Financial design functions

The functions listed below by category are the predefined functions available for use in financial designs. Also included are the expressions which can be used as arguments of some of the functions.


Parameters listed in brackets [ ] are optional.


ClosedDate functions

ClosedNumeric functions

ClosedText functions

Text functions retrieve text such as segment item descriptions, company information, and calendar information, for inclusion on a financial statement.

Function Description Format
Account Returns the formatted account code. Account(Account [,Company])
AccountCustomField Returns the value of a custom field on the account. AccountCustomField(Field, Account [,Company])
AccountDescription Returns the account description. AccountDescription(Account [,Company])
AccountMemo Returns any memo recorded on the account. AccountMemo(Account [,Company])
Segment Returns the segment code. *Segment(Segment [,Company])
SegmentPluralName Returns the segment plural name. *SegmentPluralName(Segment [,Company])
SegmentMemo Returns any memo recorded on the segment. *SegmentMemo(Segment [,Company])
SegmentCustomField Returns the value of a custom field on the segment. *SegmentCustomField(Field, Segment [,Company])
SegmentItem Returns the segment item code. *SegmentItem(Segment, Item [,Company])
SegmentItemDescription Returns the segment item description. *SegmentItemDescription(Segment, Item [,Company])
SegmentItemShortDescription Returns the segment item short description. *SegmentItemShortDescription(Segment, Item [,Company])
SegmentItemName Returns the segment item name. *SegmentItemName(Segment, Item [,Company])
SegmentItemAddress1 Returns the first address line from the segment item address. *SegmentItemAddress1(Segment, Item [,Company])
SegmentItemAddress2 Returns the second address line from the segment item address. *SegmentItemAddress2(Segment, Item [,Company])
SegmentItemCity Returns the city from the segment item address. *SegmentItemCity(Segment, Item [,Company])
SegmentItemState Returns the state from the segment item address. *SegmentItemState(Segment, Item [,Company])
SegmentItemZipCode Returns the zip code from the segment item address. *SegmentItemZipCode(Segment, Item [,Company])
SegmentItemCountry Returns the country from the segment item address. *SegmentItemCountry(Segment, Item [,Company])
SegmentItemMemo Returns any memo recorded on the segment item. *SegmentItemMemo(Segment, Item [,Company])
SegmentItemCustomField Returns the value of a custom field on the segment item. *SegmentItemCustomField(Field,Segment, Item [,Company])
Company financial functions, like all functions with the optional "Company" argument, return information only from companies the user can connect to.
CompanyName Returns the company name. CompanyName("Company")
CompanyLegalName Returns the company's legal name. CompanyLegalName("Company")
CompanyAddress1 Returns the first line of the company address. CompanyAddress1("Company")
CompanyAddress2 Returns the second line of the company address. CompanyAddress2("Company")
CompanyCity Returns the city of the company address. CompanyCity("Company")
CompanyState Returns the state of the company address. CompanyState("Company")
CompanyZipCode Returns the zip code of the company address. CompanyZipCode("Company")
CompanyCountry Returns the country of the company address. CompanyCountry("Company")
CompanyMemo Returns any memo recorded on the company record. CompanyMemo("Company")
CompanyCustomField Returns the value of a custom field on the company record. CompanyCustomField(Field, "Company")
PeriodCalendar Returns the calendar code for this period. Period Calendar(Period [,Company])
PeriodCalendarDescription Returns the calendar description. PeriodCalendarDescription(Period [,Company])
PeriodCalendarMemo Returns any memo recorded on the calendar. PeriodCalendarMemo(Period [,Company])
PeriodCalendarCustomField Returns the value of a custom field on the calendar. PeriodCalendarCustomField(Field, Period [,Company])
PeriodDescription Returns the period description. PeriodDescription(Period [,Company])
PeriodYear Returns the year of the period. PeriodYear(Period [,Company])
PeriodYearDescription Returns the description of the year of the period. PeriodYearDescription(Period [,Company])
Unit Returns the code of the passed unit or, if no unit is passed, the code of the current unit specified in the Financial Options dialog box. Unit([Unit] [,Company])
UnitDescription Returns the description of the passed unit or, if no unit is passed, the description of the current unit specified in the Financial Options dialog box. UnitDescription([Unit] [,Company])
UnitMemo Returns the memo from the passed unit or, if no unit is passed, the memo from the current unit specified in the Financial Options dialog box. UnitMemo([Unit] [,Company])
UnitCustomField Returns the value of the specified custom field on the passed unit or, if no unit is passed, the value of the specified custom field on the current unit specified in the Financial Options dialog box. UnitCustomField(Field [,Unit] [,Company])

