT - Total Record also contains a total of all wages, tips, and compensation in the file. So the Wages, Tips and Other Compensation field in RT - Total Record obtains the batch total by totaling the values in the Wages, Tips and Other Compensation field from RW - Employee Wage Record.



Export controls: Batch Total

The Batch Total parameter returns the total for the specified field from the designated export control record.

  1. From the Record drop-down list, select the export control record that contains the field you need to total. Your options are all the export control records already defined for the current export control.
  2. From the Field drop-down list, select the export control field to total.
  3. Example

    In the USA EFW2 file, the RT record contains a total of all wages, tips, and other compensation in the file. The total in the RT record comes from the RW - Employee Wage Record by totaling on its Wages, Tips and Other Compensation field.



Export controls: Dialog - Date

The Dialog - Date parameter allows you to prompt for a date that is specific to a particular generation of the totals file.

  1. In the Prompt field, enter a label for the date you want to prompt for on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard. The dialog prompt allows you to enter information that is specific to a particular generation of the totals file.



Export controls: Dialog - Number

The Dialog - Number parameter allows you to prompt for a number that is specific to a particular generation of the totals file.

  1. In the Prompt field, enter a label for the number you want to prompt for on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard. The dialog prompt allows you to enter information that is specific to a particular generation of the totals file.



Export controls: Dialog - String

The Dialog - String parameter allows you to prompt for a string that is specific to a particular generation of the totals file.

  1. In the Prompt field, enter a label for the string you want to prompt for on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard. The dialog prompt allows you to enter information that is specific to a particular generation of the totals file.



Export controls: Dialog - Yes/No

The Dialog - Yes/No parameter allows you to prompt for a true/false value that is specific to a particular generation of the totals file.

  1. In the Prompt field, enter a label for the true/false value you want to prompt for on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard. The dialog prompt allows you to enter information that is specific to a particular generation of the totals file.



Export controls: Field Append

You can use two fields to produce a third field. If you do, the first two fields must be defined in the record before you can set up the field that uses them.

When two fields are appended, the formatted value of the first field is immediately followed by the formatted value of the second field.

  1. From the Field 1 drop-down list, select the field to append another field to.
  2. From the Field 2 drop-down list, select the field to append immediately after the first field.



Export controls: Field Coalesce

You can use two fields to produce a third field. If you do, the first two fields must be defined in the record before you can set up the field that uses them.

When two fields are coalesced, the formatted value of the first field is returned if the first field is not blank. If the first field is blank, the formatted value of the second field is returned.

  1. From the Field 1 drop-down list, select the field with the value you prefer to return provided it is not blank.
  2. From the Field 2 drop-down list, select the alternate field to use if the first field is blank.



Export controls: Field combinations

You can combine fields in order to create another field that is calculated based upon those fields. To do so, first include the fields you need to combine in your field definitions. When you define the calculated field, select "General" in the Origin field. Then, in the Source field, select one of the Field functions. Finally, in the Parameters column you can designate the fields to combine.

The following functions for combining fields are available in the Source column:

  • Field Append. Returns the formatted value of Field1 followed by the formatted value of Field2.
  • Field Coalesce. If Field1 is not blank, returns the formatted value of Field1. Otherwise, returns the formatted value of Field2.
  • Field Compare. If the comparison of Field1 to Field2 is true, returns the True value. If the comparison of Field1 to Field2 is false, returns the False value.

    If Field1 is a True/False field, then Field1 and Field2 can be compared using the following comparison operators:

    • =
    • AND
    • OR
    • <> (not equal)

    The following comparison operators are available if Field1 is any other field type besides True/False:

    • =
    • >
    • <
    • <> (not equal)


    If you need to compare Field1 to a specific value, define Field2 with an origin of "General" and select one of the Literal sources in the Source column. In the Parameter column, enter the literal value you want to compare to.

