ActivityHD Purchasing supports two types of purchases: miscellaneous purchases and purchase order detail lines. A miscellaneous purchase is typically one that is entered in the Purchasing package after the fact. For instance, a miscellaneous purchase might be a purchase made on a corporate credit card or charge account or it might be an employee purchase which needs to be reimbursed. These standalone purchases require assignment of an agent. The agent is the person or entity to which payment for the purchase is made. In the case of a corporate credit card purchase, the agent would be the credit card holder and the credit card company assigned to the agent is the AP vendor. In the case of a direct employee reimbursement, the employee is the AP vendor. Miscellaneous purchases are assigned a vendor, the business from which the purchase was made.
Standard purchase orders are agreements to purchase goods and/or services from a specific vendor. Purchase orders can contain multiple detail lines.
Miscellaneous purchases are entered in the Purchases folder. A miscellaneous purchase is identified by the agent name followed by a sequential number. New purchase order detail lines are entered on purchase orders in the Orders folder; however, after detail lines are created, they can be viewed and maintained in the Purchases folder. Purchase order detail lines are identified by an order number and a line number.
The image below depicts the general workflow for a miscellaneous purchase in ActivityHD.
Enter a miscellaneous purchase
After you enter an agent on a miscellaneous purchase, you can click to open the agent record for the designated agent.
- In the Navigation pane, highlight the Purchasing > Purchases folder.
- Click
. The New Purchase window opens.
- In the Agent field, select the purchasing agent who made the purchase. The vendor assigned to the agent is the vendor being paid for the purchase. When the purchase is invoiced, ActivityHD creates an invoice for the vendor assigned to the agent.
- In the Vendor field, select the vendor from which the purchase was made. You can use the designation here to track purchases from a particular vendor. If you do not want to track purchases by vendor or if a vendor designation does not apply (such as when reimbursing an employee for mileage), you can use a generic miscellaneous vendor instead.
- In the Department field, select the department for the purchase. The default department comes from the first of the following places that has a department designated:
- department assigned to the purchasing agent
- department assigned to the operator linked to the current authorized user
- last department used on a purchase
If the department you need is set to restrict operators and the operator linked to the current authorized user is not a valid operator for the department, the department is not available to select.
In the Date field, enter the date of the purchase. The default date is the current date.
The purchase date does not affect the invoice date or the GL date for the purchase. Those dates are determined when the agent's purchases are invoiced.
- In the Product field, select the product that was purchased.
- In the UOM field, select the unit of measure in which the product was purchased. The default unit of measure is the product's default unit of measure. If the product's Purchase Unrestricted flag is not set and multiple units of measure are defined for the product, you can select from the valid units of measure for the product. If the Purchase Unrestricted flag is set, you can select from any valid unit of measure defined in the system.
- In the Description field, enter a description of the purchase. The default description is the product description.
- In the Quantity field, enter the number of units of the product that were purchased. If you leave this field blank, ActivityHD calculates the quantity based on the unit cost and amount you enter. This field is governed by the quantity rule set on the unit of measure:
- If the Quantity Rule field on the unit of measure is set to "None", entry in this field is optional.
- If the Quantity Rule field on the unit of measure is set to "Amount Only", no entry is allowed in this field.
- If the Quantity Rule field on the unit of measure is set to "Quantity Required", you must enter a quantity in this field.
- In the Unit Cost field, enter the cost per unit of the product purchased. If a cost that is currently in effect is defined on the product for the vendor/unit of measure combination, this field defaults to that cost. Any overrides to the unit cost on this purchase affect only this purchase. If this field is left blank, the unit cost is calculated based on the amount and quantity. If the quantity rule on the unit of measure is "Amount Only", this field is disabled.
If you entered values in the Quantity and Unit Cost fields, ActivityHD calculates the extended amount and loads it in the Amount field. If you left either of those fields blank, enter the amount of the purchase and ActivityHD calculates the missing value. If the quantity rule on the unit of measure is "Amount Only", an entry is required in this field.
When this purchase is invoiced, the amount entered here is passed on to Accounts Payable for payment.
In the Attributes section, select the attribute item that applies to the purchase for each attribute listed. Only purchase-level attributes with a purchase usage setting of "Optional" or "Required" are available in this window. If a default attribute item is specified on an attribute or vendor, it loads as the default attribute item here. If the default attribute items for the attribute and vendor differ, the vendor default item is used. Attributes provide additional ways of categorizing purchases for reporting and also can help determine the account numbers used during invoice posting.