* Put the parameter in quotes if it is not numeric.


SegmentItemDescription("Inc", "REV"). (Line description) Retrieves the description of the "REV" rollup item in the "Inc" rollup.

SegmentItemDescription("Inc", A6). Retrieves the description of the rollup item in cell A6 of the "Inc" rollup.

PeriodYear("Current"). Prints the year in a column heading.

ClosedAccounts Payable functions

Accounts Payable functions provide drill down to Accounts Payable information within a financial design worksheet. Use these functions to calculate totals based on AP information and to retrieve related information.

Function Description Format


These functions calculate totals using selected GL postings and permit drill down to AP detail.

"Items" in this section refers to expressions such as segment items expressions, attribute items expressions, and invoice items expressions.

You specify attributes with AP usage and attribute items using comparison operators.

The expense GL-related functions in this section can be limited (via items expressions) by the following data:

  • AP.Attribute.<attribute_name>
  • AP.Vendor
  • AP.VendorClass
APExpenses Calculates total AP expenses from invoice distributions for the specified period. APExpenses(Period [,Items] [,Items] [,Company] [,Unit])
APExpensesYTD Calculates the year-to-date AP expenses from invoice distributions for the specified period. APExpensesYTD(Period [,Items] [,Items] [,Company] [,Unit])


APVendor Returns the code of the specified AP vendor. APVendor(VendorCode [,Company])
APVendorDescription Returns the description of the specified AP vendor. APVendorDescription(VendorCode [,Company])
APVendorMemo Returns the memo of the specified AP vendor. APVendorMemo(VendorCode [,Company])
APVendorCustomField Returns the value of a custom field for the specified AP vendor. APVendorCustomField(Field, VendorCode [,Company])


The payment-related functions in this section can be limited (via items expressions) by the following data:

  • AP.PaymentVendor
  • AP.PaymentVendorClass
APPaymentsBank Calculates total AP payments bank postings for the specified period. APPaymentsBank(Period [,Items] [,Items] [,Company] [,Unit])
APPaymentsBankYTD Calculates the year-to-date AP payments bank postings for the specified period. APPaymentsBankYTD(Period [,Items] [,Items] [,Company] [,Unit])
APPaymentsDiscount Calculates total AP payments discount postings for the specified period. APPaymentsDiscount(Period [,Items] [,Items] [,Company] [,Unit])
APPaymentsDiscountYTD Calculates the year-to-date AP payments discount postings for the specified period. APPaymentsDiscountYTD(Period [,Items] [,Items] [,Company] [,Unit])


The extra GL-related functions in this section can be limited (via items expressions) by the following data:

  • AP.Attribute.<attribute_name>
  • AP.Vendor
  • AP.VendorClass
APExtraActivity Calculates the AP extra GL activity as of the specified period. APExtraActivity(Period [,Items] [,Company] [,Unit])
APExtraDebitActivity Calculates the AP extra GL debit activity as of the specified period. APExtraDebitActivity(Period [,Items] [,Company] [,Unit])
APExtraCreditActivity Calculates the AP extra GL credit activity as of the specified period. APExtraCreditActivity(Period [,Items] [,Company] [,Unit])
APExtraYearToDate Calculates the AP extra GL year-to-date activity as of the specified period. APExtraYearToDate(Period [,Items] [,Company] [,Unit])
APExtraDebitYearToDate Calculates the AP extra GL year-to-date debit activity as of the specified period. APExtraDebitYearToDate(Period [,Items] [,Company] [,Unit])
APExtraCreditYearToDate Calculates the AP extra GL year-to-date credit activity as of the specified period. APExtraCreditYearToDate(Period [,Items] [,Company] [,Unit])