  • Field Difference. Returns Field1 - Field2.
  • Field Maximum. Returns the larger of Field1 and Field2.
  • Field Minimum. Returns the smaller of Field1 and Field2.
  • Field Product. Returns Field1 * Field2.
  • Field Quotient. Returns Field1/Field2.
  • Field Sum. Returns Field1 + Field2.



Export controls: Field Compare

You can use two fields to produce a third field. If you do, the first two fields must be defined in the record before you can set up the field that uses them.

When two fields are compared, the Field Compare parameter returns "true" if the comparison of Field 1 to Field 2 is true; "false", if the comparison is false.

  1. From the Field 1 drop-down list, select the first field to compare.
  2. From the Operator drop-down list, select the comparison operator to use. Your options are:
    • = - Equal
    • > - Greater Than. Not available on True/False fields.
    • - Greater Than or Equal. Not available on True/False fields.
    • < - Less Than. Not available on True/False fields.
    • - Less Than or Equal. Not available on True/False fields.
    • <> - Not Equal
    • AND - Logical AND. Only available on True/False fields.
    • OR - Logical OR. Only available on True/False fields.
  3. From the Field 2 drop-down list, select the field to compare the first field to.
  4. Note

    If you need to compare a field value to a specific value, create a "Literal" field and enter the specific value for the parameter. Leave the Order column for the field blank so that its values will not print.



Export controls: Field Difference

You can use two fields to produce a third field. If you do, the first two fields must be defined in the record before you can set up the field that uses them.

The Field Difference parameter returns the value of a first field minus the value of a second field.

  1. From the Field 1 drop-down list, select the field with the value to subtract from.
  2. From the Field 2 drop-down list, select the field with the value to subtract from the first field value.



Export controls: Field Format dialogs

The layout of the Field Format dialogs depends on the data type of the field you are defining.

All Field Format dialogs prompt for the following information:

Select how you want the field values to be justified. Your options are:
  • Left. Typically used for alphanumeric fields.
  • Right. Typically used for numeric fields.
  • None
Pad Character
Enter the character to use to fill empty space in field values. "0" is typically used to pad numeric fields; " " (space) is used to pad string fields.

Dialogs for date fields prompt for the following additional information:

Enter the date format code to apply to date values.

Dialogs for numeric fields prompt for the following additional information:

Select where to place the minus sign for negative numbers. Your options are:
  • Left. Place the minus sign to the left of the number.
  • Right. Place the minus sign to the right of the number.
  • Error. Report an error.
Enter the number of places (0-4) to show to the right of the decimal.
Show Decimal Point
Mark this checkbox to include the decimal point in numbers (52.74). Ensure the checkbox is cleared to suppress the decimal point (5274).
Show Commas
Mark this checkbox to include commas in numbers with more than three digits to the left of the decimal (1,286.25). Ensure the checkbox is cleared if you do not want to show commas (1286.25).
Blank if Zero
Mark this checkbox to show nothing when the field value is zero. Ensure the checkbox is cleared to show 0 when the value is zero.

Dialogs for string fields prompt for the following additional information:

Select how to capitalize field values. Your options are:
  • Upper. Render all characters in uppercase: CASE.
  • Lower. Render all characters in lowercase: case.
  • Mixed. Capitalize initial characters only: Case.

If the field requires specific formatting, enter a format template. Use X's as placeholders.


To enter a format template for social security numbers, enter XXX-XX-XXXX.

Enter the value to use in the field when the string is blank.

Enter any characters you want ActivityHD to strip from the string.


To remove dashes, enter "-". Spaces are not removed. 806-687-8500 becomes 8066878500.

To remove dashes and periods, enter "-.". 2014-45-10.A becomes 20144510A.

To remove a space and any other character, enter " ?" (a space followed by any other character). However, you cannot just remove a space. ActivityHD already trims trailing spaces from field values.

To remove spaces and periods, enter " ." (a space followed by a period). Trust me. I know what I'm doing. becomes TrustmeIknowwhatI'mdoing.

Dialogs for true/false fields prompt for the following additional information:

True Value
Enter the value to display when the field returns "True".
False Value
Enter the value to display when the field returns "False".