If an attribute is flagged for "Use on GL Detail" and to "Follow Calendar Post Control" and the associated invoices are merged and the GL journal entry is merged and the post control is "Error", the attribute item on a purchase cannot be changed. If those conditions exist but the post control is "Warning", a message is displayed before the attribute item can be changed.
The post control in effect is determined as follows:
- If there is a segment-specific control calendar on the GL account from the GL detail or extra GL line, use the control calendar. Otherwise, use the default calendar.
- Open the calendar period that contains the posting date from the GL detail or extra GL line. If there is an AP-specific post control for the period, use it.
- If the period of the posting date is outside the periods before or the periods after the current period, use the post control on the calendar.
- In the Account field, select the expense account to post the purchase to when it is invoiced. For miscellaneous purchases, the expense account is built from the expense account masks on the following entities, evaluated in the order they are listed:
- Purchase-level attributes that have the Expense checkbox in the Required Account Masks section marked
- Unit of measure
- Product
- Vendor on the purchase (the distribution account mask from the vendor's Defaults tab)
- Purchasing agent
- Department
- In the Part Number field, enter the vendor's part number for the product/unit of measure combination. If a part number is specified on the product, this field defaults to that value.
- In the Serial Number field, enter the product's serial number if you need to track specific purchases of the product by serial number.
In the Reference field, enter any additional reference information needed to identify the purchase.
Suppose you are entering airfare expenses and charging them to a corporate credit card. You can use this field to record the ticket number to help when reconciling the credit card statement.
Save the new miscellaneous purchase.
ActivityHD revalidates the GL accounts on a purchase each time you save the record.
Maintain a purchase order detail line...
...when the purchase status is "New", "Hold", or "Ready"
- In the Navigation pane, highlight the Purchasing > Purchases folder.
In the HD view, locate and double-click the purchase order detail line to maintain. The Purchase window opens with the detail line loaded.
You can distinguish purchase order detail lines from miscellaneous purchases by the format of the purchase number. Purchase numbers for purchase order detail lines consist of the purchase order number and the detail line number. Purchase numbers for miscellaneous purchases consist of the agent name and a sequential number.
- The Type field is enabled if the department on the purchase order has inventory enabled. From the drop-down list, select the purchase type. Your options are:
- Expense
- Inventory
- In the Product field, select the product on the detail line.
- In the UOM field, select the unit of measure of the product being purchased. If the product's Purchase Unrestricted flag is not set and multiple units of measure are defined for the product, you can select from the valid units of measure for the product. If the Purchase Unrestricted flag is set, you can select from any valid unit of measure defined in the system.
- Enter a Description of the purchase.
- In the Quantity field, enter the number of units of the product purchased. This field is governed by the quantity rule set on the unit of measure:
- If the Quantity Rule field on the unit of measure is set to "None", entry in this field is optional.
- If the Quantity Rule field on the unit of measure is set to "Amount Only", no entry is allowed in this field.
- If the Quantity Rule field on the unit of measure is set to "Quantity Required", you must enter a quantity in this field.
- In the Unit Cost field, enter the cost per unit of the product purchased. If the quantity rule on the unit of measure is "Amount Only", this field is disabled.
- In the Amount field, enter the extended purchase cost of the product purchased. If the quantity rule on the unit of measure is "Amount Only", an entry is required in this field. This amount is the amount passed to Accounts Payable when the purchase is invoiced.
- In the Attributes section, select the attribute item that applies to the purchase for each attribute listed. Only purchase-level attributes with a purchase usage setting of "Optional" or "Required" are available in this window. Attributes provide additional ways of categorizing purchases for reporting and also can help determine the account numbers used during invoice posting.
- In the Account field, select the expense or inventory account (depending on the purchase type) to post the purchase to when it is invoiced. The expense or inventory account is built from the expense or inventory account masks defined at the following levels, evaluated in the order they are listed:
- Purchase-level attributes where the Expense or Inventory checkbox in the Required Account Masks section is marked
- Unit of measure
- Product
- Vendor on the purchase (the distribution account mask from the vendor's Defaults tab)
- Purchasing agent (if applicable)
- Department
This field is blank and disabled if the product on this detail line is an allocated product such as freight charges.
- In the Part Number field, enter the vendor's part number for the product/unit of measure combination.
- In the Serial Number field, enter the product's serial number if you need to track specific purchases of the product by serial number.
- In the Reference field, enter any additional reference information needed to identify the purchase.
- Using purchasing agents on purchase orders is optional. If you need to specify a purchasing agent for the purchase order detail line, select the agent name in the Agent field. All purchase order detail lines with an agent designated must be processed in purchase agent processing. If an agent was designated on the purchase order, this field is disabled.
