Form 941 returns


Form 941 returns report the payroll taxes withheld by an employer from employees' pay checks each quarter. Returns also show the amount of tax deposits made to the federal government for the quarter and figure any shortage or overpayment. ActivityHD's 941 return feature compiles the relevant data and produces a 941 return record. In addition, ActivityHD provides a process for printing 941 returns for submission to the IRS.

ClosedExpand this link to view an annotated 941 form that indicates the sources from which form data is derived.


Some 941 return information can or must be maintained after form generation. Information can be maintained in the Form 941 Return window, using mass change, or using automation.


The amount on line 11a is entered on the Options tab of the Generate 941s process. The amounts on lines 11b and 11d are entered on the COVID-19 tab. While you can view these amounts in the Form 941 window, you cannot change them there. If the amounts are incorrect, you must delete the Form 941 record and regenerate it.


Form 941 returns security

Common accesses available on Form 941 returns

Access A user with this access can...
Change Use the mass change action on USA 941 returns.
Custom Fields Create and edit custom fields for USA 941 returns.
Data Have read-only access to USA 941 returns from anywhere in the software (e.g., field validations, filters, date expressions).
Delete Delete USA 941 returns.
Edit Edit USA 941 return records.
Export Export USA 941 return records from ActivityHD.
Read Have read-only access to USA 941 return records.
Report Run reports with USA 941 return information.
Report Designs Create and edit report designs with USA 941 return information. This access enables the Report Designs button on the Output tab of report dialogs.
Shared Answers Create and edit action profiles and report profiles related to USA 941 returns.
Shared Filters Create and edit shared filters on USA 941 returns.
Visible View the Form 941 Returns folder in the Navigation pane.

Special accesses available on Form 941 returns

Access A user with this access can...
Generate Generate 941 returns.
Print Print 941 returns.
Reprint Reprint 941 returns.



Third party sick pay


Excerpt from sample check:

PRCode Source Result AP Control Groups Debit Account Credit Account
Pay.3rdSick 685.71 685.71   Compensation 9999-00-00-A  
Tax.3rdMedEE 685.71 9.94   3rdPartySickPayMed, Medicare   9999-00-00-A
Tax.3rdSocSecEE 685.71 42.51   3rdPartySickPaySS, SocialSecurity   9999-00-00-A
Tax.3rdUSA 685.71 0.00   3rdPartySickPayTax, IncomeTax   9999-00-00-A
Tax.MedER 685.71 9.94 941 Medicare 5401-00-00-A 2401-00-00-A
Tax.SocSecER 685.71 42.51 941 SocialSecurity 5402-00-00-A 2402-00-00-A
Ded.3rdSick 633.26 633.26       9999-00-00-A

Source and Result expressions for Ded.3rdSick


SumCheck.Result('Type=Pay AND Pay=3rdSick')

- SumCheck('3rdPartySickPayTax Amount')

- SumCheck('3rdPartySickPaySS Amount')

- SumCheck('3rdPartySickPayMed Amount')




  • Pay.3rdSick, Tax.3rdMedEE, and Tax.3rdSocSecEE, and perhaps Tax.3rdUSA, are input after-the-fact from the third-party claim.
  • 3rdMedEE and 3rdSocSecEE have normal source expressions for wages, but a null result expression for entering the claim amount.
  • Tax.3rdUSA has a normal source for taxable wages, but the result is blank or zero. This line is needed for taxable wages, even if the third-party payer did not deduct it (this is also true for state taxes).
  • Employee-paid taxes in both the normal groups and the third-party groups.
    • W-2 forms. Since they are in normal taxable groups, third-party totals are included in wage and withholding amounts on W-2 forms. Moreover, the third-party checkbox is marked on the W-2 if either the Third Party Sick Pay checkbox is marked on the employee record or the third-party Social Security or Medicare withholding amount is greater than zero.
    • USA Tax Liability Report. Mark the Subtract Third-party Sick Pay checkbox to report your company's tax liability only. Clear the checkbox to include taxes paid by third parties.
    • Form 941. Third-party sick amounts are reported on Form 941.
  • There is no AP control for employee-withheld social security, Medicare, and income tax since these are paid by the third-party payer.
  • Normal MedER and SocSecER are used for amounts the employer owes. These are assigned to an AP control.
  • Ded.3rdSick reduces net pay to zero.

Sample Check GL Detail Report

Note the suspense account is used for 3rdMedEE, 3rdSocSecEE, 3rdUSA, and Ded.3rdSick.

9999-00-00-A Suspense 08/19/2023 685.71  
5401-00-00-A Medicare Tax 08/19/2023 9.94  
5402-00-00-A Social Security Tax 08/19/2023 42.51  
9999-00-00-A Suspense 08/19/2023   738.16
  738.16 738.16
9999-00-00-A Suspense 08/19/2023 738.16  
9999-00-00-A Suspense 08/19/2023   685.71
2401-00-00-A Medicare Payable 08/19/2023   9.94
2402-00-00-A Social Security Payable 08/19/2023   42.51
  738.16 738.16
9999-00-00-A Suspense 08/19/2023 0.00  
9999-00-00-A Suspense 08/19/2023   0.00
  0.00 0.00