Export controls: Field Maximum

You can use two fields to produce a third field. If you do, the first two fields must be defined in the record before you can set up the field that uses them.

The Field Maximum parameter returns the value of the larger of two fields.

  1. From the Field 1 drop-down list, select the field with the value to compare a second field's value to.
  2. From the Field 2 drop-down list, select the second field to compare.



Export controls: Field Minimum

You can use two fields to produce a third field. If you do, the first two fields must be defined in the record before you can set up the field that uses them.

The Field Minimum parameter returns the value of the smaller of two fields.

  1. From the Field 1 drop-down list, select the field with the value to compare a second field's value to.
  2. From the Field 2 drop-down list, select the second field to compare.



Export controls: Field Product

You can use two fields to produce a third field. If you do, the first two fields must be defined in the record before you can set up the field that uses them.

The Field Product parameter returns the result of multiplying two field values.

  1. From the Field 1 drop-down list, select the field to use as one factor of the product.
  2. From the Field 2 drop-down list, select the field to use as a second factor of the product.



Export controls: Field Quotient

You can use two fields to produce a third field. If you do, the first two fields must be defined in the record before you can set up the field that uses them.

The Field Quotient parameter returns the result of dividing one field value by another field value.

  1. From the Field 1 drop-down list, select the field to use as the dividend of the quotient.
  2. From the Field 2 drop-down list, select the field to use as the divisor.



Export controls: Field Sum

You can use two fields to produce a third field. If you do, the first two fields must be defined in the record before you can set up the field that uses them.

The Field Sum parameter adds the values of two fields.

  1. From the Field 1 drop-down list, select the first field to add.
  2. From the Field 2 drop-down list, select the second field to add.



Export controls: File Record Count

The File Record Count returns the number of records for a designated export control record.

  1. From the Record drop-down list, select the export control record to count. Your options are all the export control records already defined for the current export control.



Export controls: File Total

The File Total parameter returns the total for the specified field from the designated export control record.

  1. From the Record drop-down list, select the export control record that contains the field you need to total. Your options are all the export control records already defined for the current export control.
  2. From the Field drop-down list, select the export control field to total.



Export controls: Identifier

The Identifier parameter allows you to enter a string to help identify the record type.

  1. In the Value field, enter the identifier for the record type.
  2. Example

    Employee detail records in the EFW2 file are identified by RW. While you could use a source of Literal - String to write "RW" to the file, using an identifier tells the totals file which records to parse as employee detail.



Export controls: IF - Date

The IF - Date parameter returns one of two date field values.

  1. From the Condition drop-down list, select the True/False field to evaluate.
  2. From the If True drop-down list, select the field with the date to return if the condition is true.
  3. From the If False drop-down list, select the field with the date to return if the condition is false.



Export controls: IF - Number

The IF - Number parameter returns one of two number field values.

  1. From the Condition drop-down list, select the True/False field to evaluate.
  2. From the If True drop-down list, select the field with the number to return if the condition is true.
  3. From the If False drop-down list, select the field with the number to return if the condition is false.



Export controls: IF - String

The IF - String parameter returns one of two string field values.

  1. From the Condition drop-down list, select the True/False field to evaluate.
  2. From the If True drop-down list, select the field with the string to return if the condition is true.
  3. From the If False drop-down list, select the field with the string to return if the condition is false.



Export controls: IF - Yes/No

The IF -Yes/No parameter returns one of two Yes/No field values.

  1. From the Condition drop-down list, select the True/False field to evaluate.
  2. From the If True drop-down list, select the field with the Yes/No value to return if the condition is true.
  3. From the If False drop-down list, select the field with the Yes/No value to return if the condition is false.



Export controls: Literal - Date

The Literal - Date parameter always returns the specified date for this field.

  1. In the Value field, enter the date value for this field.


    Literal dates can be blank.




Export controls: Literal - Number

The Literal - Number parameter always returns the specified numeric value for this field.

