Install ActivReporter

Installation scenarios

ActivReporter supports three installation scenarios. The scenarios differ in where the software components reside. The supported scenarios are:

  • Demo. All components of ActivReporter including the client and Excel are installed on the computer where the Dynamics GP databases reside. This corresponds to the "Server Install" options in the ActivReporter installation menu.
  • Normal. A normal installation typically involves a "Server Install" on the SQL computer where the Dynamics GP databases reside, and a "Client Only" installation on each workstation which will be accessing ActivReporter. In this case, we recommend that Excel not be installed on the SQL computer but instead on each workstation.
  • Isolated SQL. For an isolated SQL installation, nothing is installed on the computer where the Dynamics GP databases reside. A separate server (the ActivReporter application server) is set up, and this is where ActivReporter is installed. A "Client Only" installation is performed on each workstation which will be accessing ActivReporter. We recommend that Excel not be installed on the ActivReporter application server but instead on each workstation.

Deciding which "bitness" of ActivReporter to install

ActivReporter is available as a 32-bit or 64-bit application. The "bitness" of ActivReporter you install must match the "bitness" of Microsoft Excel that is installed on the computer you are installing the ActivReporter client on. To find the "bitness" of Microsoft Excel, open a worksheet in Excel, select the File tab, select Account in the left-hand menu, then click the About Excel button. An informational dialog opens.

Find the "bitness" at the end of the first line of text in the dialog.

Select the tab for the type of installation you want to perform:

Demo installation

A Demo installation occurs entirely on the computer where the Dynamics GP databases reside. Use a "Server Install" option from the ActivReporter installation menu for the Demo installation.

Additional considerations for the Demo installation

  • Excel. Microsoft Excel must be installed on the computer you install ActivReporter on, and the "bitness" of ActivReporter you choose must match the "bitness" of Microsoft Excel.
  • SQL Server Service Broker External Activator (SSBEA). SSBEA is part of the ActivReporter installation. For the Demo installation, you can run SSBEA using the Network Service account.
  • SQL memory issues. When using the Demo configuration of ActivReporter, be mindful of the amount of memory available to SQL. By default, SQL will consume all the system memory, leaving insufficient memory for other applications such as the ActivReporter system service. As a rule of thumb, you should limit the Maximum Server Memory for SQL to about 80% of the available memory on the system.

  • Firewall. Because the Demo installation is contained to a single computer, there should be no firewall issues.

Install the software

  1. Download the ActivReporter installation file at
  2. Browse to the location where you saved the installation file and double-click the file name to start the installation process.

  3. In the "Install Applications" column, click the "Server Install" package with the bitness that matches your installation of Microsoft Excel. ActivReporter conveniently denotes the proper installation with an asterisk (*).

  4. Click Next >. You are prompted to accept the license agreement.

  5. Select "I accept the terms in the license agreement", then click Next >.

  6. Leave "Typical" selected and click Next >.

  7. Review the installation settings. When you finish, click Install. The installation ensues and concludes.

  8. When the installation completes, click Finish.

Configure the system

  1. Locate the ActivityHD Manager icon on your desktop and double-click it.

  2. In the Activity System section, click Configure. The ActivityHD System Configuration Wizard starts.

  3. Click Next >.

  4. Click Next >.

  5. In the SQL Server Name field, select or enter the name of the SQL Server instance where the system database will reside. For a Demo configuration, this should be an instance on the same server where the Dynamics GP databases reside.
  6. In the Authentication section, select the credentials to use to log into the database. Your options are:
    • Windows. If you select this option, ActivReporter will use your Windows credentials to log into the database.
    • SQL Server. If you select this option, provide your Login and Password for the database. The login should represent a user with sufficient privileges to install database components. AccountingWare recommends using the system administrator (sa) login.
  7. Click Next >.

