
A rollup groups accounts together for reporting purposes. Rollups are not required, but they make designing a financial statement easier.

One or more segments and/or rollups are assigned to a rollup. Each rollup contains one or more rollup items which in turn are defined by the segment items and/or rollup items or combinations they include. Rollup items typically represent lines on a financial statement. When you create rollups, try to combine the fewest number of segments and/or rollups possible.

Rollup assignments can be made in a couple of ways. You can directly assign a rollup on accounts, segments, or rollups. Or you can create rules to define which segments and/or rollups belong to a rollup.


ActivReporter includes several pre-built rollups for your convenience. Built-in rollups allow only minor changes and cannot be deleted. You can also create user-defined rollups, using the built-ins as your guide, or you can "go rogue".

Create a rollup

  1. In the Navigation pane, highlight the ActivReporter > Setup > Rollups folder.
  2. Click . The New Rollup window opens.

  3. Enter a unique Name for the rollup. You can use up to 20 characters.


    While spaces are allowed in rollup names, AccountingWare does not recommend it due to the complexities it introduces to designing financial statements.

  4. Enter the Plural Name for the rollup. The plural name is used as the label for the rollup's folder in the navigation tree.
  5. In the Size field, enter the maximum length for rollup item codes. Valid values are between 1 and 12.
  6. Select the Data Type to allow for rollup items. Your options are:
    • Alphanumeric. Numbers, letters, and miscellaneous characters are allowed.


      Reserved characters cannot be used in codes. These include asterisk (*), underscore (_), percent (%), and question mark (?).

    • Numeric. Only numbers are allowed.
  7. From the Financial Type drop-down list, select the type of financial to which the rollup applies. The financial type is used in conjunction with the AcctType rollup to assess the health of rollups. Valid options are:
    • <blank>
    • Balance Sheet
    • Income Statement
  8. In the Assignment section, select how to define rollups. Your options are:
    • Direct on. If you select this option, rollups are defined by direct assignment on the account, segment, or rollup. Rollup item references can be edited directly. From the drop-down list, select "Account", a segment name, or a rollup name. If you want to require users to provide a default item to use when a reference is currently blank, mark the Required checkbox. Users will be prompted to provide a value either when activating a rollup or when saving an active rollup.
    • Rules for. If you select this option, rollups are defined the "traditional way" using assignment rules. Assignment rules determine which accounts an item is assigned to. Click in the Rules for field to open the Assigned Segments and Rollups dialog.

      To select segments and/or rollups for assignment:

      1. In the Available list box, highlight the segments and/or rollups to assign to this rollup, then click to move your selections to the Assigned list box. You can use Ctrl and/or Shift selection to select multiple segments and/or rollups.
      2. If you assigned multiple segments and/or rollups and need to change their order, use and to arrange them in the desired order.
  9. If you selected "Rules for" in the Assignment section, the Rule Options field is enabled. Select how to formulate assignment rules. Your options are:
    • Allow Masks and Ranges. As indicated, this method is flexible and requires less maintenance since as new accounts are added, they are automatically included in the rollup if they match the mask or fall in the specified range.
    • Specify Items Only. While specifying items for a rollup explicitly requires you to list all valid combinations of items and to keep the list up-to-date, the benefit is better performance.
  10. Save the new rollup.

Check a rollup for ambiguity

Before you activate a rollup, you can check it for ambiguity.

  1. In the Navigation pane, highlight the ActivReporter > Setup > Rollups folder.
  2. In the HD view, locate and highlight the rollup you want to check. You can only check inactive rollups.
  3. Click . ActivReporter notifies you of the result.
  4. If no ambiguities are found, you are notified that no ambiguities were detected. Click OK to close the message. You now can activate the rollup if desired.

    If ambiguities are found, the Rollup Items Ambiguous Check dialog opens. Use the dialog to resolve conflicts in the rollup item rules.

Resolve rule conflicts with the Rollup Items Ambiguous Check dialog

Activate a rollup

A few things to keep in mind when activating a rollup:

  • You cannot change the segments and rollups on an active rollup. To make changes, deactivate the rollup first.
  • Active rollups cannot be deleted. If you need to delete a rollup, first deactivate it, then delete it.
  • A rollup cannot roll up another rollup that directly or indirectly rolls up this rollup.


    If A rolls up B, then B cannot roll up A.

    If A rolls up B and B rolls up C, then C cannot roll up A.

  • A rollup cannot be activated if any rollup it rolls up is inactive. To activate a rollup with inactive rollups, first activate the rollups that it rolls up. (Say that five times fast!)

To activate a rollup:

  1. In the Navigation pane, highlight the ActivReporter > Setup > Rollups folder.
  2. In the HD view, highlight the inactive rollup to activate.
  3. Click . ActivReporter prompts you to confirm activation.

  4. Click OK. ActivReporter activates the rollup.

Deactivate a rollup

Deactivating a rollup is an alternative to deleting it. You must deactivate a rollup to delete it, but deletion is not necessary.

Keep in mind that a rollup cannot be deactivated if it is currently rolled up by an active rollup.

To deactivate a rollup:

  1. In the Navigation pane, highlight the ActivReporter > Setup > Rollups folder.
  2. In the HD view, highlight the active rollup to deactivate.
  3. Click . ActivReporter advises you which rollup you are deactivating and prompts you to confirm the action.

  4. Click OK. ActivReporter deactivates the rollup.

Resize a rollup's rollup items

Resizing user-defined rollup items is part of the tremendous flexibility of ActivReporter. Instead of deleting the rollup that needs its rollup items resized and creating a new rollup, you can simply increase or decrease the size of the rollup items.