APAttribute Returns the name of the specified AP attribute. APAttribute(AttributeName [,Company])
APAttributePluralName Returns the plural name of the specified AP attribute. APAttributePluralName(AttributeName [,Company])
APAttributeMemo Returns the memo of the specified AP attribute. APAttributeMemo(AttributeName [,Company])
APAttributeCustomField Returns the value of a custom field for the specified AP attribute. APAttributeCustomField(Field, AttributeName [,Company])


APAttributeItem Returns the name of the specified AP attribute item. APAttributeItem(AttributeName, Item [,Company])
APAttributeItemDescription Returns the description of the specified AP attribute item. APAttributeItemDescription(AttributeName, Item [,Company])
APAttributeItemMemo Returns the memo of the specified AP attribute item. APAttributeItemMemo(AttributeName, Item [,Company])
APAttributeItemCustomField Returns the value of a custom field for the specified AP attribute item. APAttributeItemCustomField(Field, AttributeName, Item [,Company])


APClass Returns the code of the specified AP class. APClass(APClassCode [,Company])
APClassDescription Returns the description of the specified AP class. APClassDescription(APClassCode [,Company])
APClassMemo Returns the memo of the specified AP class. APClassMemo(APClassCode [,Company])
APClassCustomField Returns the value of a custom field for the specified AP class. APClassCustomField(Field, APClassCode [,Company])

ClosedAccounts Receivable functions

Accounts Receivable functions provide drill down to Accounts Receivable information within a financial design worksheet. Use these functions to calculate totals based on AR information and to retrieve related information.

Function Description Format


These functions calculate totals using selected GL postings and permit drill down to AR detail.

"Items" in this section refers to expressions such as segment items expressions, attribute items expressions, and invoice items expressions.

You specify attributes with AR usage and attribute items using comparison operators.


Suppose you have attributes named "Event" and "Department". An attribute expression might look something like this: Event=1545 AND Department LIKE Maintenance.

Invoice items expressions are expressions in which you can limit amounts by customer, salesperson, customer class, and ARCode.


Customer LIKE 1-* AND ARCode=TICKETS

ARSales Calculates the total AR sales revenue for the specified period. ARSales(Period [,Items] [,Items] [,Items] [,Company] [,Unit])
ARSalesYTD Calculates the year-to-date AR sales revenue for the specified period. ARSalesYTD(Period [,Items] [,Items] [,Items] [,Company] [,Unit])
ARQuantity Calculates the total AR sales quantity for the specified period. ARQuantity(Period [,Items] [,Items] [,Items] [,Company])
ARQuantityYTD Calculates the year-to-date AR sales quantity for the specified period. ARQuantityYTD(Period [,Items] [,Items] [,Items] [,Company])


ARAttribute Retrieves the name of the specified attribute with AR usage. ARAttribute(AttributeName [,Company])
ARAttributePluralName Returns the plural name of the specified attribute with AR usage. ARAttributePluralName(AttributeName [,Company])
ARAttributeMemo Returns any memo recorded on the specified attribute with AR usage. ARAttributeMemo(AttributeName [,Company])
ARAttributeCustomField Returns the value of a custom field on the specified attribute with AR usage. ARAttributeCustomField(Field, AttributeName [,Company])


ARAttributeItem Returns the name of the specified attribute item. ARAttributeItem(AttributeName, Item [,Company])
ARAttributeItemDescription Returns the description of the specified attribute item. ARAttributeItemDescription(AttributeName, Item [,Company])
ARAttributeItemMemo Returns any memo recorded on the specified attribute item. ARAttributeItemMemo(AttributeName, Item [,Company])
ARAttributeItemCustomField Returns the value of a custom field on the specified attribute item. ARAttributeItemCustomField(Field, AttributeName, Item [,Company])


