Financial view functions

The following table shows the financial view functions along with any required or optional arguments.

The Items Expression argument condenses what in earlier releases of ActivityHD may have included segment items expressions, attribute items expressions for attributes with PO usage, PRCode items expressions, and/or employee attribute items expressions. Items expressions now allow you to limit information by any available attribute that makes sense in the context of the selected function.


Consider the PRExpense function. Any expression used to limit the PRExpense function can limit by any attribute within the context of PRExpense. Since the PRExpense function summarizes check distributions, the attributes available to limit by include GL segments, GL rollups, employees, payroll segments, employee attributes (and rollup attributes), and distribution attributes (and rollup attributes).

In the table below, the superscript on "Items Expression" in the "Optional Arguments" column indicates the system(s) from which the expressions can be derived.

  • GL. Information can be limited by account numbers, segment items, rollup items, or attributes.

  • PO. Information can be limited by departments, products, units of measure, vendors, and/or attribute items with PO usage.
  • PR. Information can be limited by employees, PRCodes, payroll segment items, and/or attribute items with employee and/or distribution usage.

When writing conditional expressions it is important to avoid ambiguity in identifying the item you want ActivityHD to evaluate. When ambiguity is possible, you should fully qualify the item name.


To distinguish the GL account entity from a GL segment named "Account", use "GL.Account" for the entity and "GL.Segment.Account" for the segment.

If you have a GL segment named "Dept" and an attribute with PO usage named "Dept", either or both could be referred to in the context of the POAmountYTD function. To resolve the ambiguity, use "GL.Segment.Dept" for the GL segment and "GL.Attribute.Dept" for the purchasing attribute.


For PRExpense financial expressions which refer to an attribute which has both GL and PR usage, you must use the prefix "GL.Attribute" or "PR.Attribute" in order to support certain attribute options.


For conditional expressions which reference attributes, the syntax "is NULL" is allowed. Using "is NULL" allows you to find results for which no value was specified for a particular attribute.

For example: PRExpense("Current", "GL.Attribute.Project is NULL").

Click a hyperlinked letter to go to that section in the alphabetized list of functions.

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Function Description Required Arguments Optional Arguments
Account Alias Returns the alias for the account. Items ExpressionGL
Account Begin Date Returns the begin date of the account. Items ExpressionGL
Account Created (Date) Returns the date the account was created. Items ExpressionGL
Account Created (Date Time) Returns the date and time the account was created. Items ExpressionGL
Account Created By Returns the user name that created the account. Items ExpressionGL
Account Custom Field Returns a custom field value from the account. Custom Field Items ExpressionGL
Account Date Control Returns the date control of the account. Items ExpressionGL
Account Description Returns the description of the account. Items ExpressionGL
Account End Date Returns the end date of the account. Items ExpressionGL
Account Memo Returns any memos about the account. Items ExpressionGL
Account Modified (Date) Returns the date the account was last modified. Items ExpressionGL
Account Modified (Date Time) Returns the date and time the account was last modified. Items ExpressionGL
Account Modified By Returns the user name that last modified the account. Items ExpressionGL
Activity Calculates the activity of an account or set of accounts as of the specified period.

Period Expression

Items ExpressionGL

Balance Calculates the balance of a set of accounts as of the specified period.

Period Expression

Items ExpressionGL

Begin Balance Calculates the beginning balance of a set of accounts as of the specified period.  

Period Expression

Items ExpressionGL

The nine functions that follow are based on the information on the Address tab of the company record.
Company Address 1 Returns the first address line of the optional company.
Company Address 2 Returns the second address line of the optional company.
Company City Returns the city of the optional company.
Company Country Returns the country of the optional company.
Company Legal Name Returns the legal name of the optional company.
Company Memo Returns any memos recorded on the optional company.
Company Name Returns the name of the optional company.
Company State Returns the state of the optional company.
Company Zip Code Returns the Zip code of the optional company.
Credit Activity Calculates the credit activity of a set of accounts as of the specified period.