To resize rollup items for a rollup:

  1. In the Navigation pane, highlight the ActivReporter > Setup > Rollups folder.
  2. In the HD view, highlight the user-defined rollup to resize rollup items for.
  3. Click . The Resize Rollup Items pop-up window opens.

  4. In the New Size field, enter the new length for the rollup items.
  5. If you are increasing the size of the rollup items, the next field is labeled "Expand On". If you are decreasing the size, the field is labeled "Truncate On". Select the side of the field to expand or truncate. Your options are:
    • Right
    • Left

  6. If you are increasing the rollup item size, the Pad String field is enabled. Enter the number(s), alphabetic character(s), or space(s) to use in the pad string. Enter one character per new position in the rollup. If you leave this field blank, 0 will be used.
  7. Click OK to resize the rollup items.

Delete a rollup


You cannot delete a built-in rollup, an active rollup, or a rollup that is currently rolled up.


Rather than deleting a rollup, consider deactivating it.

  1. If the rollup is currently active, deactivate it.
  2. In the Navigation pane, highlight the ActivReporter > Setup > Rollups folder.
  3. In the HD view, select the inactive rollup to delete.
  4. In the toolbar, click . ActivReporter prompts you to confirm that you want to delete the rollup.

  5. Click Delete.

    If the rollup has no rollup items and no references, ActivReporter deletes the rollup.

    If, on the other hand, the rollup has rollup items, ActivReporter warns you that deleting the rollup will result in rollup items being deleted as well. As Jedi master Yoda would say, "Do. Or do not. There is no try."

    If you want to delete the rollup despite the consequences, click OK.

Built-in rollups

ActivReporter includes five built-in rollups to simplify the financial design process:

  • GP Account Type. Contains a rollup item for each GP category with an account type of posting account or unit account.

  • GP Balance Sheet. Contains a rollup item for each GP category assigned to an account with a GP posting type of "0" (Balance Sheet).

    Each item code is a three-digit code which represents the GP category being rolled up. Item "999" is a special item code which rolls up all GP categories assigned to accounts with a posting type of "1" (Income Statement). Except for code "999", the items for the rollup contain a single detail row which references the corresponding GP category item and posting type "0" (Balance Sheet).

  • GP Category. Contains a rollup item for each GP category.

  • GP Income Statement. Contains a rollup item for each GP category assigned to an account with a GP posting type of "1" (Profit and Loss).

    All items for the rollup contain a single detail row which references the corresponding GP category item and posting type "1" (Income Statement).

  • GP Posting Type. Contains a rollup item for each GP posting type: "0" (Balance Sheet) or "1" (Profit and Loss).

A rollup was mysteriously deactivated

Errors can occur when a new account is created which causes a rollup to be ambiguous. ActivSync automatically deactivates ambiguous rollups as well as financial views and account indexes which refer to ambiguous rollups. To proceed, resolve the ambiguity and then reactivate the rollup.


Rollups Listing


The Rollups Listing provides a list of rollups defined in the General Ledger.


For each rollup included on the report, the listing shows:

  • plural name
  • whether the rollup is active or not
  • data type
  • size.

In addition, you can include one or more of the following:

  • assigned segments
  • timestamps
  • memos
  • custom fields.

The following total appears on the report:

  • record count.

Print the report

  1. In the Navigation pane, highlight the ActivReporter > Setup > Rollups folder.
  2. Start the report set-up wizard.
    • To report on all or a filtered subset of rollups:
      1. Right-click the Rollups folder and select Select and Report > Rollups Listing from the shortcut menu.
      2. On the Selection tab, define any filters you want to apply to the data.

    • To report on specifically selected rollups:
      1. In the HD view, select the rollups to include on the report. You can use Ctrl and/or Shift selection to select multiple records.
      2. Click .
    • To report on a particular rollup from the Rollup window:
      1. In the HD view, locate and double-click the rollup you want to report on. The Rollup window opens with the rollup loaded.
      2. Click .
  3. Select the Options tab.

  4. Mark the checkbox(es) for the additional information to include:
    • Assigned Segments
    • Timestamps
    • Memos
    • Custom Fields (only visible if custom fields are set up)
  5. Select the Output tab.
  6. In the Design field, look up and select the report design to use.
  7. In the toolbar, click the icon for the type of output you want:
    • - Provides access to two preview options.
      • Preview - Click the icon or click the drop-down arrow and select Preview from the drop-down menu to view the report in the Crystal Reports viewer.
      • Preview to PDF - Click the drop-down arrow next to the icon and select Preview to PDF to view the report in the PDF reader.
    • - Opens the Print dialog so that you can select and configure a printer and then print a paper copy of the report.
    • - Opens the Report Email dialog so that you can address and compose an email that the report will be attached to. For best results, ensure your email client is running before you attempt to send a report via email.
    • - Opens the Export Report dialog so that you can save the report to a file. File types include Crystal Reports (.rpt), PDF (.pdf), Microsoft Excel (.xls), Microsoft Word (.doc), rich text (.rtf), and XML (.xml).

Data extensions

The following data extension is available for the report:

  • Rollups



Report Email dialog

The email account from which to send the email. Valid options are:
  • Windows user default account. Sends email using the user's Windows default email account. For most users, this is the account configured in Outlook or another email client application.
  • Server personal. Sends email using the email configuration for the system or company server and the email address on the current user's authorized user record. The authorized user record must have a confirmed email address.
  • Server generic. Sends email using the email configuration and "from" address for the system or company server. This option requires "Send generic" access to the Server Email resource.
The email address(es) to which to send the email. Separate email addresses with semi-colons.
The email addresses to copy on the email. Separate email addresses with semi-colons.
The email addresses to blind copy on the email. Separate email addresses with semi-colons.
The subject line.
Text box
The body of the email.