ARClass Returns the specified AR customer class. ARClass(ARClass [,Company])
ARClassDescription Returns the description of the specified AR customer class. ARClassDescription(ARClass [,Company])
ARClassMemo Returns any memo recorded on the specified AR customer class. ARClassMemo(ARClass [,Company])
ARClassCustomField Returns the value of a custom field on the specified AR customer class. ARClassCustomField(Field, ARClass [,Company])


ARCustomer Returns the customer code of the specified customer. ARCustomer(CustomerCode [,Company])
ARCustomerName Returns the name of the specified customer. ARCustomerName(CustomerCode [,Company])
ARCustomerMemo Returns any memo recorded on the specified customer. ARCustomerMemo(CustomerCode [,Company])
ARCustomerCustomField Returns the value of a custom field on the specified customer. ARCustomerCustomField(Field, CustomerCode [,Company])


ARExtraActivity Returns the net AR extra GL activity for the specified period. ARExtraActivity(Period[,Items][,Items][,Items] [,Company] [,Unit])
ARExtraDebitActivity Returns the AR extra GL debit activity for the specified period. ARExtraDebitActivity(Period[,Items][,Items][,Items] [,Company] [,Unit])
ARExtraCreditActivity Returns the AR extra GL credit activity for the specified period. ARExtraCreditActivity(Period[,Items][,Items][,Items] [,Company] [,Unit])
ARExtraYearToDate Returns the year-to-date AR extra GL activity. ARExtraYearToDate(Period[,Items][,Items][,Items] [,Company] [,Unit])
ARExtraDebitYearToDate Returns the year-to-date AR extra GL debit activity. ARExtraDebitYearToDate(Period[,Items][,Items][,Items] [,Company] [,Unit])
ARExtraCreditYearToDate Returns the year-to-date extra GL credit activity. ARExtraCreditYearToDate(Period[,Items][,Items][,Items] [,Company] [,Unit])


ARInvoiceType Returns the invoice type code of the specified invoice type. ARInvoiceType(InvoiceType [,Company])
ARInvoiceTypeDescription Returns the description of the specified invoice type. ARInvoiceTypeDescription(InvoiceType [,Company])
ARInvoiceTypeMemo Returns the memo on the specified invoice type. ARInvoiceTypeMemo(InvoiceType [,Company])
ARInvoiceTypeCustomField Returns the value of a custom field on the specified invoice type. ARInvoiceTypeCustomField(Field, InvoiceType [,Company])


ARReceiptType Returns the receipt type code of the specified receipt type. ARReceiptType(ReceiptType [,Company])
ARReceiptTypeDescription Returns the description of the specified receipt type. ARReceiptTypeDescription(ReceiptType [,Company])
ARReceiptTypeMemo Returns the memo on the specified receipt type. ARReceiptTypeMemo(ReceiptType [,Company])
ARReceiptTypeCustomField Returns the value of a custom field on the specified receipt type. ARReceiptTypeCustomField(Field, ReceiptType [,Company])


The receipt-related functions in this section can be limited (via items expressions) by the following data:

From the invoice:

  • AR.Customer
  • AR.InvoiceType
  • AR.Salesperson
  • AR.Attribute.<Attribute Name>
  • AR.ReceiptCustomer
  • AR.ReceiptType

From the invoice customer:

