The System Options page of the Options dialog box lets users enable or disable SAML (single sign-on) for Self-Serve and view when the option was last modified and by whom. Users with "Options (Admin)" access to the Activity System resource can view and edit the SAML setting.
Maintain Activity System options
In the Navigation pane, highlight the Activity System folder.
Right-click the Activity System folder and select Options from the shortcut menu. The Options dialog box opens with the System branch selected.
To enable SAML for Self-Serve, mark the SAML Enabled (single sign-on) checkbox.
When you finish, click OK.
System Options tab
SAML Enabled (single sign-on)
If marked, indicates that SAML is enabled for Self-Serve single sign-on.
Modified By
The user name of the last user who modified the information on this tab.
Modified Date
The date and time of the last modification to the information on this tab.