- Save your changes.
Perform only the steps you need to update the purchase order detail line record.
...when the purchase status is "Master"
- In the Navigation pane, highlight the Purchasing > Purchases folder.
In the HD view, locate and double-click the purchase order detail line to maintain. The Purchase window opens with the detail line loaded.
You can distinguish purchase order detail lines from miscellaneous purchases by the format of the purchase number. Purchase numbers for purchase order detail lines consist of the purchase order number and the detail line number. Purchase numbers for miscellaneous purchases consist of the agent name and a sequential number.
- The Type field is enabled if the department on the purchase order has inventory enabled. From the drop-down list, select the purchase type. Your options are:
- Expense
- Inventory
- Enter a Description of the purchase.
- In the Attributes section, select the attribute item that applies to the purchase for each attribute listed. Only purchase-level attributes with a purchase usage setting of "Optional" or "Required" are available in this window. Attributes provide additional ways of categorizing purchases for reporting and also can help determine the account numbers used during invoice posting.
- In the Account field, select the expense or inventory account (depending on the purchase type) to post the purchase to when it is invoiced. The expense or inventory account is built from the expense or inventory account masks defined at the following levels, evaluated in the order they are listed:
- Purchase-level attributes where the Expense or Inventory checkbox in the Required Account Masks section is marked
- Unit of measure
- Product
- Vendor on the purchase (the distribution account mask from the vendor's Defaults tab)
- Purchasing agent (if applicable)
- Department
This field is blank and disabled if the product on this detail line is an allocated product such as freight charges.
- In the Part Number field, enter the vendor's part number for the product/unit of measure combination.
- In the Serial Number field, enter the product's serial number if you need to track specific purchases of the product by serial number.
- In the Reference field, enter any additional reference information needed to identify the purchase.
- Using purchasing agents on purchase orders is optional. If you need to specify a purchasing agent for the purchase order detail line, select the agent name in the Agent field. All purchase order detail lines with an agent designated must be processed in purchase agent processing. If an agent was designated on the purchase order, this field is disabled.
- Save your changes.
Perform only the steps you need to update the purchase order detail line record.
...when the purchase status is "Canceled"
- In the Navigation pane, highlight the Purchasing > Purchases folder.
In the HD view, locate and double-click the purchase order detail line to maintain. The Purchase window opens with the detail line loaded.
You can distinguish purchase order detail lines from miscellaneous purchases by the format of the purchase number. Purchase numbers for purchase order detail lines consist of the purchase order number and the detail line number. Purchase numbers for miscellaneous purchases consist of the agent name and a sequential number.
- Enter a Description of the purchase.
- In the Attributes section, select the attribute item that applies to the purchase for each attribute listed. Only purchase-level attributes with a purchase usage setting of "Optional" or "Required" are available in this window. Attributes provide additional ways of categorizing purchases for reporting and also can help determine the account numbers used during invoice posting.
- In the Account field, select the expense or inventory account (depending on the purchase type) to post the purchase to when it is invoiced. The expense or inventory account is built from the expense or inventory account masks defined at the following levels, evaluated in the order they are listed:
- Purchase-level attributes where the Expense or Inventory checkbox in the Required Account Masks section is marked
- Unit of measure
- Product
- Vendor on the purchase (the distribution account mask from the vendor's Defaults tab)
- Purchasing agent (if applicable)
- Department
This field is blank and disabled if the product on this detail line is an allocated product such as freight charges.
- In the Part Number field, enter the vendor's part number for the product/unit of measure combination.
- In the Serial Number field, enter the product's serial number if you need to track specific purchases of the product by serial number.
- In the Reference field, enter any additional reference information needed to identify the purchase.
- Save your changes.
Perform only the steps you need to update the purchase order detail line record.
...when the purchase status is "Closed"
- In the Navigation pane, highlight the Purchasing > Purchases folder.
In the HD view, locate and double-click the purchase order detail line to maintain. The Purchase window opens with the detail line loaded.
You can distinguish purchase order detail lines from miscellaneous purchases by the format of the purchase number. Purchase numbers for purchase order detail lines consist of the purchase order number and the detail line number. Purchase numbers for miscellaneous purchases consist of the agent name and a sequential number.
- Enter a Description of the purchase.
- In the Attributes section, select the attribute item that applies to the purchase for each attribute listed. Only purchase-level attributes with a purchase usage setting of "Optional" or "Required" are available in this window. Attributes provide additional ways of categorizing purchases for reporting and also can help determine the account numbers used during invoice posting.
