ActivityHD keystrokes
Any action that can be accomplished using a mouse in ActivityHD can also be accomplished from the keyboard. So, whether you prefer to keep your fingers on the keyboard when entering data or if you prefer to point and click, ActivityHD accommodates your data entry style. For keyboarders, menu items have hotkeys designated by an underlined letter. Simply press Alt plus the hotkey to access the desired command. The Folders pane can be navigated by using the up and down arrows to move up and down the folder tree and the right and left arrows to expand and collapse branches of the tree. Likewise, items in the HD view can be navigated using the up and down arrows.
Hear ye, hear ye!
Effective with version 6.4, users can control the size of the font in the HD view. To increase the font size, press Ctrl + "+". To decrease the font size, press Ctrl + "-".
The following tables are a more exhaustive list of the keystrokes available in ActivityHD. Keystrokes are listed by the type of control they affect.
Keystroke | Behavior |
Tab | Successive tabbing moves from the Folders pane to the filter bar to the HD view and back to the Folders pane. |
Folders pane
Keystroke | Behavior |
← | When an expanded folder is highlighted, collapses the folder; when a collapsed folder is highlighted, moves to its parent folder. |
→ | If a folder that can be expanded is highlighted, expands the folder; if a folder that is expanded is highlighted, moves to the first child folder; if a folder that cannot be expanded and has no children is highlighted, does nothing. |
↑ | Moves to the previous exposed folder. |
↓ | Moves to the next exposed folder. |
Page Down | Scrolls down so that the highlighted folder moves to the top of the list box, and highlights the folder at the bottom of the list box. |
Page Up | Scrolls up so that the highlighted folder is at the bottom of the list box, and highlights the folder at the top of the list box. |
Home | Highlights the root folder. |
End | Highlights the last folder. |
Ctrl+← | Shifts the display right so that more of the left part of the Folders pane shows. |
Ctrl+→ | Shifts the display left so that more of the right part of the Folders pane shows. |
Ctrl+↓ | Scrolls the list box down without changing the highlighted folder. |
Ctrl+↑ | Scrolls the list box up without changing the highlighted folder. |
Ctrl+Page Down | Scrolls down so that the highlighted folder is at the bottom of the list box. |
Ctrl+Page Up | Scrolls up so that the highlighted folder is at the top of list box. |
Ctrl+Home | Scrolls up so the first folder is at the top of the list box; the highlighted folder does not change. |
Ctrl+End | Scrolls down so the last folder is at the bottom of the list box; the highlighted folder does not change. |
Type the first few characters of a folder name | Moves to the specified folder. |
Enter | Opens the highlighted record in its editing window. |
HD view
Keystroke | Behavior |
Ctrl+A | Selects all rows. |
Ctrl+C | Copies the highlighted rows (including column headings) to the clipboard. |
Ctrl+N or Insert | Adds a new record. |
Shift+Ctrl+N | Adds a new record by copying certain aspects of the highlighted record. |
Ctrl+R | Opens the highlighted record in read mode. |
Shift+Ctrl+R | Opens the Find dialog box so you can select a record and open it in read mode. |
Ctrl+E | Opens the highlighted record in edit mode. |
Delete | Deletes the highlighted record. |
Shift+Ctrl+E | Opens the Find dialog box so you can select a record and open it in edit mode. |
Ctrl+R | In the Reports folder with a report highlighted, starts the report wizard. |
Shift+Ctrl+F or Shift+click on filter "X" or funnel button | When a parameterized filter is applied, reprompts for a parameter value. |
Ctrl+"+" (+ on the keyboard or keypad) | Zooms in (increases font size). |
Ctrl+"-" (+ on the keyboard or keypad) | Zooms out (decreases font size). |
F5 | Refreshes the data in the current HD view. Particularly useful for reapplying complex filter conditions and for sorting. |
Keystroke | Behavior |
Tab or Enter | Moves to next field in the tab order. |
Shift+Tab or Shift+Enter | Moves to previous field in the tab order. |
Alt+hotkey![]() |
Jumps to the field with the underlined character. |
Ctrl+Tab | When a tab has focus, moves to the next tab. |
Ctrl+Shift+Tab | When a tab has focus, moves to the previous tab. |
Ctrl+D | Deletes the current record. |
Ctrl+E | Switches to edit mode. |
Ctrl+L | Switches to "Show List" mode. |
