ActivityHD keystrokes

Any action that can be accomplished using a mouse in ActivityHD can also be accomplished from the keyboard. So, whether you prefer to keep your fingers on the keyboard when entering data or if you prefer to point and click, ActivityHD accommodates your data entry style. For keyboarders, menu items have hotkeys designated by an underlined letter. Simply press Alt plus the hotkey to access the desired command. The Folders pane can be navigated by using the up and down arrows to move up and down the folder tree and the right and left arrows to expand and collapse branches of the tree. Likewise, items in the HD view can be navigated using the up and down arrows.

Hear ye, hear ye!

Effective with version 6.4, users can control the size of the font in the HD view. To increase the font size, press Ctrl + "+". To decrease the font size, press Ctrl + "-".

The following tables are a more exhaustive list of the keystrokes available in ActivityHD. Keystrokes are listed by the type of control they affect.