- In the Part Number field, enter the vendor's part number for the product/unit of measure combination.
- In the Serial Number field, enter the product's serial number if you need to track specific purchases of the product by serial number.
- In the Reference field, enter any additional reference information needed to identify the purchase.
- Save your changes.
Perform only the steps you need to update the purchase order detail line record.
You can click to open the purchase order record associated with a purchase order detail line.
Move purchases to "Master" status
Only users with "Master" access to Purchases can move a purchase to "Master" status.
The following purchases are eligible to be moved to "Master" status:
- Miscellaneous purchases with a "New", "Ready", "Hold", or "Canceled" status.
- Canceled purchases on a purchase order that is in "Master" status. If the purchase order requires approval, the addition of the canceled purchase must not cause the total PO amount to exceed the approval amount plus any approval buffer defined for the department.
Miscellaneous purchases must be in "Master" status in order to produce invoices for payment to the AP vendor assigned to the purchasing agent.
To move eligible purchases to "Master" status:
- In the Navigation pane, highlight the Purchasing > Purchases folder.
- Do one of the following:
- To move the status on one or more selected purchases:
- In the HD view, select the purchases to move to "Master" status. You can use Ctrl and/or Shift to select multiple purchases.
- Click
. ActivityHD prompts you to confirm the status change.
- Click Yes.
- To move the status on a particular purchase from the Purchase window:
- In the HD view, locate and double-click the purchase to move to "Master" status. The Purchase window opens with the purchase loaded.
- Click
or select "Master" from the Status drop-down list.
- If you changed the status in the Status field, save your changes.
- To move the status on one or more selected purchases:
You can cancel a miscellaneous purchase or an individual purchase line in the Purchase window provided that the purchase has not been invoiced. You can also cancel a purchase order detail line from the purchase order record.
- In the Navigation pane, highlight the Purchasing > Purchases folder.
- In the HD view, locate and double-click the purchase to cancel. The Purchase window opens with the purchase or purchase order detail line loaded.
- From the Status drop-down list, select "Canceled".
- Save your changes.
The Purchases Listing provides a list of purchases recorded in the Purchasing package.
For each purchase included on the report, the listing shows:
- PO number
- vendor
- department
- date
- product
- unit of measure
- description
- quantity
- unit cost
- amount.
In addition, you can include one or more of the following:
- details (vendor description, GL account, part number, reference, invoice batch and entry number, extended amount, status, type, GL account description, serial number, purchasing agent, receipt batch and entry number, check-in date)
- attributes (purchase-level attribute, value assigned to attribute)
- subtotals (quantity, amount [by agent for miscellaneous purchases, by order for standard purchase orders])
- timestamps
- memos
- custom fields.
The following total appears on the report:
- record count.
Print the report
- In the Navigation pane, highlight the Purchasing > Purchases folder.
- Start the report set-up wizard.
- To report on all or a filtered subset of purchases:
- Right-click the Purchases folder and select Select and Report > Purchases Listing from the shortcut menu.
- On the Selection tab, define any filters to apply to the data.
- To report on specifically selected purchases:
- In the HD view, select the purchases to include on the report. You can use Ctrl and/or Shift selection to select multiple records.
- Click
and select Purchases Listing from the drop-down menu.
- To report on a particular purchase from the Purchase window:
- In the HD view, locate and double-click the purchase to report on. The Purchase window opens with the purchase loaded.
- Click
and select Purchases Listing from the drop-down menu.
- To report on all or a filtered subset of purchases:
- Select the Options tab.
- Mark the checkbox(es) for the additional information to include:
- Details
- Attributes
- Subtotals
- Report Options. To include a section at the end of the report with the report settings used to produce the report, leave the checkbox marked. To produce the report without this information, clear the checkbox.
- Timestamps
- Memos
- Custom Fields (only visible if custom fields are set up)
- Select the Output tab.
- In the Design field, look up and select the report design to use.
- In the toolbar, click the icon for the type of output you want:
- Provides access to two preview options.
- Preview - Click the icon or click the drop-down arrow and select Preview from the drop-down menu to view the report in the Crystal Reports viewer.
- Preview to PDF - Click the drop-down arrow next to the icon and select Preview to PDF to view the report in the PDF reader.
- Opens the Print dialog so that you can select and configure a printer and then print a paper copy of the report.
- Opens the Report Email dialog so that you can address and compose an email that the report will be attached to. For best results, ensure your email client is running before you attempt to send a report via email.
- Opens the Export Report dialog so that you can save the report to a file. File types include Crystal Reports (.rpt), PDF (.pdf), Microsoft Excel (.xls), Microsoft Word (.doc), rich text (.rtf), and XML (.xml).
