Fully qualified naming convention

When specifying arguments in conditional expressions, it is important to eliminate any ambiguity so that ActivityHD can correctly evaluate the expressions. To do this, we refer to the element we are specifying a condition on by its fully qualified name. In general, the fully qualified name has the following form:

<Two-character package ID>.<entity name>.<item name>

Ambiguity can arise in a couple of ways:

  • If you have a GL segment named "Account", it can conflict with the GL account entity. In order to eliminate the ambiguity, refer to the account entity as GL.Account and to the segment as GL.Segment.Account.
  • If you are using financial functions which are not GL-specific, you may need to distinguish segment/rollup names from attribute names, or from entity names from other packages. If a segment/rollup name is the same as the attribute or entity name, an ambiguity can occur.


    POAmountYTD is a function that is not GL-specific. Suppose you have a GL segment named "Dept" and an attribute with PO usage named "Dept". To distinguish between them in the arguments of the POAmountYTD function, specify GL.Segment.Dept or GL.Attribute.Dept.

    Fully-qualified names are not necessary for GL-specific functions such as Activity, Balance, YearToDate, etc.; however, there's no harm in using them.

    When the GL segment or rollup name is the same as the... GL segment or rollup name format Subsidiary item name format
    Payroll employee code

    GL.Segment.<segment name>

    GL.Rollup.<rollup name>

    PR.Employee.<employee code>
    Payroll PRCode

    GL.Segment.<segment name>

    GL.Rollup.<rollup name>

    PR.PRCode.<PRCode name>
    Payroll segment item

    GL.Segment.<segment name>

    GL.Rollup.<rollup name>

    PR.Segment.<segment item name>
    Attribute name when attribute has Payroll usage

    GL.Segment.<segment name>

    GL.Rollup.<rollup name>

    GL.Attribute.<attribute name>
    Purchasing department

    GL.Segment.<segment name>

    GL.Rollup.<rollup name>

    PO.Department.<department name>
    Purchasing product

    GL.Segment.<segment name>

    GL.Rollup.<rollup name>

    PO.Product.<product name>
    Purchasing unit of measure

    GL.Segment.<segment name>

    GL.Rollup.<rollup name>

    PO.UnitOfMeasure.<unit of measure name>
    Purchasing vendor

    GL.Segment.<segment name>

    GL.Rollup.<rollup name>

    PO.Vendor.<vendor name>
    Attribute name when attribute has PO usage

    GL.Segment.<segment name>

    GL.Rollup.<rollup name>

    GL.Attribute.<attribute name>