  • AR.CustomerClass
  • AR.ReceiptCustomerClass
ARReceiptsBank Calculates the total bank receipts for the specified period. ARReceiptsBank(Period [,Items] [,Items] [,Company] [,Unit])
ARReceiptsBankYTD Calculates the year-to-date bank receipts for the specified period. ARReceiptsBankYTD(Period [,Items] [,Items] [,Company] [,Unit])
ARReceiptsDiscount Calculates the total discounts given for the specified period. ARReceiptsDiscount(Period [,Items] [,Items] [,Company] [,Unit])
ARReceiptsDiscountYTD Calculates the year-to-date discounts given for the specified period. ARReceiptsDiscountYTD(Period [,Items] [,Items] [,Company] [,Unit])
ARReceiptsAdjustment Calculates the total adjustments for the specified period. ARReceiptsAdjustmentYTD(Period [,Items] [,Items] [,Company] [,Unit])
ARReceiptsAdjustmentYTD Calculates the year-to-date adjustments for the specified period. ARReceiptsAdjustmentYTD(Period [,Items] [,Items] [,Company] [,Unit])


ARSalesperson Returns the salesperson code of the specified salesperson. ARSalesperson(SalespersonCode [,Company])
ARSalespersonFirstNameFirst Returns the name, in "first name first" order, of the specified salesperson. ARSalespersonFirstNameFirst(SalespersonCode [,Company])
ARSalespersonLastNameFirst Returns the name, in "last name first" order, of the specified salesperson. ARSalespersonLastNameFirst(SalespersonCode [,Company])
ARSalespersonMemo Returns any memo recorded on the specified salesperson. ARSalespersonMemo(SalespersonCode [,Company])
ARSalespersonCustomField Returns the value of a custom field on the specified salesperson. ARSalespersonCustomField(Field, SalespersonCode [,Company])


ARCode Returns the specified ARCode. ARCode(ARCode [,Company])
ARCodeDescription Returns the description of the specified ARCode. ARCodeDescription(ARCode [,Company])
ARCodeMemo Returns any memo recorded on the specified ARCode. ARCodeMemo(ARCode [,Company])
ARCodeCustomField Returns the value of a custom field on the specified ARCode. ARCodeCustomField(Field, ARCode [,Company])


ARSalesYTD("Current", "Main=4050 AND Ledger=A", , "ARCode=TICKETS"). Retrieves the year-to-date AR sales amount for the 4050 main GL account number limited to the "TICKETS" ARCode.

ARQuantityYTD("Current", "Main = 4050 AND Ledger=A", , "ARCode=TICKETS"). Retrieves the year-to-date quantity for number of tickets for the 4050 main GL account number limited to the "TICKETS" ARCode.

ARSales("Current", "Main=4050 AND Ledger=A", "Event LIKE 27*"). Retrieves period total sales for events that start with "27" for the 4050 main GL account number.

ClosedPayroll functions

ClosedPurchasing functions

Purchasing functions provide drill down to Purchasing information in a financial design worksheet. Use these functions to calculate totals based on Purchasing information and to retrieve related information.

Function Description Format


These functions calculate totals using GL accounts and provide drill down to Purchasing detail.

POAmount Calculates the total extended amount of purchases for the specified period. (Extended amounts include any allocated amounts.) POAmount(Period [,Items] [,Items] [,Company] [,Unit])
POAmountYTD Calculates the year-to-date extended amount of purchases as of the specified period. (Extended amounts include any allocated amounts.) POAmountYTD(Period [,Items] [,Items] [,Company] [,Unit])
POQuantity Calculates the total quantity of purchases for the specified period. POQuantity(Period [,Items] [,Items] [,Company])
POQuantityYTD Calculates the year-to-date quantity of purchases as of the specified period. POQuantityYTD(Period [,Items] [,Items] [,Company])


POAttribute Returns the name of the specified attribute with PO usage. POAttribute(AttributeName [,Company])
POAttributeDescription Returns the description of the specified attribute with PO usage. POAttributeDescription(AttributeName [,Company])
POAttributeMemo Returns any memo recorded for the specified attribute with PO usage. POAttributeMemo(AttributeName [,Company])
POAttributeCustomField Returns the value of a custom field for the specified attribute with PO usage. POAttributeCustomField(Field, AttributeName [,Company])