Data extensions
The following data extensions are available for the report:
- Purchases
- Purchase attributes
The Purchase Analysis Report lets you analyze your company's purchases over a specific time period.
If you include detail, for each purchase included on the report, the report shows:
- purchase date
- agent and purchase number
- vendor name
- product
- unit of measure
- quantity
- unit cost
- purchase amount.
The following totals appear on the report:
- grand totals.
Print the report
- In the Navigation pane, highlight the Purchasing > Purchases folder.
- Start the report set-up wizard.
- To report on all or a filtered subset of purchases:
- Right-click the Purchases folder and select Select and Report > Purchase Analysis from the shortcut menu.
- On the Selection tab, define any filters to apply to the data.
- To report on specifically selected purchases:
- In the HD view, select the purchases to include on the report. You can use Ctrl and/or Shift selection to select multiple records.
- Click
and select Purchase Analysis from the drop-down menu.
- To report on a particular purchase from the Purchase window:
- In the HD view, locate and double-click the purchase to report on. The Purchase window opens with the purchase loaded.
- Click
and select Purchase Analysis from the drop-down menu.
- To report on all or a filtered subset of purchases:
- Select the Options tab.
- In the Report Title field, enter the title to print on the report. The default title is "Purchase Analysis". You can use up to 100 characters.
- In the Begin Date and End Date fields, enter the range of purchase dates for which to include information on the report.
- The Include Details checkbox is marked by default. If you want to show grand totals for quantity and purchase amount only, clear the checkbox.
- To include a section at the end of the report with the report settings used to produce the report, leave the Include Report Options checkbox marked. To produce the report without this information, clear the checkbox.
- Select the Sorting tab.
- In the Available Sort Options list box, highlight the field(s) to sort the report by, then click
to move your selections to the Assigned Sort Options list box.
- If you selected multiple sort fields, use
to arrange the sort fields in the order you want them applied.
- If you want the report to start a new page for each change in one of the sorting options you specified, select the sort option to break on from the Page Break Level drop-down list. If you do not want to insert page breaks, accept "(none)".
- If you want the report to subtotal based on one of the sorting options you specified, select the sorting option to subtotal on from the Subtotal Through Level drop-down list. If you do not want to show subtotals, accept "(none)".
- Select the Output tab.
- In the Design field, look up and select the report design to use.
- In the toolbar, click the icon for the type of output you want:
- Provides access to two preview options.
- Preview - Click the icon or click the drop-down arrow and select Preview from the drop-down menu to view the report in the Crystal Reports viewer.
- Preview to PDF - Click the drop-down arrow next to the icon and select Preview to PDF to view the report in the PDF reader.
- Opens the Print dialog so that you can select and configure a printer and then print a paper copy of the report.
- Opens the Report Email dialog so that you can address and compose an email that the report will be attached to. For best results, ensure your email client is running before you attempt to send a report via email.
- Opens the Export Report dialog so that you can save the report to a file. File types include Crystal Reports (.rpt), PDF (.pdf), Microsoft Excel (.xls), Microsoft Word (.doc), rich text (.rtf), and XML (.xml).
Data extensions
The following data extension is available for the report:
- Purchases
Purchase Record ID
This field is visible for miscellaneous purchases only.
The purchasing agent who made the purchase. The AP vendor assigned to the purchasing agent is paid for the purchase. When the purchase is invoiced, ActivityHD creates an invoice for the AP vendor assigned to this agent.
The AP vendor could be an employee to be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses or a credit card company to be paid for purchases made with a corporate credit card.
This field is disabled once the purchase status is moved to "Master".
Press F3 to look up the value.
If a value is already selected, you can press F4 to open the record in its native editor.
This field is visible for purchase order detail lines only.
This field displays the system-assigned purchase order number associated with the detail line.
Press F3 to look up the value.
If a value is already selected, you can press F4 to open the record in its native editor.
Miscellaneous purchase: The business vendor from which the purchase was made. You can use the designation here to track purchases from a particular vendor. If you do not want to track purchases by vendor or if a vendor designation does not apply (such as when reimbursing an employee for mileage), you can use a generic miscellaneous vendor instead.
This field is disabled once the purchase status is moved to "Master".
If an employee purchased office supplies from a particular vendor using a corporate credit card, the business vendor designation could be used to track the purchases made from that particular office supply vendor.
Purchase order detail line: This field displays the vendor designated on the purchase order associated with the detail line. If you need to change the vendor, you must change it on the purchase order.
