
Built-in filters

The Ledgers folder shows assets and the ledgers assigned to them.

When you double-click a record in the HD view, the Asset window opens to the Asset tab with focus in the Ledgers table.

If the asset account or accumulated account contains blanks or is invalid, the field is shaded yellow. If you override the default account number, the account number displays in purple.


Asset ledgers security

Common accesses available on asset ledgers

Access A user with this access can...
Change Use the mass change action on asset ledgers.
Data Have read-only access to asset ledgers from anywhere in the software (e.g., field validations, filters, date expressions).
Delete Delete asset ledgers.
Edit Edit asset ledger records.
Read Have read-only access to asset ledger records.
Report Run reports with asset ledger information.
Report Designs Create and edit report designs with asset ledger information. This access enables the Report Designs button on the Output tab of report dialogs.
Shared Answers Create and edit action profiles and report profiles related to asset ledgers.
Shared Filters Create and edit shared filters on asset ledgers.
Visible View the Assets > Ledgers folder in the Navigation pane.



Asset ledger filters

The following built-in filters are available for asset ledgers:

Filter Name Effect
? Asset Code Prompts for an asset code and lists the asset ledgers associated with an asset with an asset code that contains the specified search string.
? Asset Description Prompts for an asset description and lists the asset ledgers associated with an asset with a description that contains the specified search string.
? In-Service Date Range Prompts for a range of dates and lists the asset ledgers with an in-service date in that date range.
? Ledger Begin Date Range Prompts for a range of dates and lists the asset ledgers with a begin date in that date range.
? Ledger Code Prompts for a ledger code and lists the asset ledgers associated with a ledger code that contains the specified search string.
? Ledger Description Prompts for a ledger description and lists the asset ledgers associated with a ledger code with a description that contains the specified search string.
Has Invalid Accounts Lists asset ledgers with invalid GL accounts.