
ActivMonitor is a system service which watches for server downtime and sends notifications if and when it occurs. By default, ActivMonitor monitors all companies with a startup type of "Automatic".

ClosedI do not want all companies with a startup type of "Automatic" to be monitored. What should I do?

In short, create a custom True/False field named "Monitored" on the Company folder and set the value of the Monitored field to "False" on companies you do not want to be monitored.

Specifically, do the following:

  1. In the Navigation pane, highlight the Activity System > Companies folder.
  2. Right-click and select Custom Fields from the shortcut menu. The Company Custom Fields window opens.

  3. In the Name field, enter "Monitored".
  4. If helpful, enter a Hint to remind users of the purpose of the custom field.
  5. From the Data Type drop-down list, select "True/False".
  6. In the Default field, enter "True". (This initially marks the Monitored checkbox on all new companies, duplicating the default behavior.)

  7. Save your changes.
  8. Still in the Companies folder, open the record of a company you do not want to monitor and select the Custom tab.

  9. On the Fields subtab, notice that the Monitored checkbox is filled with a black square. This indicates that the value is undetermined (it would default to "True). To set the value to "False", click the checkbox twice to clear it.

  10. Save your changes.
  11. Repeat these steps for every company you do not want ActivMonitor to watch for server downtime.