Press F3 to look up the value.
If a value is already selected, you can press F4 to open the record in its native editor.
Miscellaneous purchase: A system-assigned number used to identify the purchase. ActivityHD uses the agent code plus a sequential number to identify purchases.
If the agent code is JADAMS, the first purchase entered for JADAMS would be identified as JADAMS-1.
Purchase order detail line: This field displays the detail line number.
Miscellaneous purchase: The department for the purchase. The default department for a purchase is the first department found when examining the following items in the order listed:
- Purchasing agent's department
- Operator's department for the operator linked to the current authorized user
- Last department used on a purchase
If the department you need is set to restrict operators and the operator linked to the current authorized user is not a valid operator for the department, the department is not available to select.
Purchase order detail line: This field displays the department designated on the purchase order associated with the detail line. If you need to change the department, you must change it on the purchase order.
Press F3 to look up the value.
If a value is already selected, you can press F4 to open the record in its native editor.
Miscellaneous purchase: The date of the purchase. The default date is the current date.
The purchase date does not affect the invoice date or the GL date for the purchase. Those dates are determined when the agent's purchases are invoiced.
Purchase order detail line: This field displays the purchase date designated on the purchase order. If you need to change the date, you must change it on the purchase order.
Miscellaneous purchase: The status of the purchase. When a purchase is initially entered, the default status is "New". Valid statuses are:
- New. A purchase that is not ready to be invoiced.
- Hold. This status prevents processing of a purchase. A hold purchase is not ready to be invoiced. A purchase can be placed on hold after being moved to "Master" status to prevent further processing against the purchase.
- Ready. This status is not relevant for miscellaneous purchases. A purchase order detail line can be in "Ready" status if the associated purchase order is ready for approval.
- Master. A purchase that is ready and eligible for invoicing.
- Closed. A purchase that has been invoiced or canceled.
- Canceled. A purchase that will not be invoiced.
Purchase order detail line: For purchase order detail lines, the drop-down list has two options: (1) the current status of the purchase order associated with the detail line and (2) "Canceled". Select "Canceled" to cancel this purchase order detail line without canceling the rest of the purchase order.
Purchase tab
Miscellaneous purchase: This field is set to "Expense" and disabled. Miscellaneous purchases can only be entered as expenses. You cannot use miscellaneous invoices for inventory purchases.
Purchase order detail line: If the department designated on the purchase order has inventory enabled, this field is enabled and defaults to the purchase type designated on the detail line of the purchase order. To change it, select the type of purchase from the drop-down list. Your options are:
- Expense
- Inventory
This field is disabled when the status is moved to "Closed" or "Canceled".
If the department does not have inventory enabled, this field is set to "Expense" and disabled.
Miscellaneous purchase: Select the name of the product purchased. This field is disabled when the purchase status is moved to "Master".
Purchase order detail line: This field defaults to the product designated on the detail line of the purchase order. To change it, enter the name of the product purchased. This field is disabled when the purchase order status is moved to "Master".
Press F3 to look up the value.
If a value is already selected, you can press F4 to open the record in its native editor.
Miscellaneous purchase: This field defaults to the unit of measure designated on the selected product. Select the unit of measure in which the product was purchased. This field is disabled when the purchase status is moved to "Master".
If the product's Purchase Unrestricted flag is not set and multiple units of measure are defined for the product, you can select from the valid units of measure for the product. If the Purchase Unrestricted flag is set, you can select from any valid unit of measure defined in the system.
Purchase order detail line: This field defaults to the unit of measure designated on the detail line of the purchase order. If the product's Purchase Unrestricted flag is not set and multiple units of measure are defined for the product, you can select from the valid units of measure for the product. If the Purchase Unrestricted flag is set, you can select from any valid unit of measure defined in the system. This field is disabled when the purchase order status is moved to "Master".
Press F3 to look up the value.
If a value is already selected, you can press F4 to open the record in its native editor.
Miscellaneous purchase: A description of the purchase. The default description is the product description.
Purchase order detail line: This field defaults from the description designated on the detail line from the purchase order. Enter a description of the purchase.
This field is governed by the quantity rule set on the unit of measure:
- If the Quantity Rule field is set to "None", entry in this field is optional. If you leave this field blank but enter a unit cost and an amount, ActivityHD calculates the quantity for you.
- If the Quantity Rule field is set to "Amount Only", this field is disabled.
- If the Quantity Rule field is set to "Quantity Required", entry in this field is required.
Miscellaneous purchase: If this field is enabled, enter the number of units of the product purchased. This field is disabled when the purchase status is moved to "Master".