Ctrl+N | Enters a new record. |
Ctrl+R | Switches to read mode. |
Ctrl+S | Saves the current record. |
Alt+F4 | Closes the current window. |
F5 | Refreshes the current record. Particularly useful for reloading a record while in "Read" mode or for quickly discarding unwanted changes while in "Edit" mode. |
F12 | Saves the current record and opens a new record. |
F10 | Saves the current record and closes the window. |
Ctrl+F10 or Ctrl+Shift+F10 | Puts you in menu mode. If focus is on a folder or an item in the HD view, opens the appropriate shortcut menu. |
Menu mode
Keystroke | Behavior |
hotkey![]() |
Takes you to the menu with the underlined character; if the menu is already expanded, executes the action of the menu item with the underlined character. |
← | Moves to previous menu. |
→ | Moves to next menu. |
↑ | If on main menu bar, moves to previous menu; if menu is expanded, moves highlight to previous menu item in the list. |
↓ | If menu is not expanded, expands it; if already expanded, moves the highlight to the next menu item. |
Alt | Enters/leaves menu mode. |
Esc | Leaves menu mode; if in an expanded menu, collapses the menu. |
Commands limited to specific data entry windows
Keystroke | Behavior |
Ctrl+B |
In GL Journal Entries and Recurring Entries, auto balances an account's balance group for posting. In AP Invoices, automatically enters the debit amount needed to balance the distribution. In AR Invoices and Recurring Invoices, pays the balance of an unmerged invoice with an initial payment. In Purchase Orders, combines PO detail lines. In Payroll checks on the Disbursement tab, either inserts net pay on the first line of a disbursement or adds a second line with the remaining amount of the disbursement. Note that when you perform a New Copy to create an adjustment check, no disbursements are copied from the employee. |
Ctrl+I |
In GL Journal Entry, adds intercompany "Due To" and "Due From" postings on a journal entry for a specified base company. In AP Invoices and Recurring Invoices, creates intercompany detail. In Purchasing Agents, creates AP invoices for agent-based purchases or attaches detail to existing invoices. In Purchase Orders, processes the PO to create an invoice and/or receipt. |
Ctrl+K |
In Purchase Orders, approves or revokes approval of the PO. In AR Summary Invoices, runs the Link command, opening the Find dialog box for invoices with the "Ready to Summarize" filter applied. |
Ctrl+M | In Purchase Orders and Purchases, changes the status of a PO to "master". |
Ctrl+P |
In GL Journal Entries, opens the Posting Calculator. In Purchase Orders, prints the PO. |
Ctrl+T |
In AR Receipts, opens the Receipt Detail popup. In Purchase Orders, splits a PO detail line. |
Ctrl+W |
In AP Invoices, runs the Distribution wizard. In GL Calendars, offers the available automatic period splits of a year. |
Ctrl+Shift+K | In AR Summary Invoices, runs the Link Any command, opening the Find dialog box for invoices without applying the "Ready to Summarize" filter. |
Ctrl+Shift+P | In AR Receipts, runs the Pay Any command, opening the Find dialog box for invoices. |
Shift+F4 |
In AP Invoice Detail, opens the associated invoice. In AR Invoice Detail and Recurring Detail, opens the associated invoice. In AR Receipt Detail, opens the associated receipt. In AR Tax Rate Detail, opens the associated tax rate. In Payroll Automatics, opens the employee associated with the automatic. In Payroll Parameters, opens the employee associated with the parameter. In Payroll Parameter Values, opens the employee associated with the parameter value. In Payroll W-4 records, opens the W-4 associated with the record. In Payroll Time Sheet Lines, opens the time sheet associated with the time sheet line. In Payroll Check Lines, opens the check associated with the check line. In Payroll Distributions, opens the check associated with the distribution. In Payroll Disbursements, opens the check associated with the disbursement. In Payroll Parameters, opens the segment item associated with the parameter. In Payroll Parameter Values, opens the segment item associated with the parameter value. In Purchases, opens the purchasing agent associated with the purchase. |
Keystroke | Behavior |
← or ↑ | Moves left one character. |
→ or ↓ | Moves right one character. |
Shift+← or Shift+↑ | Moves left, selecting one character at a time. |
Shift+→ or Shift+↓ | Moves right, selecting one character at a time. |
Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert | Pastes value from the clipboard. |
