
Subsidiary detail

The Subsidiary Detail folder provides access to journal detail expanded to include detailed information from subsidiary packages (Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Bank Reconciliation, Fixed Assets, Payroll). The Subsidiary Detail resource inherits its permissions from the Journal Detail resource.


Subsidiary detail security

Common accesses available on subsidiary detail

Access A user with this access can...
Data Have read-only access to subsidiary detail from anywhere in the software (e.g., field validations, filters, date expressions).
Report Run reports with subsidiary detail information.
Report Designs Create and edit report designs with subsidiary detail information. This access enables the Report Designs button on the Output tab of report dialogs.
Shared Answers Create and edit action profiles and report profiles related to subsidiary detail.
Shared Filters Create and edit shared filters on subsidiary detail.
Visible View the Subsidiary Detail folder in the Navigation pane.



Account Conditions

Condition Expression

If the account mask you specified in the field that accompanies the Condition field is too broad or too narrow to capture the accounts you need, enter a SQL condition statement here to exclude or include accounts. Accounts are included which satisfy both the condition and the account mask.

If you entered a condition in the underlying field, it is carried over into this text box.

Alternatively, you can use the table below to describe the conditions you need and ActivityHD will build and add the conditions to this text box.

Conditions table
Use this table to construct the conditions you need in order to accurately select accounts.
From the drop-down list, select the account, segment, rollup, or attribute to define a range or mask on.
Enter a mask for the account number, segment item, rollup item, or attribute item when the items you need to select have common characters but are not in a particular order.
Enter the first account number, segment item, rollup item, or attribute item in the range of items you need to select. Use a range when the items are in a defined order.
Enter the last account number, segment item, rollup item, or attribute item in the range of items you need to select. Use a range when the items are in a defined order.
Check Conditions button
Click this button to check for SQL errors in the condition statement.