Rollup assignment rules

Built-in filters


By default, an Assignment Rules folder inherits the same permissions as the related rollup items folder; however, the permissions can be changed individually on each Assignment Rules folder as needed.

Use the Assignment Rules HD views to visualize your rollup item assignment rules across rollup items for a given rollup.

Among the things you can do in an Assignment Rules HD view:

  • See the big picture view of your assignment rules so that you can detect patterns and devise possible ways to organize them better.
  • Sort by a particular segment/rollup/attribute value across rollup items.
  • Use the mass change feature to clear out values on selected assignment rules across rollup items.
  • Double-click a row in the HD view to open the related rollup item window.
  • Search for assignment rules containing a specific item value that's causing a problem.
  • Answer the following questions:
    • Are there any "Exclude" rules?
    • Are there any masks?
    • Are there any ranges?
    • Which segments have more restrictive limits?
  • Improve performance by determining the changes required to set the rollup's Rule Options value to "Specify Items Only". If there are no "Exclude" rules and only a few masks and ranges, it may be possible to change a rule to use specific values so that the better-performing "Specify Items Only" option can be used.

Understanding the composite columns on Assignment Rules folders and the selection fields on composite columns

Composite columns


Suppose you have a rollup which summarizes segment "Main" and attribute "Project". The column named "Main (All)" in the View Options or Options dialog (depending on whether "New View Options" is enabled or not) is labeled "Main" in the HD view. This column shows non-blank entries in the four condition value fields (Item, Mask, Begin, End).

Consider the following three rollup item assignment rules:

Main Item Main Mask Main Begin Main End
1001 <blank> <blank> <blank>
<blank> 2??? <blank> <blank>
<blank> <blank> 3100 3250

The corresponding values in the "Main" column of the Assignment Rules HD view for these rules would contain these values:

3100 - 3250

Note that the "dimension name (All)" columns are shown by default. The related "dimension name Item", "dimension name Mask", "dimension name Begin", and "dimension name End" columns are hidden by default. To add them to the HD view, use the View Options or Options dialog. Or if the specific columns are showing, you can click the Defaults button in the dialog to hide the specific columns and show the composite columns.

Selection fields on composite columns

The composite selection fields let you find rows with Item/Mask/Begin/End condition values that match the item(s) you specify in your selection.

To access the Column Filters dialog on a composite column, right-click the heading of the column and select Column Filters.


Continuing the previous example, the following selection conditions find all the assignment rules which apply to Main item codes between "2500" and "3500":

These selection conditions return the following two rows in the "Main" column:

3100 - 3250

Assignment rules security

Common accesses available on assignment rules

Access A user with this access can...
Change Use the mass change action on assignment rules.
Data Have read-only access to assignment rules from anywhere in the software (e.g., field validations, filters, date expressions).
Delete Delete assignment rules.
Edit Edit assignment rule records.
Read Have read-only access to assignment rule records.
Report Run reports with assignment rule information.
Report Designs Create and edit report designs with assignment rule information. This access enables the Report Designs button on the Output tab of report dialogs.
Shared Answers Create and edit action profiles and report profiles related to assignment rules.
Shared Filters Create and edit shared filters on assignment rules.
Visible View the Assignment Rules folder in the Navigation pane.



Assignment rule filters

The following built-in filter is available for assignment rules:

Filter Name Effect
? Match All Summarizes the item, mask, begin, and end condition values specified for each row.