Period Expression

Items ExpressionGL

Credit Balance Calculates the credit balance of a set of accounts as of the specified period.

Period Expression

Items ExpressionGL

Credit Year to Date Calculates the year-to-date credit activity of a set of accounts as of the specified period.  

Period Expression

Items ExpressionGL

Debit Activity Calculates the debit activity of a set of accounts as of the specified period.

Period Expression

Items ExpressionGL

Debit Balance Calculates the debit balance of a set of accounts as of a specified period.

Period Expression

Items ExpressionGL

Debit Year to Date Calculates the year-to-date debit activity of a set of accounts as of the specified period.

Period Expression

Items ExpressionGL

Period Begin Returns the begin date of the specified period. Period Expression
Period Calendar Returns the calendar of the specified period. Period Expression
Period Calendar Custom Field Returns a custom field value from the calendar of the specified period. Custom Field Period Expression
Period Calendar Description Returns the calendar description of the specified period. Period Expression
Period Calendar Memo Returns any memos recorded on the calendar of the specified period. Period Expression
Period Description Returns the description of the specified period. Period Expression
Period End Returns the end date of the specified period. Period Expression
Period Number Returns the number of the specified period. Period Expression
Period Work Days Returns the number of work days of the specified period. Period Expression
Period Year Returns the year of the specified period. Period Expression
Period Year Begin Returns the begin date of the year of the specified period. Period Expression
Period Year Description Returns the description of the year of the specified period. Period Expression
Period Year End Returns the end date of the year of the specified period. Period Expression
PO Amount Calculates the total extended amount of purchases for the specified period. (Extended amounts include any allocated amounts.)  

Period Expression

Items ExpressionGL, PO

PO Amount Year to Date Calculates the year-to-date extended amount of purchases as of the specified period. (Extended amounts include any allocated amounts.)  

Period Expression

Items ExpressionGL, PO

PO Quantity Calculates the total quantity purchased for the specified period.  

Period Expression

Items ExpressionGL, PO

PO Quantity Year to Date Calculates the year-to-date quantity purchased as of the specified period.  

Period Expression

Items ExpressionGL, PO

PR Expense Calculates the payroll expense total for the specified period.  

Period Expression

Items ExpressionGL, PR

PR Expense Count Calculates the count of employees with expenses for the specified period.  

Period Expression

Items ExpressionGL, PR

PR Expense Count Year to Date Calculates the count of employees with year-to-date expenses as of the specified period.  

Period Expression

Items ExpressionGL, PR

PR Expense Source Calculates the payroll expense source total for the specified period.  

Period Expression

Items ExpressionGL, PR

PR Expense Source Year to Date Calculates the year-to-date payroll expense source total for the specified period.  

Period Expression

Items ExpressionGL, PR

PR Expense Year to Date Calculates the year-to-date payroll expense total as of the specified period.  

Period Expression

Items ExpressionGL, PR

PR Liability Calculates the payroll liability total for the specified period.  

Period Expression

Items ExpressionGL, PR

PR Liability Count Calculates the count of employees with liabilities for the specified period.  

Period Expression

Items ExpressionGL, PR

PR Liability Count Year to Date Calculates the count of employees with year-to-date liabilities as of the specified period.  

Period Expression

Items ExpressionGL, PR

PR Liability Source Calculates the payroll liability source total for the specified period.  

Period Expression

Items ExpressionGL, PR

PR Liability Source Year to Date Calculates the year-to-date payroll liability source total as of the specified period.  

Period Expression

Items ExpressionGL, PR

PR Liability Year to Date Calculates the year-to-date payroll liability as of the specified period.  

Period Expression

Items ExpressionGL, PR

Segment Custom Field Returns a custom field value of the specified segment.