Purchase order detail line: This field defaults to the quantity designated for this detail line on the purchase order. If this field is enabled and you need to change the quantity, enter the number of units of the product purchased. This field is disabled when the purchase order status is moved to "Master".
If you leave this field blank, ActivityHD calculates the quantity based on the values in the Unit Cost and Amount fields.
Miscellaneous purchase: The cost per unit of the product purchased. If an effective cost is defined for the vendor/unit of measure, this field defaults to that value. Changes to the default unit cost affect the current purchase only. This field is disabled if the quantity rule on the unit of measure is "Amount Only" or when the purchase status is moved to "Master".
If you provide a quantity and unit cost, ActivityHD calculates the extended cost and loads it in the Amount field. If you leave this field blank, ActivityHD calculates the unit cost based on the Quantity and Amount fields.
Purchase order detail line: This field defaults to the unit cost designated for this detail line on the purchase order. If this field is enabled and you need to change the unit cost, enter the cost per unit of the product purchased. Changes to the default unit cost affect the current purchase only. This field is disabled if the quantity rule on the unit of measure is "Amount Only" or when the purchase order status is moved to "Master".
If you provide a quantity and unit cost, ActivityHD calculates the extended cost and loads it in the Amount field. If you leave this field blank, ActivityHD calculates the unit cost based on the Quantity and Amount fields.
The value in this field is the amount passed to Accounts Payable when the purchase is invoiced.
Miscellaneous purchase: If the quantity rule on the unit of measure is "Amount Only" or if you left either the Quantity field or the Unit Cost field blank, enter the extended amount for the product purchase. Otherwise, if you entered values in the Quantity and Unit Cost fields, ActivityHD calculates the extended amount and loads it in this field. This field is disabled when the purchase status is moved to "Master".
Purchase order detail line: This field defaults to the extended cost on this detail line on the purchase order. ActivityHD automatically calculates this value from the Quantity and Unit Cost fields. If this field is enabled and you need to change the amount, enter the extended amount for the product purchase. If the quantity rule on the unit of measure is "Amount Only", you must enter the extended amount. This field is disabled when the purchase order status is moved to "Master".
Attributes provide additional ways of categorizing purchases for reporting and also can help determine the account numbers used during invoice posting. This section contains the purchase-level attributes with a purchase usage setting of "Optional" or "Required" which are designated in the form options to appear in this window.
Miscellaneous purchase: These fields default to the default attribute item defined on each attribute, if a default is defined. For each attribute, enter the attribute item that applies to this purchase.
Purchase order detail line: These fields default to the attribute items designated on the detail line of the purchase order. If you need to change an attribute item, enter the attribute item that applies to this purchase order detail line.
If an attribute is flagged for "Use on GL Detail" and to "Follow Calendar Post Control" and the associated invoices are merged and the GL journal entry is merged and the post control is "Error", the attribute item on a purchase cannot be changed. If those conditions exist but the post control is "Warning", a message is displayed before the attribute item can be changed.
The post control in effect is determined as follows:
- If there is a segment-specific control calendar on the GL account from the GL detail or extra GL line, use the control calendar. Otherwise, use the default calendar.
- Open the calendar period that contains the posting date from the GL detail or extra GL line. If there is an AP-specific post control for the period, use it.
- If the period of the posting date is outside the periods before or the periods after the current period, use the post control on the calendar.
Press F3 to look up the value.
If a value is already selected, you can press F4 to open the record in its native editor.
If the account is not fully qualified or if the designated account does not exist, the background of the field is yellow. If the account number has been overridden, the account number displays in purple.
Miscellaneous purchase: The expense account to post the purchase to when it is invoiced. The expense account is built from the expense account masks on the following entities, evaluated in the order they are listed:
- Purchase-level attributes that have the Expense checkbox in the Required Account Masks section marked
- Unit of measure
- Product
- Vendor on the purchase (the distribution account mask from the vendor's Defaults tab)
- Purchasing agent
- Department
This field is disabled once the purchase is invoiced.
Purchase order detail line: This field defaults to the expense or inventory account (depending on the purchase type) designated on the detail line of the purchase order. To change it, enter the expense or inventory account to post the purchase to when it is invoiced. The expense or inventory account is built from the expense or inventory account masks defined at the following levels, evaluated in the order they are listed:
- Purchase-level attributes where the Expense or Inventory checkbox in the Required Account Masks section is marked
- Unit of measure
- Product
- Vendor on the purchase (the distribution account mask from the vendor's Defaults tab)
- Purchasing agent (if applicable)
- Department
This field is disabled once the purchase is invoiced. This field is blank and disabled if the product on this detail line is an allocated product such as freight charges.