  1. In the Value field, enter the numeric value for this field.



Export controls: Literal - String

The Literal - String parameter always returns the specified string value for this field.

  1. In the Value field, enter the string value for this field.



Export controls: Literal - Yes/No

The Literal - Yes/No parameter always returns the specified value (true or false) for this field.

  1. Mark the True/Yes checkbox if the value of this field should always be "true" or "yes". Ensure the checkbox is cleared if the value should always be "false" or "no".



Export controls: Parameter - Date

Parameter - Date returns the date-type parameter value for a selected PRCode as of the specified date.

  1. In the PRCode field, select the PRCode associated with the parameter value you want to report in this field.
  2. In the Parameter field, select the date-type parameter with the value to report in this field.
  3. If you want to prompt for the parameter value effective date on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine which parameter value to use.
  4. Note

    ActivityHD evaluates the parameter segment by segment from left to right and returns the value from the rightmost segment that has a value on it.



Export controls: Parameter - Number

Parameter - Number returns the numeric parameter value for a selected PRCode as of the specified date.

  1. In the PRCode field, select the PRCode associated with the parameter value you want to report in this field.
  2. In the Parameter field, select the number-type parameter with the value to report in this field.
  3. If you want to prompt for the parameter value effective date on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine which parameter value to use.
  4. Note

    ActivityHD evaluates the parameter segment by segment from left to right and returns the value from the rightmost segment that has a value on it.



Export controls: Parameter - String

Parameter - String returns the string-type parameter value for a selected PRCode as of the specified date.

  1. In the PRCode field, select the PRCode associated with the parameter value you want to report in this field.
  2. In the Parameter field, select the string-type parameter with the value to report in this field.
  3. If you want to prompt for the parameter value effective date on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine which parameter value to use.
  4. Note

    ActivityHD evaluates the parameter segment by segment from left to right and returns the value from the rightmost segment that has a value on it.



Export controls: Parameter - Yes/No

Parameter - Yes/No returns the yes/no-type parameter value for a selected PRCode as of the specified date.

  1. In the PRCode field, select the PRCode associated with the parameter value you want to report in this field.
  2. In the Parameter field, select the Yes/No-type parameter with the value to report in this field.
  3. If you want to prompt for the parameter value effective date on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine which parameter value to use.
  4. Note

    ActivityHD evaluates the parameter segment by segment from left to right and returns the value from the rightmost segment that has a value on it.



Export controls: Quarter Number

The Quarter Number parameter returns the number of the financial quarter as of a specific date.

  1. If you want to prompt for the date to use to determine the quarter number on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine which quarter number to use.



Export controls: Work Days

The Work Days parameter returns the number of work days in the calendar period that contains a specified date.

  1. In the Calendar field, select the GL calendar to use to determine the number of work days to report in this field.
  2. If you want to prompt for the date to use to determine the calendar period on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created, enter a label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine the calendar period to use.



Export controls: PRCode Code

The Code parameter returns the actual PRCode(s).

  1. Select the PRCode to use for the source information for this field or leave this field blank, mark the Iterated PRCode checkbox, and specify a PRCode mask in the PRCode Mask field on the Options tab. This causes ActivityHD to iterate over the PRCodes that match the mask. Iterating allows you to report the current PRCode for this row.


    Suppose you want to report all garnishments for an employee. Leave the PRCode field blank, mark the Iterated PRCodes checkbox, and enter a mask such as Ded.G.*in the PRCode Mask field. These options would produce a separate record for each employee/garnishment combination.



Export controls: PRCode Custom Field

The Custom Field parameter returns the value in the selected custom field that is associated with the designated PRCode(s).

  1. In the Custom Field field, select the custom field on PRCodes that will provide the field value.
  2. Select the PRCode to use as the source of the custom field value or leave this field blank, mark the Iterated PRCode checkbox, and specify a PRCode mask in the PRCode Mask field on the Options tab. This causes ActivityHD to iterate over the PRCodes that match the mask. Iterating allows you to report the custom field value for the current PRCode for this row.



