Create an AP vendor based on an AR customer

You can use data links to create a new vendor record based on an existing AR customer record.


Making changes to linked fields affects both the field in the record where you make the change and the field in the record it is linked to.

  1. In the Navigation pane, highlight the Accounts Payable > Vendors folder.
  2. Click . The New Vendor window opens.
  3. Select the Data Links tab.
  4. Click Add and select "AR Customer" from the menu. The Customer Find dialog box opens.
  5. Locate and highlight the customer record to link to the new vendor record.
  6. Click OK. The customer is added to the Data Links list box.
  7. Highlight the customer name in the list box, then click Data. The Data Link Group Data dialog box opens.
  8. In the Data Links list box, highlight the new vendor and the existing customer.
  9. In the Fields list box, mark the Code and Name checkboxes. The fields with values which require conflict resolution are bolded in the Values section.
  10. In the Values section in the Code field, type the common code to use for both records or select the code from the drop-down list.
  11. In the Name field, type or select the common name to use on both records.
  12. Click OK.
  13. Save the vendor record but do not close it.
  14. If you want the new vendor record to share a location with the existing customer record, select the Locations tab. If not, skip to step 27.
  15. In the Locations view, click . The New Location dialog box opens.
  16. Select the Data Links tab.
  17. Click Add and select AR Location from the menu. The Location Find dialog box opens.
  18. Locate and highlight the customer location to link to the new vendor location record.
  19. Click OK. The customer location is added to the Data Links list box.
  20. Click Data. The Data Link Group Data dialog box opens.
  21. In the Data Links list box, highlight the new vendor location and the existing customer location.
  22. In the Fields list box, mark the checkboxes for the information you want both locations to share. The fields with values which require conflict resolution are bolded in the Values section.
  23. In the Values section, type or select values for each of the bolded fields.
  24. When you finish, click OK.
  25. Save the vendor location record and close it.
  26. If there is another customer location you need to link to, repeat steps 15-25.
  27. If you want the new vendor record to share a contact with the existing customer record, select the Contacts tab. If not, skip to step 40.
  28. In the Contacts view, click . The New Contact dialog box opens.
  29. Select the Data Links tab.
  30. Click Add and select AR Contact from the menu. The Contact Find dialog box opens.
  31. Locate and highlight the customer contact to link to the new vendor contact record.
  32. Click OK. The customer contact is added to the Data Links list box.
  33. Click Data. The Data Link Group Data dialog box opens.
  34. In the Data Links list box, highlight the new vendor contact and the existing customer contact.
  35. In the Fields list box, mark the checkboxes for the information you want both contacts to share. The fields with values which require conflict resolution are bolded in the Values section.
  36. In the Values section, type or select values for each of the bolded fields.
  37. When you finish, click OK.
  38. Save the vendor contact record and close it.
  39. If there is another customer contact you need to link to, repeat steps 28-38.
  40. Finish creating the new vendor record.
  41. Save the vendor record.