Custom Field


Segment Item Returns the item of the specified segment and optional segment item. Segment Items ExpressionGL
Segment Item Address 1 Returns the first address line of the item of the specified segment and optional segment item. Segment Items ExpressionGL
Segment Item Address 2 Returns the second address line of the item of the specified segment and optional segment item. Segment Items ExpressionGL
Segment Item City Returns the city of the item of the specified segment and optional segment item. Segment Items ExpressionGL
Segment Item Country Returns the country of the item of the specified segment and optional segment item. Segment Items ExpressionGL
Segment Item Custom Field Returns a custom field value of the item of the specified segment and optional segment item.

Custom Field


Items ExpressionGL
Segment Item Description Returns the description of the item of the specified segment and optional segment item. Segment Items ExpressionGL
Segment Item Memo Returns any memos recorded on the segment item. Segment Items ExpressionGL
Segment Item Name Returns the name of the segment item. Segment Items ExpressionGL
Segment Item Short Description Returns the short description of the segment item of the specified segment and optional segment item. Segment Segment Item Description
Segment Item Sort Order Returns the sort order of the segment item. Segment Items ExpressionGL
Segment Item State Returns the state of the item of the specified segment and optional segment item. Segment Items ExpressionGL
Segment Item Zip Code Returns the Zip code of the item of the specified segment and optional segment item. Segment Items ExpressionGL
Segment Memo Returns any memo recorded on the specified segment. Segment
Segment Name Returns the name of the specified segment. Segment
Segment Plural Name Returns the plural name of the specified segment. Segment
Year To Date Calculates the year-to-date activity of a set of accounts as of the specified period.

Period Expression

Items ExpressionGL


Fully qualified naming convention

When specifying arguments in conditional expressions, it is important to eliminate any ambiguity so that ActivityHD can correctly evaluate the expressions. To do this, we refer to the element we are specifying a condition on by its fully qualified name. In general, the fully qualified name has the following form:

<Two-character package ID>.<entity name>.<item name>

Ambiguity can arise in a couple of ways:

  • If you have a GL segment named "Account", it can conflict with the GL account entity. In order to eliminate the ambiguity, refer to the account entity as GL.Account and to the segment as GL.Segment.Account.
  • If you are using financial functions which are not GL-specific, you may need to distinguish segment/rollup names from attribute names, or from entity names from other packages. If a segment/rollup name is the same as the attribute or entity name, an ambiguity can occur.


    POAmountYTD is a function that is not GL-specific. Suppose you have a GL segment named "Dept" and an attribute with PO usage named "Dept". To distinguish between them in the arguments of the POAmountYTD function, specify GL.Segment.Dept or GL.Attribute.Dept.

    Fully-qualified names are not necessary for GL-specific functions such as Activity, Balance, YearToDate, etc.; however, there's no harm in using them.

    When the GL segment or rollup name is the same as the... GL segment or rollup name format Subsidiary item name format
    Payroll employee code

    GL.Segment.<segment name>

    GL.Rollup.<rollup name>

    PR.Employee.<employee code>
    Payroll PRCode

    GL.Segment.<segment name>

    GL.Rollup.<rollup name>

    PR.PRCode.<PRCode name>
    Payroll segment item

    GL.Segment.<segment name>

    GL.Rollup.<rollup name>

    PR.Segment.<segment item name>
    Attribute name when attribute has Payroll usage

    GL.Segment.<segment name>

    GL.Rollup.<rollup name>

    GL.Attribute.<attribute name>
    Purchasing department

    GL.Segment.<segment name>

    GL.Rollup.<rollup name>

    PO.Department.<department name>
    Purchasing product

    GL.Segment.<segment name>

    GL.Rollup.<rollup name>

    PO.Product.<product name>
    Purchasing unit of measure

    GL.Segment.<segment name>

    GL.Rollup.<rollup name>

    PO.UnitOfMeasure.<unit of measure name>
    Purchasing vendor

    GL.Segment.<segment name>

    GL.Rollup.<rollup name>

    PO.Vendor.<vendor name>
    Attribute name when attribute has PO usage

    GL.Segment.<segment name>

    GL.Rollup.<rollup name>

    GL.Attribute.<attribute name>