Ctrl+X or Shift+Delete | Cuts selection and places it on clipboard. |
Ctrl+← | Moves left one word. |
Ctrl+→ | Moves right one word. |
Ctrl+C | Copies selection to the clipboard. |
Delete | Deletes the selection; if nothing is selected, the character to the right of the cursor is deleted. |
Ctrl+Delete | Deletes the selection; if nothing is selected, deletes from the cursor to the end of the field. |
Backspace | Deletes the selection; if nothing is selected, the character to the left of the selection is deleted. |
Ctrl+Z or Alt+Backspace | Alternates between current field value and previous field value. |
Home | Moves to the beginning of the field. |
End | Moves to the end of the field. |
Esc | Restores the value of the field to the value before you edited it. |
Drop-down lists (unexpanded)
Keystroke | Behavior |
↓ | Moves to next value in drop-down list (no wrap to the top of the list). |
↑ | Moves to previous value in drop-down list (no wrap to the top of the list). |
Alt+↓ | Expands the drop-down list. |
Type the beginning of an entry | Loads the entry in the field. |
Drop-down lists (expanded)
Keystroke | Behavior |
↓ or → | Moves to next value in drop-down list. |
↑ or ← | Moves to previous value in drop-down list. |
Alt+↓, Alt+↑, or Return | Accepts the selected value and collapses the drop-down list. |
Tab | Closes the drop-down list, but does not change the value. |
Keystroke | Behavior |
Space or Alt+ hotkey![]() |
Toggles between marked and unmarked. |
Option buttons (radio controls)
Keystroke | Behavior |
↓ | Selects next value (wrap if necessary). |
↑ | Selects previous value (wrap if necessary). |
Keystroke | Behavior |
↑ | Increases the value. |
↓ | Decreases the value. |
Keystroke | Behavior |
F2 | Displays the Date Expression dialog box. |
F3 | Displays the calendar control. |
T or t | Enters today's date in the field. |
- (minus) | Enters the previous day's date. |
+ (plus) | Enters the next day's date. |
Keystroke | Behavior |
T or t | Enters the current time in the field. |
- (minus) | Subtracts one minute from the current time entry. |
+ (plus) | Adds one minute to the current time entry. |
Keystroke | Behavior |
T or t | Enters today's date. |
- (minus) or ← | Selects the previous day. |
+ (plus) or → | Selects the next day. |
↑ | Selects the same day of previous week. |
↓ | Selects the same day of next week. |
Tab | Closes the dialog box without changing the value. |
Enter | Closes the dialog box and applies the selected date. |
Tables (aka "grids")
Keystroke | Behavior |
Ctrl+Insert | Inserts a new row at the current position. |
Ctrl+Delete | Deletes the current row. |
Ctrl+→ or Shift+Mouse Scroll Down |
Moves to the next field on the current row. |
Ctrl+← or Shift+Mouse Scroll Up |
Moves to the previous field on the current row. |
Ctrl+↑ or Mouse Scroll Up |
Moves to the current field on the previous row. |
Ctrl+↓ or Mouse Scroll Down |
Moves to the current field on the next row. |
Ctrl+Enter | Completes the current line. |
Shift+Home | Selects the content from the cursor to beginning of field. |
Shift+End | Selects the content from the cursor to end of field. |
Ctrl+Home | Moves to the current field of the first row. |
Ctrl+End | Moves to the current field of the last row. |
Ctrl+Page Down | Scrolls down the number of rows that is currently visible; if all rows are visible, moves to the last row. |
Ctrl+Page Up | Scrolls up the number of rows that is currently visible; if all rows are visible, moves to the first row. |
Ctrl+Shift+Home | Moves to the first field of the current row. |
Ctrl+Shift+End | Moves to the last field of the current row. |
Report wizards
Keystroke | Behavior |
Ctrl+W | Previews the report. |
Ctrl+P | Prints the report. |
Ctrl+M | Emails the report. |
Ctrl+E | Exports the report. |
Ctrl+S | Saves the current settings as a report profile. |
Ctrl+D | Opens the Report Designs window. |
Segment codes
Keystroke | Behavior |
- | In a numeric segment, puts you at the first of the next segment. |
Memo fields
Keystroke | Behavior |
F2 | Opens an expanded memo entry popup. |
Ctrl+A | Selects all text in the memo field. |
Account codes
Keystroke | Behavior |
F2 | Opens an expanded account number entry popup. |
Reference fields
Keystroke | Behavior |
F3 | Opens the Find dialog box. |
F4 | If the field is blank, opens the record editor in new mode; if the field contains a value, opens the record editor in read mode. |
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