A user's selections and settings across ActivityHD for items such as column settings, applied filters, auto-restored saved answers, window positions, etc., are saved and restored automatically on the user's local computer. The User Options feature provides backup/restore and export/import actions which are helpful when a user switches to a new computer or needs to share options with another user.
These backup and export actions capture the ActivityHD user settings for a specific user which are stored in the Windows registry at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\AccountingWare\Activity. Information captured in these actions is limited to companies which exist within the system the user is connected to.
Backup/restore supports a specific authorized user within an Activity System. The backup is stored in the system database. After a user performs a backup, the latest backup date is noted in the backup and restore wizards. Restore uses the user's latest backup. Restore is finalized by closing and restarting ActivityHD.
Export/import saves exactly the same information as backup/restore but instead of savings settings to and retrieving settings from the system database, export prompts for a file path to export the information to and import prompts for a file that was previously created using the export action. Like restore, import is finalized by closing and restarting ActivityHD. Import is useful for copying settings between users.
Columns and selection fields are available on the System Authorized User folder to view information about the existing user options backup.