POAttributeItem Returns the name of the specified attribute item. POAttributeItem(AttributeName, Item [,Company])
POAttributeItemDescription Returns the description of the specified attribute item. POAttributeItemDescription(AttributeName, Item [,Company])
POAttributeItemMemo Returns any memo recorded for the specified attribute item. POAttributeItemMemo(AttributeName, Item [,Company])
POAttributeItemCustomField Returns the value of a custom field for the specified attribute item. POAttributeItemCustomField(Field, AttributeName, Item [,Company])


PODepartment Returns the name of the specified purchasing department. PODepartment(Department [,Company])
PODepartmentDescription Returns the description of the specified purchasing department. PODepartmentDescription(Department [,Company])
PODepartmentMemo Returns any memo recorded for the specified purchasing department. PODepartmentMemo(Department [,Company])
PODepartmentCustomField Returns the value of a custom field for the specified purchasing department. PODepartmentCustomField(Field, Department [,Company])


POProduct Returns the name of the specified product. POProduct(Product [,Company])
POProductDescription Returns the description of the specified product. POProductDescription(Product [,Company])
POProductMemo Returns any memo recorded for the specified product. POProductMemo(Product [,Company])
POProductCustomField Returns the value of a custom field for the specified product. POProductCustomField(Field, Product [,Company])


POUnitOfMeasure Returns the name of the specified unit of measure. POUnitOfMeasure(UnitOfMeasure [,Company])
POUnitOfMeasureDescription Returns the description of the specified unit of measure. POUnitOfMeasureDescription(UnitOfMeasure [,Company])
POUnitOfMeasureMemo Returns any memo recorded for the specified unit of measure. POUnitOfMeasureMemo(UnitOfMeasure [,Company])
POUnitOfMeasureCustomField Returns the value of a custom field for the specified unit of measure. POUnitOfMeasureCustomField(Field, UnitOfMeasure [,Company])


Vendor Returns the name of the specified vendor. Vendor(Vendor [,Company])
VendorDescription Returns the description of the specified vendor. VendorDescription(Vendor [,Company])
VendorMemo Returns any memo recorded for the specified vendor. VendorMemo(Vendor [,Company])
VendorCustomField Returns the value of a custom field for the specified vendor. VendorCustomField(Field, Vendor [,Company])


PODepartmentDescription("Accounting"). Retrieves the description of the accounting department.

POQuantity("Current", "Main LIKE 5* AND Ledger=A", "Product=Camera AND Event=Fair"). Returns the quantity of purchases for the current period for all GL cost accounts limited to the "Camera" product and the "Fair" event.

POAmountYTD("Current", "Main LIKE 5* AND Ledger=A", "Vendor=Wholesale"). Retrieves the year-to-date amount of purchases for all GL cost accounts for the "Wholesale" vendor.

POAmount("Current", "Main=5520 AND Ledger=A", "Event=Race AND UOM=Each") or POAmount("Current", "Main=5520 AND Ledger=A", "Event=Race AND 'Unit of Measure'=Each"). Retrieves the current amount of purchases for the 5520 main GL account number limited to the "Race" event attribute and with "Each" as the unit of measure.


Attribute names that contain spaces (such as "Unit of Measure" in the last example) must be enclosed in single quotes.


PRCode items expressions

PRCode items expressions are similar to segment items expressions except they determine payroll information based on PRCode segment items in their PRCode segments. The general form of a PRCode items expression is:


The <operator> is one of the following: =, <>, <, >, <=, >=, LIKE, NOT LIKE.


  • Pay=REG
  • Tax=SUTA
  • Deduction=HI AND HIProvider=BC

Syntax rules

  • PRCode items expressions are optional.
  • PRCode items expressions can be combined with ANDs and ORs as in the third example above.
  • PRCode items expressions can be grouped using parentheses.
  • Example

    (Pay=REG OR Pay=SAL) AND Ded=401K

  • PRCode items expressions can be negated.
  • Example


  • PRCode items expressions support the IN function. The IN function allows you to mix group assignment tests with other operations. The argument of the IN function is a group expression minus the amount.
  • Example

    IN(Compensation) AND Pay=REG

    "Compensation" is the name of a check line group.