AccountingWare Integrations

Workforce Management Software

Pair WorkforceHub with ActivityHD for efficient workforce management

Award-Winning Integration

Sync your workforce data between ActivityHD and WorkforceHub for accurate payroll and employee management. WorkforceHub provides advanced time and scheduling solutions for growing businesses, making it easier than ever to manage. ActivityHD's award-winning integration with WorkforceHub provides enhanced data accuracy and automation while saving time and reducing administrative tasks.

Efficiently Hire and Onboard

Use ActivityHD’s automation to get new hires quickly into the system and set up in your payroll. You can deliver important documentation to employees through WorkforceHub, empower new hires to manage their information and eliminate the stacks of first-day paperwork. Keep both ActivityHD and WorkforceHub in sync on demand or through a scheduled routine with our automated maintenance bot.

All-in-One Employee Management

WorkforceHub is an easy-to-use online time and attendance tool with precise time clock data for on-site, off-site, and remote workers. Allow your employees to view their schedule, swap shifts, request time off, approve their timecards, and communicate with their supervisor in WorkforceHub’s user-friendly system. With a few clicks, time data is instantly delivered to your payroll system in ActivityHD for accurate paychecks every time.

Automate Timekeeping

ActivityHD pulls timesheets directly into the payroll system, ensuring accurate and efficient payroll processing. With ActivityHD, you can push data from WorkforceHub to create comprehensive employee profiles. Once finalized, you can transfer updated leave balances back to WorkforceHub, providing a hassle-free way to manage and track employee data.

ActivityHD Self-Serve

Pay statements, employee forms (W-2s, 1095-C, etc.), timekeeping, and scheduling are all accessible in ActivityHD Self-Serve. The web portal allows users to view documents from ActivityHD and perform actions that sync with WorkforceHub over the internet or through a corporate intranet.

Features of WorkforceHub


Webclock In/Out
Automatic Holiday Pay
Timecard Approvals
Mobile Punch-Mobile App
Time Keeping


Everything included in Advanced with the addition of the following:
Applicant Tracking
Geofencing and Pinpoint GPS
Candidate Texting

Features of WorkforceHub

Webclock In/Out
Automatic Holiday Pay
Timecard Approvals
Mobile Punch-Mobile App
Time Keeping
Applicant Tracking
Geofencing and Pinpoint GPS
Candidate Texting

Ready to see what WorkforceHub can do for you?