  8. By default the system service starts automatically when the system is started. If you want to manually start the service every time, clear the Automatically start the service checkbox.
  9. The correct instance of SQL Server must start before you can attempt to start the ActivReporter services. In the SQL Server Dependency area, mark the checkbox for the SQL Server instance where the ActivReporter database resides.
  10. The Demo installation scenario of ActivReporter is not typically used for production installations. To use the single-user license for the Fabrikam database which is automatically supplied for demonstration purposes, leave the License Upload File field blank. If you have been provided a license file and you want to use it with this installation scenario, enter the path and file name in this field.
  11. In the TCP/IP Keepalive Time field, select the number of minutes to maintain the client connection when there is no response. Records which are open when a connection is lost remain locked the number of minutes you specify here. AccountingWare recommends a keepalive time of five minutes.
  12. Click Next >.

  13. Ensure that the SQL Server instance and system database name (typically "ActivitySystem") are correct.


    The ActivitySystem database is analogous to the database which is typically named "DYNAMICS" in GP.

  14. In the Control field, select how to create the database login and password. The login you set up here becomes the database owner and is used to connect to the database. Your options are:
    • Automatic. Select this option to allow the wizard to create a unique SQL Server login and password for accessing the system database.

    • Manual. Select this option to specify the SQL Server login and password yourself.
      • If you select "Manual", enter the Login and Password to use to access the system database.

  15. If you want to use SQL Server Agent to back up your ActivReporter database and want to be reminded when backups have not been performed in a timely manner, mark the Enable "Backup Alerts" checkbox. If you want to be alerted, but at a different frequency than three days, select how many days old a backup can be before issuing an alert.

    Best Practice

    Disable backup alerts for the system database and all ActivSync-enabled company databases.


    Backup of the ActivReporter databases is optional since the databases can be recreated at will from the Dynamics GP database using the reseeding process. HOWEVER, if you depend on the reseeding process as a backup mechanism, be aware that anything added to the ActivReporter database will be lost, including rollups and rollup items, calendars, and financial designs.

  16. Click Next >.

  17. The Self-Serve features are not applicable to ActivReporter.

  18. Click Next >.

  19. If you want to configure the system to enable email from the server, provide your SMTP settings, the email address to send from, and an email address for users to use to contact an administrator.
  20. Click Next >.

  21. Click Next >.

  22. Accept the packages recommended for installation.

  23. Click Next >. Configuration ensues and concludes.

  24. Click Finish to return to ActivityHD Manager.


Before configuring companies, run the following SQL scripts against the GP company databases that you need to configure in ActivReporter:

  • GP_Database_Check
  • GP_Check_Lines

These scripts are available in the ActivReporter distribution in the ...\Extras\ActivReporter folder.

These scripts will help you identify potential seeding issues so that you can take appropriate actions in Great Plains before propagating the data to ActivReporter.

Configure a company

  1. Ensure that all GP users are out of the GP company you will be configuring in ActivReporter. Users can resume working in the GP company once configuration finishes.
  2. In the ActivityHD Companies section, click Configure. The ActivityHD Company Configuration Wizard starts.

  3. Click Next >.

  4. Click Next >.

  5. Verify that the correct instance of SQL Server is selected, and that the correct authentication mode is selected. For the Demo configuration, this instance should be on the same server as the Dynamics GP databases and the ActivReporter system database.
  6. If you selected "SQL Server" authentication, enter the Password for the specified SQL Server login name.
  7. Click Next >.

  8. Ensure the Create a New Company option is selected.
  9. Enter the Company Name to associate with the company database. The company name must be unique. It is used in ActivReporter to identify the company and typically prints on all ActivReporter financial reports.
  10. Enter the SQL Server instance where the company database will reside.
  11. Enter the Database name for the company. The naming convention for companies is to use the name of the Dynamics GP company database with "-Activ" appended.
  12. In the Control field, select how to create the database login and password for the company database. The login you set up here becomes the company database owner and is used by all ActivReporter users to connect to the company database. Your options are:
    • Automatic. Select this option to allow the wizard to create a unique SQL Server login and password for accessing the company database.

