
Built-in filters

Products on a contract determine the revenue accounts to credit with the settlement invoice. By default, the revenue account is determined by the ARCode associated with the product. The product code provides a default unit price to the contract line. When you assign a product code, you may find it helpful to include the pricing unit as part of the code; e.g., you might use "PASysDay" to indicate the cost of renting a PA system per day.

Extras\Contracts Processing\Import CP Products.xls

Products security

Common accesses available on products

Access A user with this access can...
Change Use the mass change action on products.
Custom Fields Create and edit custom fields for products.
Data Have read-only access to products from anywhere in the software (e.g., field validations, filters, date expressions).
Delete Delete products.
Edit Edit product records.
Export Export product records from Activity.
Import Import product records into Activity.
New Create new product records.
Read Have read-only access to product records.
Report Run reports with product information.
Report Designs Create and edit report designs with product information. This access enables the Report Designs button on the Output tab of report dialogs.
Shared Answers Create and edit action profiles and report profiles related to products.
Shared Filters Create and edit shared filters on products.
Visible View the Products folder in the Navigation pane.



Product filters

The following built-in filters are available for products:

Filter Name Effect
? ARCode Prompts for an ARCode and lists the products with the specified ARCode.
? Code Prompts for a product code and shows the products with the specified product code.
? Description Prompts for a description and lists the products with a description that contains the specified search string.
? Expression Contains Prompts for a product expression and lists the products with an expression that contains the specified search string.
? Has Group Prompts for a product group and lists the products with the specified product group.
? Type Prompts for a product type and lists the products with the specified product type.



Report Email dialog

The email account from which to send the email. Valid options are:
  • Windows user default account. Sends email using the user's Windows default email account. For most users, this is the account configured in Outlook or another email client application.
  • Server personal. Sends email using the email configuration for the system or company server and the email address on the current user's authorized user record. The authorized user record must have a confirmed email address.
  • Server generic. Sends email using the email configuration and "from" address for the system or company server. This option requires "Send generic" access to the Server Email resource.
The email address(es) to which to send the email. Separate email addresses with semi-colons.
The email addresses to copy on the email. Separate email addresses with semi-colons.
The email addresses to blind copy on the email. Separate email addresses with semi-colons.
The subject line.
Text box
The body of the email.



Contract and settlement expression functions

Function Explanation Example
If Boolean with three parameters: (test, true result, false result) IF(Comm.Count = 12, -Park.Amount, 0)
IsNull Determines which of two numbers is "not null". One of the parameters must be a terms code. ISNULL(MinQty, .Ticket.Quantity) [MinQty is a numeric terms code]
Date Calculates a date based on a date expression


This is not the same as the .Date keyword. .Date returns the date on a contract or settlement line.

Security.Hours.History(, DATE(.Date("yesterday")))
Number Converts a string value to a number NUMBER(ATTRIBUTEITEM("Booth"))
AttributeItem Returns an attribute item from the contract. The syntax is AttributeItem("attribute name"). The "attribute name" argument takes a literal string and must be enclosed in quotation marks. IF(ATTRIBUTEITEM("Booth") = "100C", .Price, .Price * .95)
MIN Determines which of two numbers is smaller MIN(.Amount, Comm.Amount.History)
MAX Determines which of two numbers is larger MAX(FoodT.Amount, FoodNT.Amount)
ROUND Rounds a number to the specified number of decimal digits ROUND((Food.Amount * .9361) + Bev.Amount * .7238, 2)
TRUNCATE Truncates the number to the specified number of digits TRUNCATE(PreTick.Quantity, -2)
TRUE TRUE can only reference a user-defined terms code/keyword IF(IntProd = TRUE, .Price, .Price * 1.15), where IntProd is a true/false terms code
FALSE FALSE can only reference a user-defined terms code/keyword IF(IntProd = FALSE, .Price, 0), where IntProde is a true/false terms code



Contract and settlement expressions

All group keywords (non-history) include lines on the current settlement or contract.

All .History keywords include only the settlements on the current contract.

All the keywords listed below produce numbers, so expressions can use arithmetic operators between keywords as is illustrated in many of the examples which follow.

