Contract and settlement expression functions
Function | Explanation | Example |
If | Boolean with three parameters: (test, true result, false result) | IF(Comm.Count = 12, -Park.Amount, 0) |
IsNull | Determines which of two numbers is "not null". One of the parameters must be a terms code. | ISNULL(MinQty, .Ticket.Quantity) [MinQty is a numeric terms code] |
Date | Calculates a date based on a date expression
Note This is not the same as the .Date keyword. .Date returns the date on a contract or settlement line. |
Security.Hours.History(, DATE(.Date("yesterday"))) |
Number | Converts a string value to a number | NUMBER(ATTRIBUTEITEM("Booth")) |
AttributeItem | Returns an attribute item from the contract. The syntax is AttributeItem("attribute name"). The "attribute name" argument takes a literal string and must be enclosed in quotation marks. | IF(ATTRIBUTEITEM("Booth") = "100C", .Price, .Price * .95) |
MIN | Determines which of two numbers is smaller | MIN(.Amount, Comm.Amount.History) |
MAX | Determines which of two numbers is larger | MAX(FoodT.Amount, FoodNT.Amount) |
ROUND | Rounds a number to the specified number of decimal digits | ROUND((Food.Amount * .9361) + Bev.Amount * .7238, 2) |
TRUNCATE | Truncates the number to the specified number of digits | TRUNCATE(PreTick.Quantity, -2) |
TRUE | TRUE can only reference a user-defined terms code/keyword | IF(IntProd = TRUE, .Price, .Price * 1.15), where IntProd is a true/false terms code |
FALSE | FALSE can only reference a user-defined terms code/keyword | IF(IntProd = FALSE, .Price, 0), where IntProde is a true/false terms code |