    • Manual. Select this option to specify the SQL Server login name and password yourself.
      • If you select "Manual", enter the Login and Password to use to access the company database.

  13. Click Next >.

  14. Click Next >.

  15. Leave all recommended packages selected.
  16. Click Next >. Company updates begin.

  17. Click Next >.

  18. From the Source Database dropdown, select the GP company database to use as the source of data for the ActivReporter company database you are creating.
  19. If you need to limit the amount of Great Plains historical data that is added to the ActivReporter database, select the oldest accounting year to import data for from the History drop-down list.

    Typically, all historical data for a Great Plains company is copied. However, there are legitimate reasons you may want to limit the amount of historical data that is imported. Limiting the data will:

    • Reduce seeding time.
    • Require less storage space.
    • Reduce the amount of data that financial functions have to process.

    If you do not want to limit the data imported, skip the History field.

  20. Click Next >.

  21. If you want real-time synchronization of the data when changes occur to the GP source data, ensure the Enable ActivSync for this company checkbox is marked.
  22. If Enable ActivSync is marked and you want to ensure that the ActivSync process does not conflict with the Journal Entry Update process, also ensure the Enable Sync Redundancy checkbox is marked (it is marked by default). Sync redundancy updates unposted journal entries, posted journal entries, and budget details by comparing all the values in the Great Plains company to the values in the ActivReporter company and ensuring they match.
  23. If Enable ActivSync is marked and your company has a high number of unposted entries per day in Great Plains and you do not want to include the unposted amounts in financial reports, ensure that the Sync Unposted checkbox is cleared in order to reduce the overhead in the ActivSync process. Unposted Great Plains entries are included in the seeding process and in the ActivSync process if this checkbox is marked.
  24. If you agree to allow any errors which occur during active syncing to be logged to the cloud so that AccountingWare can use the data to improve ActivReporter, leave the Log ActivSync errors checkbox marked.
  25. If the Enable ActivSync checkbox is marked, an Install button is visible to allow you to install the SQL Server Service Broker External Activator (SSBEA). (You only need to install SSBEA for the first company you configure with ActivSync.) If you do not want to enable ActivSync, clear the checkbox and skip to step 35.
    The only reason you would not want to install SSBEA would be to mirror a "point-in-time" snapshot of the Dynamics GP database in ActivReporter.
  26. Click Install. The SSBEA installation wizard starts.

  27. Click Next >.

  28. Select "I accept the terms in the license agreement", and then click Next >.

  29. Click Next >.

  30. Ensure Built-in Account is selected.
  31. Ensure "Network Service" is selected in the dropdown.

  32. Click Next >.

  33. Click Install.

  34. When the SSBEA installer completes, click Finish. You are returned to the company configuration wizard.

  35. Click Next >. The wizard proceeds to "seed" the company database from the Dynamics GP data and the data is reindexed. Seeding typically takes 10 to 15 minutes per million transaction detail lines.

  36. Click Finish to return to ActivityHD Manager.

  37. Click Start to start the Activity System.

Get started with ActivReporter

  1. Double-click the ActivReporter icon .

  2. To accept the license agreement, mark the I have read, understand and accept the terms of this agreement checkbox.
  3. Click OK. You are prompted to log in.

  4. In the Server Address field, enter or select the Windows server where the ActivReporter system database resides.
  5. From the Login dropdown, select how to authenticate your identity. Your options are:
    • Windows User. If you select this option, your Windows credentials will be used to log in. If you want to bypass the login dialog in the future, mark the Connect automatically checkbox.
    • Username and Password. If you select this option, provide your Username and Password.

  6. Click OK. ActivityHD Explorer opens.

  7. In the navigation pane, click the company name you created.

  8. In the toolbar, click to connect to the company database.
  9. Click on the company accordion menu options to expand the navigation and begin your exploration of ActivReporter.