Keyword Explanation Example
.Date The date on a contract line or settlement line IF(.Date > #01/01/2018#, 1, .75)
#Date# A literal date #01/15/2018#
"string" Text or string. "ABC"
.Minutes Minutes on the contract or settlement line .Minutes * .Price
.Hours Hours on the contract line .Hours * .Price
.Quantity Quantity on the contract or settlement line .Quantity * .Price
.Price Price on the contract or settlement line .Quantity/1.0825 * .Price
.Amount Amount on the contract or settlement line


.Amount is for use in credit expressions only!

.Amount * .25
.Discount Discount on the settlement line


.Discount is for use in credit expressions only!

((.Quantity * .Price) - .Discount) * .15
.Credit Credit on the settlement line


.Credit is for use in amount expressions only!

(.Quantity * .Price) - .Credit
group.Minutes(begin,end) The total minutes of all products on the contract or settlement which are assigned to group. The begin and end date parameters are optional and independent of each other. Staff.Minutes * .Price
group.Hours(begin,end) The total hours of all products on the contract or settlement which are assigned to group. The begin and end date parameters are optional and independent of each other. Security.Hours * .Price
group.Quantity(begin,end) The total quantity of all products on the contract or settlement which are assigned to group. The begin and end date parameters are optional and independent of each other. IF(Ticket.Quantity > 1200, Ticket.Quantity * .Price * .75, Ticket.Quantity * .Price)
group.Discount(begin,end) The total discount on all products on the settlement which are assigned to group. The begin and end date parameters are optional and independent of each other. (.Quantity * .Price) - Rent.Discount
group.Amount(begin,end) The total amount of all products on the contract or settlement which are assigned to group. The begin and end date parameters are optional and independent of each other. IF(Comm.Amount ≥ 4000, .Quantity * .Price * .15, 0)
group.Credit(begin,end) The total credit amount of all products on the settlement which are assigned to group. The begin and end date parameters are optional and independent of each other. MAX(0,Rent.Amount.History + Rent.Amount - Comm.Credit.History - Comm.Credit)
group.Count(begin,end) The number of settlement lines for products assigned to group. The begin and end date parameters are optional and independent of each other. IF(Comm.Count = 12, - Park.Amount, 0)
group.Minutes.History(begin,end) The total minutes for all products assigned to group on all settlements for the contract. The begin and end date parameters are optional and independent of each other. Security.Minutes.History(, DATE(.Date("yesterday")) * .Price
group.Hours.History(begin,end) The total hours for all products assigned to group on all settlements for the contract. The begin and end date parameters are optional and independent of each other. Security.Hours.History(, DATE(.Date("yesterday")) * .Price
group.Quantity.History(begin,end) The total quantity for all products assigned to group on all settlements for the contract. The begin and end date parameters are optional and independent of each other. MAX(0, Comm.Quantity.History(, .Date) + Comm.Quantity(, .Date) + .Quantity) - 350000
group.Amount.History(begin,end) The total amount for all products assigned to group on all settlements for the contract. The begin and end date parameters are optional and independent of each other. MIN(.Amount, Rent.Amount.History + Rent.Amount - Comm.Credit.History(, .Date) - Comm.Credit(, .Date))
group.Discount.History(begin,end) The total discount amount for all products assigned to group on all settlements for the contract. The begin and end date parameters are optional and independent of each other.  
group.Credit.History(begin,end) The total credit amount for all products assigned to group on all settlements for the contract. The begin and end date parameters are optional and independent of each other. MIN(.Amount,Rent.Amount.History + Rent.Amount - Comm.Credit.History(, .Date) - Comm.Credit(, .Date))
group.Count.History(begin,end) The total number of all settlement lines for the contract for all products assigned to group. The begin and end date parameters are optional and independent of each other.  

† The following syntax is allowed for the begin and end date parameters of a group function:

Syntax Sample Explanation
group.amount No date range
group.amount() No date range
group.amount(,) No date range
group.amount(begin) Begin date only
group.amount(begin,) Begin date only
group.amount(,end) End date only
group.amount(begin,end) Both begin and end date