What sets ActivityHD apart

ActivityHD has two key qualities which set it apart from its competitors: ActivityHD has an "active" database and ActivityHD is data-centric.

ActivityHD is active

We say ActivityHD is active, hence the name, because your data is always up-to-date. Updates to data are immediate and interactive. You never need to refresh your data because it stays "fresh", even in a multi-operator environment. The data presented in the HD view is always complete and accurate.

If a record is added to the data you are currently viewing in the HD view, ActivityHD temporarily puts it at the bottom of the list of records. If you re-sort the HD view, or move to another view and return, the new record subsequently appears in its proper order.

Sometimes you'll see a padlock on the icon to the left of a record in the HD view. This means you or another operator has that record open in edit mode. While a record is being edited, no other operator can access it. Once editing is completed, the padlock disappears and the record is available again.

On occasion you may try to save a change to a record that requires access to another record which is locked by a different user. In this case, ActivityHD will notify you of the conflict and tell you who has the record locked.

ActivityHD is data-centric

Instead of a menu of commands where users select the action they want to take and then apply the data, in ActivityHD you start with the data you want to affect and then apply the command. For example, you can load journal entries in the HD view, apply a filter, and then perform an action on the data such as, in the case of journal entries, proofing, merging, or reporting.

ActivityHD's powerful filtering ability helps you see just the data you want to see. In fact, because you can define filters with such specificity and because ActivityHD shows totals in the status bar, you may find that much of the analysis you once relied on reports for can now be accomplished directly in the HD view.