Export controls: PRCode Description

The Description parameter returns the description of the designated PRCode(s).

  1. Select the PRCode to use for the source information for this field or leave this field blank, mark the Iterated PRCode checkbox, and specify a PRCode mask in the PRCode Mask field on the Options tab. This causes ActivityHD to iterate over the PRCodes that match the mask. Iterating allows you to report the description for the current PRCode for this row.



Export controls: Submitter Custom Field

  1. In the Custom Field field, select the custom field that will provide the field value.



Export controls: Tax Entity Custom Field

The Custom Field parameter returns the custom field value associated with the designated tax entity(ies).

  1. In the Custom Field field, select the custom field on tax entities that will provide the field value.
  2. Select the Tax Entity to use as the source of the custom field value or leave this field blank, mark the Iterated Tax Entity checkbox, and specify a tax entity mask in the Tax Entity Mask field on the Options tab. This causes ActivityHD to iterate over the tax entities that match the mask. Iterating allows you to report the custom field value for the current tax entity for this row.
  3. Example

    Suppose you want to report all Indiana counties that an employee works in. Leave the Tax Entity field blank, mark the Iterated Tax Entity checkbox, and enter a mask such as Tax.USA.IN.* in the Tax Entity Mask field. These options would produce a separate record for each employee/county combination.



Export controls: Tax Entity Employer ID

The Employer ID parameter returns the employer ID(s) associated with the designated tax entity(ies).

  1. Select the Tax Entity to use as the source of the employer ID or leave this field blank, mark the Iterated Tax Entity checkbox, and specify a tax entity mask in the Tax Entity Mask field on the Options tab. This causes ActivityHD to iterate over the tax entities that match the mask. Iterating allows you to report the employer ID for the current tax entity for this row.



Export controls: Tax Entity Federal Code

The Federal Code parameter returns the federal code(s) associated with the designated tax entity(ies).

  1. Select the Tax Entity to use as the source of the federal code or leave this field blank, mark the Iterated Tax Entity checkbox, and specify a tax entity mask in the Tax Entity Mask field on the Options tab. This causes ActivityHD to iterate over the tax entities that match the mask. Iterating allows you to report the federal code for the current tax entity for this row.



Export controls: Tax Entity Local Code

The Local Code parameter returns the local code(s) associated with the designated tax entity(ies).

  1. Select the Tax Entity to use as the source of the local code or leave this field blank, mark the Iterated Tax Entity checkbox, and specify a tax entity mask in the Tax Entity Mask field on the Options tab. This causes ActivityHD to iterate over the tax entities that match the mask. Iterating allows you to report the local code for the current tax entity for this row.



Export controls: Tax Entity Maximum SUTA Wages

The Maximum SUTA Wages parameter returns the maximum SUTA wages amount associated with the designated tax entity(ies) as of the specified date.

  1. Select the Tax Entity to use as the source of the maximum SUTA wages amount or leave this field blank, mark the Iterated Tax Entity checkbox, and specify a tax entity mask in the Tax Entity Mask field on the Options tab. This causes ActivityHD to iterate over the tax entities that match the mask. Iterating allows you to report the employer ID for the current tax entity for this row.
  2. If you want to prompt for the date as of which to determine the maximum SUTA wages amount on the Additional Options tab of the Create Totals File wizard when the export file is created, enter the label for the prompt in the Date Prompt field. Otherwise, the end date from the Standard Options tab is used to determine the maximum SUTA wages amount.



Export controls: Tax Entity State Code

The State Code parameter returns the state code(s) associated with the designated tax entity(ies).

  1. Select the Tax Entity to use as the source of the state code or leave this field blank, mark the Iterated Tax Entity checkbox, and specify a tax entity mask in the Tax Entity Mask field on the Options tab. This causes ActivityHD to iterate over the tax entities that match the mask. Iterating allows you to report the state code for the current tax entity for this row.