Press F2 to open the Account Expand dialog box where you can look up an account number, find an account number by its alias, build the account number by segment, or view setup and setup sources.
Press F3 to look up the account.
If an account is already selected, you can press F4 to open the record in the Account window.
Miscellaneous purchase: The vendor's part number for the product/unit of measure combination. If a part number is specified on the product, this field defaults to that part number.
Purchase order detail line: This field defaults to the part number specified on the detail line of the purchase order. To change it, enter the vendor's part number for the product/unit of measure combination.
Miscellaneous purchase: If you need to track specific purchases of the product by serial number, enter the product's serial number.
Purchase order detail line: This field defaults to the serial number specified on the detail line of the purchase order. If you need to track specific purchases of the product by serial number, enter the product's serial number.
Miscellaneous purchase: Any additional reference information needed to identify the purchase.
If you are entering airfare expenses charged to a corporate credit card, you could enter the ticket number to make it easier to reconcile the purchase to the credit card statement.
Purchase order detail line: This field defaults to the reference on the detail line of the purchase order. To change it, enter the additional reference information needed to identify the purchase.
Miscellaneous purchase: This field displays the purchasing agent designated at the top of this window.
Purchase order detail line: If a purchasing agent is designated on the purchase order associated with this detail line, this field is disabled and displays the purchasing agent. If you need to change an agent assigned at the purchase order level, you must change it on the purchase order. If no purchasing agent is designated on the purchase order but you need to specify an agent for the detail line, enter the purchasing agent. This field is disabled when the status is moved to "Closed" or "Canceled".
Invoicing for agent-based purchase orders is done by agent. Because purchase orders require receipts, receiving must be done on an order-by-order basis.
Press F3 to look up the value.
If a value is already selected, you can press F4 to open the record in its native editor.
Press F3 to look up the value.
If a value is already selected, you can press F4 to open the record in its native editor.
Miscellaneous purchase: Because miscellaneous purchases do not permit receipts, this field is always blank.
Purchase order detail line: Once the purchase is received, this field displays the batch name and entry number of the receipt.
Press F3 to look up the value.
If a value is already selected, you can press F4 to open the record in its native editor.
Custom tab
This tab is visible if custom fields exist for the entity. At a minimum, if there are custom fields, a Fields subtab will be present. One or more additional categories of subtabs may also be visible.
Fields subtab
This tab prompts for values for any custom fields set up for entity records of this entity type. Respond to the prompts as appropriate.
References subtab
This tab is visible if other records reference the current record.
Suppose a custom field exists on PRCodes that references an ARCode. On the ARCode record, on the Custom > References subtab, you can view all the PRCodes which reference that ARCode.
Exchange Folder subtab
This tab is visible only if you set up a custom field with a data type of "Exchange Folder". The label on this tab is the name assigned to the custom field.
This tab shows the contents of the specified Exchange folder.
File subtab
This tab is visible only if you set up a custom field with a data type of "File". The label on the tab is the name assigned to the custom field.
This tab renders the contents of the specified file according to its file type.
Internet Address subtab
This tab is visible only if you set up a custom field with a data type of "Internet Address". The label on this tab is the name assigned to the custom field.
This tab shows the contents of the specified web page.
Network Folder subtab
This tab is visible only if you set up a custom field with a data type of "Network Folder". The label on this tab is the name assigned to the custom field.
This tab shows the contents of the specified network folder.
Notes tab
The Notes pane shows the Notes HD view in Accounts Payable filtered to show all notes that reference the selected purchase.
Double-click a row in the pane to drill down to its record in the Note window.
Attachments tab
The Attachments tab is visible if any record for a given entity has an attachment. If the Attachments tab is not visible, this implies that no record of the entity type has an attachment on it; however, once an attachment is added to any record of the entity type, the Attachments tab will become available.
Other tab
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Extras\Purchasing\Import Purchases.xls |
Purchases security
Common accesses available on purchases
Special accesses available on purchases
Access | A user with this access can... |
Master | Move a purchase to "Master" status. |
Purchase filters
The following built-in filters are available for purchases:
Report Email dialog
- Windows user default account. Sends email using the user's Windows default email account. For most users, this is the account configured in Outlook or another email client application.
- Server personal. Sends email using the email configuration for the system or company server and the email address on the current user's authorized user record. The authorized user record must have a confirmed email address.
- Server generic. Sends email using the email configuration and "from" address for the system or company server. This option requires "Send generic" access to the Server Email resource.
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